研究生: |
李彥徵 Li, Yan-Jheng |
論文名稱: |
基督宗教取向寬恕諮商團體對有人際傷害的基督徒在寬恕意圖、寬恕感受與靈性健康之影響 The Effects of Christian-Oriented Forgiveness Counseling Group on Decisional Forgiveness, Emotional Forgiveness, Spiritual Healthy in Christians Suffering Interpersonal Offense |
指導教授: |
Chen, Ping-Hwa 林世華 Lin, Sieh-Hwa |
口試委員: |
Chen, Ping-Hwa 林世華 Lin, Sieh-Hwa 潘正德 Pan, Jen-Der 林蔚芳 Lin, Wei-Fang 蔡秀玲 Tsai, Shiou-Ling 伍育英 Wu, Yu-Yin |
口試日期: | 2022/11/30 |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
論文出版年: | 2023 |
畢業學年度: | 111 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 348 |
中文關鍵詞: | 人際傷害 、寬恕意圖 、寬恕感受 、基督宗教取向寬恕諮商團體 、靈性健康 |
英文關鍵詞: | interpersonal injury, decisional forgiveness, emotional forgiveness, Christian-Based forgiveness counseling group, spiritual health |
研究方法: | 準實驗設計法 、 主題分析 、 半結構式訪談法 、 混合研究 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300163 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:295 下載:14 |
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本研究旨在探討基督宗教取向寬恕諮商團體對有人際傷害的基督徒在寬恕意 圖、寬恕感受和靈性健康上的介入效果。研究採用混合研究設計,欲探究接受寬 恕團體的基督徒受試,在寬恕意圖、寬恕感受和靈性健康上是否有介入效果。量 化研究採非隨機多因子重複測量實驗設計,將 18 名受試者分成實驗組和控制組各 9 人,針對實驗組進行 8 次寬恕諮商團體的實驗操作,控制組則沒有安排任何介 入處理。研究者採用由研究者修訂之寬恕量表中文版,包含決定性寬恕量表與情 緒性寬恕量表,以及使用研究者與研究團隊自編的靈性健康量表,作為對基督徒 寬恕意圖、寬恕感受、與靈性健康的測量,並將團體前、第 3 次團體、第 6 次團 體以及第 8 次團體所蒐集到的資料,進行重複量數變異數分析,以驗證接受寬恕 團體的介入,實驗組在寬恕意圖、寬恕感受、以及靈性健康三份量表上的得分是 否顯著高於控制組。團體結束後研究者對 9 位實驗組成員進行個別訪談,並以主 題分析法作為文本分析的方法,以發現寬恕團體對於促進參加成員在寬恕和靈性 健康的幫助以及出現的團體療效因子。主要研究發現如下:在寬恕意圖量表,統 計上未顯現明顯介入效果,但由主題分析結果發現寬恕團體對成員在寬恕意圖的 促進有助益,共有「以寬恕回應傷害」、「越過阻礙,再去寬恕」、「送出寬恕 的禮物」三個主題。在寬恕感受量表,統計上未顯現明顯介入效果,但由主題分 析結果發現寬恕團體有助成員轉化寬恕感受,共有「轉化不寬恕的情緒」、「經 歷寬恕中的憐憫與自由」兩個主題。在靈性健康量表,統計上顯現明顯介入效果。 主題分析結果發現寬恕團體有助於增進成員的靈性健康,共有「覺察神在教會與 生活中的醫治工作預備與顯明」、「反省沉浸於受傷中對自己對人及對神關係的 傷害」、「透過團體產生新的眼光與更新」、「在團體中增加對神的體會及與神 連結的渴望」、「體會到要在個人與神及教會的關係中去實踐寬恕」五個主題。 透過主題分析,發現團體在促進其寬恕和靈性健康上的團體療效因子,共有「在團體中成員彼此相愛促進寬恕的展開」、「團體以寬恕為目標,成員經歷寬恕的歷程及對神的依靠」、「團體成為一個退省的時空,成員得以省察自己且生命成長」、「團體體驗性的學習帶出成員對寬恕的反思和行動」、「團體中彼此真實的團契引發共鳴與注入改變的動力」五個主題。
Past literatures revealed that the forgiveness brought positive influences on mental health. The researcher designed a Christian-Based Forgiveness Counseling Group for group intervention to benefit Christians suffered from interpersonal offense. The purpose of the research was to investigate the effects of the Christian-based forgiveness counseling group on decisional forgiveness, emotional forgiveness, and spiritual health for Christians suffered from interpersonal offense. The researcher hypothesized the forgiveness counseling group interventions enhanced group members’ decisional forgiveness, emotional forgiveness, and spiritual health.
The researcher employed the mixed-methods which were consist of the quantitative research adopting the non-randomized multi-factor repeated measured experimental design and the qualitative research method. 18 Christians suffered from interpersonal offense were recruited and then assigned each of 9 subjects into the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group received eight forgiveness counseling group sessions for treatment. The control group received no treatment. This research adopted both the Decisional Forgiveness Scale and the Emotional Forgiveness Scale Chinese version revised by the researcher, and the Spiritual Health Scale developed by the researcher and the research team, to assess the treatment effects of the forgiveness counseling group. Data were collected from the third, the sixth, and the eighth group session and were analyzed with repeated measured ANOVA. The semi-structured in-depth interview was conducted for each of the nine experimental group members. The interview data were transcribed and analyzed by thematic analysis method. The main findings were listed above: (1) The finding showed no statistically significant effect on decisional forgiveness of the counseling group interventions. However, three themes were emerged from the thematic analysis, including (a) responding forgiveness to interpersonal injury, (b) overcoming obstacles for continuing forgiveness, and (c) giving the gift of forgiveness. The results showed the helpfulness of the group intervention to the members’ decisional forgiveness. (2) The finding showed no statistically significant effect on emotional forgiveness of the group intervention. However, two themes were emerged including (a) transforming unforgiven emotions, and (b) experiencing freedom and compassion in forgiveness. The results showed the helpfulness of the group intervention to the members’ emotional forgiveness. (3) The finding showed the statistically significant effect on spiritual health of the group intervention. Five themes were resulted from the thematic analysis including (a) being conscious of God's healing and preparation in church and daily life, (b) reflecting the negative consequences of indulging self in the interpersonal offense, (c) viewing injury from a renewed perspective, (d) knowing God more and enhancing the desire of making deeper connection with God, and (e) practicing forgiveness within self, with God and within church. The results showed the helpfulness of the group intervention to the members’ spiritual health. (4) The thematic analysis results revealed following group facilitating factors: (a) showing love for each other in the forgiveness group; (b) setting the goal of forgiveness and members experiencing forgiveness and the power of relying on God among group members; (c) the counseling group provided a retreat space for members reflecting and growing; (d) experiential learning experiences brought self- reflection and action taking of forgiveness; (e) the sincere fellowship relationship resonated and motivated each other to change.
Based on the above results, the researcher further made further discussions dialoguing with past literatures. In conclusions, although the quantitative method findings only showed partly statistically significant effects of the forgiveness group intervention, the qualitative reasearch findings revealed both the group facilitating factors and the helpfulness of the group intervention from the group member’s perspective. The limitation of the research, the suggestion of future research, and the implications for application were proposed at the end.
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