研究生: |
朱玨茹 Jyue-Ju Chu |
論文名稱: |
臺北市高中職學生對籃球運動的熱情與涉入之研究 A Study of Taipei high school students’ passion and involvement for basketball |
指導教授: |
Chu, Wen-Tseng |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
運動休閒與餐旅管理研究所 Graduate Institute of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management |
論文出版年: | 2012 |
畢業學年度: | 100 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 185 |
中文關鍵詞: | 高中職學生 、熱情 、涉入 、籃球運動 |
英文關鍵詞: | senior and vocational high school students, passion, involvement, basketball activities |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:410 下載:18 |
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本研究探討高中職校籃球社團學生與具籃球專項運動績優 (含體育班) 學生對籃球運動的熱情與涉入之程度。採問卷調查法,調查臺北市高中職校369名籃球社團學生及302名具籃球專項的運動績優 (含體育班) 學生,並於2012年4月期間進行資料蒐集。問卷量表參考Vallerand等 (2003) 及李炯煌等 (2007) 中文版熱情量表與McIntrye (1989) 涉入量表編製而成。研究結果發現,第一,籃球社團學生與具籃球專項的運動績優生對籃球運動均呈現中高程度熱情,且以調和式熱情高於強迫式熱情,故高中生對籃球運動的熱情傾向調和式熱情。第二,不論何種模式與構面,運動績優生對籃球運動的熱情均高於社團學生。第三,社團學生與運動績優生對籃球運動均呈現中高程度的涉入現況,且「吸引力」高於「中心性」高於「自我表現」,又以運動績優生對籃球運動的涉入高於社團學生。第四,社團學生與運動績優生,在不同性別與攻守置對籃球運動的熱情與涉入均有顯著差異存在。第五,社團學生與運動績優生對籃球運動的熱情與涉入之間是具有相關且正向直接的影響。
The purpose of the research is to investigate the passion and involvement of playing basketball between the basketball association students and the sportily talented students for basketball (including physical education classes) in senior high school. The research is performed by using questionnaires. The data are collected by surveying three hundred sixty nine basketball association students and three hundred and two sportily talented students for basketball (including physical education classes) in senior high school during April 2012. The scale is a developed research instrument by referring to the Vallerand (2003) and Chiung-Huang Li (2007) passion scale in Chinese edition and the McIntrye (1989) involvement scale. The research results lead to five conclusions. First, they show a medium to high level of passion on basketball activities between the basketball association students and the sportily talented students for basketball. Both groups have more harmonious passion than obsessive passion. Therefore, high school students tend to be more harmonious passion on basketball activities. Secondly, no matter what model or perspective is, the passion on basketball activities of sportily talented students for basketball is higher than basketball association students. Thirdly, they show a medium to high level of involvement on basketball activities between the basketball association students and the sportily talented students for basketball. For involvement on basketball activities, attraction is greater than centrality and centrality is greater than self-expression for both the basketball association students and the sportily talented students for basketball. Also, the involvement on basketball activities of sportily talented students for basketball is higher than basketball association students. Fourthly, there are significant differences between different gender and basketball position in the passion and involvement of playing basketball for the basketball association students and the sportily talented students for basketball. Fifthly, a positive correlation exists between the passion and involvement on basketball activities for both basketball association students and the sportily talented students.
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