研究生: |
沈靜濤 Ching-Tao Shen |
論文名稱: |
教師專業發展評鑑與專業學習社群之個案研究 A case study of Teacher evaluation for professional development and professional learning communities |
指導教授: | 潘慧玲 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育學系 Department of Education |
論文出版年: | 2009 |
畢業學年度: | 97 |
論文頁數: | 166 |
中文關鍵詞: | 教師評鑑 、教師專業發展 、教師專業發展評鑑 、專業學習社群 |
英文關鍵詞: | teacher evaluation, teacher professional development, teacher evalua tion for professional development, professional learning community |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:466 下載:93 |
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一、 依循政策指引與掌握學校既有的條件與參與經驗,是太陽國中試辦教師專業發展評鑑的背景與推動方式。
二、 領域本位的規劃與實施,是太陽國中形成教師專業發展評鑑目標、修訂評鑑規準與運用評鑑結果的方式。
三、 太陽國中的專業學習社群歷經了初始階段的「對話」與「分享」,以及執行階段的「行動」與「實踐」。
四、 「領導作為」、「社群願景」以及「團隊合作方式」為太陽國中專業學習社群演進歷程所呈現的共同特性。
(一) 支持與分享的領導作為,是學校中專業學習社群各演進階段的特性。
(二) 社群願景的形塑,是專業學習社群執行階段的特性,而團隊合作方式則是貫串各演進階段的特性。
The purpose of this study is to understand the promotion of the trial teacher evaluation for professional development through investigating the professional learn ing communities of each learning area in a secondary school. Furthermore, based on Fullan’s stage theory of school change which is cited by Huffman, this study analyzes the process and the characteristic of professional learning communities in each learn ing area of this case school to explore the growth of professional learning communities in the progress of teacher evaluation for professional development.
Research methods of documentary analysis, observation and interview are adopt ed in this study, and besides, the findings and results are revealed from the examin ation and cross-analysis among the collected data. The conclusions of this study are as the following:
a.The context and the trial way to put teacher evaluation for professional development into practice to follow the policy directions and grasp the conditions and given experiences of the Solar Junior High School
b.The planning and implementation of the area-based is the way of forming the evaluation objective of teacher professional development, revising the evaluation regulation and applying evaluation results in the Solar Junior High School.
c.The professional learning community of Solar Junior High School has gone through the "Dialogue" and "Sharing" in the initial phase, as well as the "Action" and "Practice" in the implementation phase.
d.The leadership style, community vision and team cooperation are the supporting conditions and feasibility characteristic of professional learning communities.
(a)The supportive and sharing leadership styles are the supporting conditions of professional learning communities.
(b)The shape of the community vision is the feasibility characteristic of the professional learning communities, while team cooperation serves as the core characteristic factor for the overall progress of professional learning communities.
Based on the conclusions above, the suggestions of this study for the education administration authorities, school administration, primary school teachers and future researches are proposed as below:
a.The suggestions on school administration
(a)Develop the professional leaderships of the leaders to strengthen school’s profess ional learning communities.
(b)Offer more opportunities for teachers to participate in school affairs to improve th eir identification of evaluations.
b.The suggestions on school teachers participate in teacher evaluation for professional devel opment.
(a)Accept teacher evaluation for professional development to deepen teachers’ profes sional learning communities.
(b)Take advantage of the influences of professional learning communities to promote teacher evaluation for professional development
c.The suggestions on future researches
(a)Engage in empirical studies focused on professional learning communities in scho ols.
(b)Make the further investigations into the influences on schools’ professional learnin g communities while promoting teacher evaluation for professional development formally.
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