研究生: |
王政茹 Cheng-Ju Wang |
論文名稱: |
亞斯伯格青少年自我概念之生命故事敘說 Narrative Life Story of Asperger Adolescents’ Self-concept |
指導教授: |
Hu, Shin-Tzu |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
特殊教育學系 Department of Special Education |
論文出版年: | 2008 |
畢業學年度: | 96 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 282 |
中文關鍵詞: | 亞斯伯格青少年 、自我概念 、生命故事敘說 |
英文關鍵詞: | Asperger adolescents, self-concept, narrative life story |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:430 下載:160 |
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Narrative Life Story of Asperger Adolescents’ Self-concept
This study is based on qualitative method. Two Asperger adolescents Andy and Kevin participated in this study and told their life stories – from current lives in high schools and together with their mothers, traced backwards into past. At the end, both of them shared their hopes and expectations in the future. Researcher established their complete self-concepts by participating their lives, observing their behaviors, in-depth discussions, collecting related documentations, understanding their life stories and studying their inner worlds.
Quite different from lives in elementary and junior high school, Andy and Kevin’s high school lives now are more positive, and more assistance are received from their teachers and classmates. Even though Asperger’s Syndrome still affected their family and school lives, two of them are more positive and better accepted now. They also have dreams for their future. Understood and supported by family members and their teachers, they work ward towards their goals.
Looking backwards to their life stories, Researcher found Andy and Kevin were both only diagnosed to have “Asperger’s Syndrome” when they were in junior high school. “Asperger’s Syndrome”, however, appeared as early as two or three years old. The syndrome had affected their school and family lives a lot because the Asperger’s syndromes included problems in interaction with others, emotion control and expression, language and communication differences, special interests etc. which made them humiliating targets by their classmates and teachers, which also resulted different degrees of influences mentally and physically. Fortunately their parents were very supported and well accepted to their strengths. They aggressively and optimistic faced “Asperger’s Syndrome”. They gave Andy and Kevin more opportunity and time and allowed them to accept their own particularities so as to recover from past experiences.
This study discusses the self-concept of Asperger adolescents as a whole from four aspects. Andy spoke briefly and his emotion and behaviors were more direct. Because the confirmation and acceptance from others, his schoolwork, emotion, social self-concept development and confidence reflected directly in his paintings. On the other hand, Kevin spoke with fervor and assurance. He however, showed inner anxiety that was quite different compared with his outward appearance. He had great expectation for himself so he was under a great pressure, resulted in a negative effect to his school, social and emotional self-concept. With others encouragement, support and assistance, both Kevin and Andy showed steadily progress. Kevin and Andy were particularly self-confident with their outward appearance, which also matched their self-concept as a whole.
Finally, Researcher shared thoughts from Asperger adolescents with readers. Based on the result of this study, researcher proposes recommendations to teachers, competent authority of education department and for the purpose of future study.
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