研究生: |
韋欣 Welch, Christine |
論文名稱: |
以平埔族女祭司為例 Gendered Representations of the Other in Seventeenth Century Taiwanese Travel Journals |
指導教授: | 許俊雅 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
國文學系 Department of Chinese |
論文出版年: | 2016 |
畢業學年度: | 104 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 120 |
中文關鍵詞: | 遊記 、性別 、異己 、再現 、平埔族 、女祭司 |
英文關鍵詞: | travel literature, gender, the Other, shaman, priestess, 17th Century Taiwan |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202205093 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:290 下載:31 |
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因為殖民統治者一律都俱有父權社會文化背景,其面對臺灣原住民複雜多樣的社會組織時,其性別書寫免不了顯得與現實有差距,充滿強烈的父權意識形態。不論是明清中國文人的遊記、荷蘭 VOC 牧師或長官的書信、德國、蘇格蘭、法國遊人日記,甚至西班牙神父留下的報告,即使語言、文化很不同,在其再呈現「異己」之書寫當中,其共同父權觀念使得態度與性別規範非常雷同。
本論文以東方主義以及性別學理論為基礎。Louisa Schein 「內部東方主義」(internal orientalism)的觀念,非常適用於十七世紀臺灣文學的分析,因為歐洲和中國掌權者對邊疆領域,都將此地「再現」為奇異、不文明或野蠻。女性是另外一種「異己」。在父權社會中,女性是附屬的,女性被界定為男性的附屬品,在社會與政治上扮演的只是配角,被男性「主體」定義為「異己」。然而 Joan Scott 提供了一種文學理論架構,概括如何去探討文學當中的性別政治,並以四種面向進行探析:文化、哲學、神話、宗教等象徵系統如何「再現」性別圖像 (representations)、性別規範 (normative concepts)、社會機關與關係 (societal structures) 以及主體性 (subjectivity),也就是女男如何自我詮釋。
透過遊記作者意識形態、思想體系以及文化背景的分析,十七世紀臺灣文獻之書寫策略顯得更加鮮明。平埔族女祭司被再現為「巫婆」、「老婦人」、如古希臘般「預言家」及中國傳說之「狐狸精」。雖然男性作者的「再現」方式極為負面,文獻當中也存在著「強大女人」的形象,可證明平埔族女祭司在村落中是重要的領導人。本論文對平埔族性別政治進行分析,歸納出十七世紀臺灣遊記與旅遊文學當中,男女之間的權利關係與性別規範。筆者也希望可以挖掘女祭司之主體性 (subjectivity),探討平埔族女性當時如何自我詮釋。十七世紀父權社會之外來男性作者如何形容「終極異己」平埔族女性?其書寫當中,仍存平埔族女祭司之主體性嗎?透過福柯權利理論,再加上 Judith Butler「性別為表演」說,筆者希望理解福爾摩沙「薩滿」文學再現以及挖掘其如何自我詮釋。
The seventeenth century was globally a period of rapid change, and the South Asian island Taiwan, or Formosa, was no exception. The island saw a succession of conquerers and colonizers, Spanish, Dutch, and Chinese, all within the span of one hundred years. The writings still existent, written by the male power holders of the time, are images of "the Other,” frozen in time and reproduced in the genres of fu, the travel journal, travelogue, Chinese youji, letters, local gazetteers, and other historical documents.
Since these upper class male leaders were all members of patriarchal societies, yet the aborigine societies which they faced and conquered were a mixture of matriarchal, matrilineal, and patriarchal societies with vastly different definitions of gender and gender roles, it might come as no surprise that "the Other" represented in their writings is a confused picture, infused with layers of patriarchal ideology and value judgements. From the Ming writings of Chen Di "Dong Fan Ji," to the De Dagregisters, official documents and records kept by the Dutch, to unofficial travel accounts kept by VOC employees of various nationalities, writing during the Ming Zheng period, Shen Guangwen's "Taiwan Fu," to the Small Sea Travel Diaries, written by Yu Yonghe—although written in different languages and from different cultural perspectives, seventeenth century Taiwanese literature portrayed gender in interestingly similar ways, with many shared normative concepts due to the shared cultural patriarchal system of the authors.
This paper is grounded in the theories of orientalist and gender studies. Louisa Schein's theories of internal orientalism are very useful in this context, because European and Chinese power holders similarly portrayed "the Other" as exotic, uncivilized, or savage, simultaneously sharing a confused notion of cultural relativism. The female is the ultimate “Other." In patriarchal societies a woman is defined with reference to the man, and is therefore merely an inessential supporting actor, defined by the male subject. Joan Scott's contribution to the field of gender studies has been a theoretical framework upon which to model gender studies of literature, dividing one's analysis into four basic areas, symbolic gendered representations, drawn from religion, mythology, philosophy, legend, etc., normative concepts, social structures, and subjective identities.
Through the lens of the different ideologies of the travel journal authors—Catholicism, Protestantism, Confucianism—different rhetorical strategies become evident. Female Pingpu aborigines were represented as witches, “old wives,” priestesses akin to the Greek tradition, and even similar to Chinese “fox spirits,” imbued with evil power, bewitching the minds of their community members. Although many of these representations were negative in tone, the very existence of the “powerful female” trope in the writings of the patriarchal authors is proof that the Pingpu priestesses were leaders in their communities. Through a detailed analysis of the gender politics represented in these foreign journals and letters, this paper hopes to rediscover some measure of Pingpu female subjectivity, which was almost completely destroyed during the colonial period. Using the theories of power developed by Foucault, in addition to theories of the performativity of gender advanced by Judith Butler, this thesis seeks to understand both the literary representation of female Formosan shamans, and to excavate their subjectivity buried in this foreign prose.
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