研究生: |
陳國儒 Kuo-Ju Chen |
論文名稱: |
利用組合式化學法發展白光發光二極體 Development of Phosphors for White Light-Emitting Diodes through Combinatorial Chemistry approach |
指導教授: |
Hu, Shu-Fen 李敏鴻 Lee, Min-Hung |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
光電工程研究所 Graduate Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering |
論文出版年: | 2010 |
畢業學年度: | 98 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 119 |
中文關鍵詞: | 螢光粉 |
英文關鍵詞: | phosphor |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:277 下載:0 |
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查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報 |
1996年,日本日亞化學公司以藍光晶片搭配黃色螢光粉而研發成功白光發光二極體,其優點為體積小、發熱量低、壽命長、節能等,足以取代傳統燈源。發光效率已由2005年60 lm/W至2010年150 lm/W,未來將成為二十一世紀照明新光源。近年來,白光發光二極體發展日新月異,藍光晶片搭配黃色螢光粉為目前較成熟技術,但仍有藍光轉換效率不佳、演色性低、色溫偏高等問題。有鑑於此,紫外光發光二極體(UV-LED)搭配紅色、綠色與藍色三色螢光粉組合之白光將具高發光效率以及高演色性,為未來主要趨勢。
(Y, Gd)VO4系列之螢光粉,摻雜Bi3+離子與Eu3+離子為發光中心,其目的為初步篩選與快速優化。其後利用固態反應法製備(Y, Gd)VO4系列之螢光粉,目的為驗證組合式化學合成之成果,並進一步進行發光特性與能量轉移機制探討。
In 1996, the first white light-emitting diode (WLED) was developed by Nichia Chemical Company, Japan. The advantages of WLED are small size, lower heat generation, long lifetimes and many more favorable properties. The conventional lamp could be replaced by WLED. The luminous efficiency has been improved by 60 lm/W in 2005 to 150 lm/W in 2010. WLED will become the newest lighting source in twenty-first century. However, the above mentioned strategy of white light generation faces serious problems such as low conversion of blue LED, low color rendering index, high color temperature and so on. For this reason, UV excitable phosphors have attracted much attention to improve the drawbacks. UV-LED fitted with three phosphors emitting blue, red and green, this type offers superior color uniformity with a high color rendering index and excellent quality of light.
The aim of this study is to focus on UV excitable phosphate which has high luminous efficiency and high stability. The work is to use the combinatorial chemistry to develop (Y,Gd)VO4 phosphor. The host matrixes were doped with different rare earth elements such as Bi3+ ions and Eu3+ ions. The purposes of combinatorial chemistry approach are initial -selected and fast- optimize. In order to verify the results in combinatorial chemistry approach, using the solid-state reaction to synthesis vanadate phosphor. According to the bulk sample, they will be discussed the further luminous properties and energy transfer mechanism.
Finally, a practical white LED lamp has been prepared from an optimal (Y0.956Bi0.040Eu0.004)VO4 phosphor and a commercially available blue phosphor of Sr3MgSiO8:Eu2+ (3128) which lead to obtain the color rendering index (Ra) up to 90.3.
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