研究生: |
陳盈如 Chen, Ying-Ju |
論文名稱: |
素食傾向者與非素食者食物選擇動機因素探討之研究 Food Choice Factors among Pro-vegetarian Individuals and Non-vegetarians |
指導教授: |
Fang, Wei-Ta |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
環境教育研究所 Graduate Institute of Environmental Education |
論文出版年: | 2020 |
畢業學年度: | 108 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 139 |
中文關鍵詞: | 素食推廣 、食物選擇 、飲食行為動機 |
英文關鍵詞: | Vegetarian promotion, Food choice, Eating behavior motivation |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000077 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:479 下載:1 |
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聯合國環境規劃署(United Nations Environment Programme, UNEP)(2010)指出由於人口成長而增加動物製品的消耗,農畜業對地球的衝擊更加鉅大,全世界大幅改變飲食—遠離動物產品,可望降低對地球的衝擊。然而飲食習慣難以改變,且為各種不同的社會便因與個人心理因素影響之間的關係。因此本研究藉由瞭解行為者之動機因素,探討飲食行為和心理因素之間的關係。本研究之目的為(1)探討臺灣地區素食傾向者與非素食者之行為動機因素與其行為動機因素之差異情形;(2)探討素食傾向者與非素食者在不同人口背景變項間行為動機因素之差異。本研究利用食物選擇問卷(Food Choice Questionnaire, FCQ)與食物選擇倫理關注量表(FCQ Ethical Concern scale)作為研究工具,以網路問卷方式收集樣本資料。本研究結果顯示素食傾向者與非素食者所注重的食物選擇因素具有差異性,在素食傾向者族群中最注重的因素為健康、食物的天然含量與生態福祉;在非素食者族群中最注重的因素則為感官訴求。本研究結果也顯示不同人口背景變項,像是不同年齡、性別、學歷等人口變項在某些食物選擇動機因素上也具有顯著差異。透過本研究瞭解素食傾向者與非素食者的食物選擇動機因素之差異,可作為未來擬定推動素食行動策略時考慮之要點,使推動素食行動更加容易。倘若能使更多人們改變飲食習慣,採取素食行動,將有助於解決環境問題,以達永續發展的目標。
Vegetarianism has emerged in recent years, and vegetarian population has grown. The United Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)(2009)pointed out that the impacts from agriculture are expected to increase substantially due to population growth and increasing consumption of animal products. A substantial reduction of impacts would only be possible with a substantial worldwide diet change, away from animal products. However, vegetarian diet is a dietary habit, and eating habits are difficult to be changed. Understanding the motives of adopring a vegetarian diet may facilitate to promotion of vegetarianism in the future to solve the environmental problems. The purpose of this study are:(1)understand the differences between behavioral motives of pro-vegetarian individuals and non-vegetarian in Taiwan;(2)to compare the influence of different background factors on pro-vegetarian individuals and non-vegetarian. This study used Food Choice Process Model, and used the Food Choice Questionnaire(FCQ)and the FCQ Ethical Concern scale as a research tools. The sample data collected by online questionnaire. The results of this study show that there are differences in the food choice factors that vegetarian and non-vegetarians focus on. The most important food choice factors among vegetarian-oriented are health, natural content, and ecological welfare. The most important food choice factors among non-vegetarian groups is sensory appeal. The results of this study also show that different population backgrounds such as demographic variables as age, gender, and education, are significant by differences of food choice factors.This study aimes to understand the differences in the motivational factors of food choice between pro-vegetarian individuals and non-vegetarians. It can be used as a key point in the future to develop a strategy for promoting vegetarian action, making it easier to promote vegetarian action. If more people change their eating habits and take vegetarian actions, it will solve environmental problems and achieve the goal of sustainable development.
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