研究生: |
黃琬純 Huang, Wan-Chun |
論文名稱: |
自閉症類群障礙兼藝術才能優異青年之家庭支持系統網絡及其歷程 Family support network of art-talented adolescents with autism spectrum disorder |
指導教授: |
Kuo, Ching-Chih |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
特殊教育學系 Department of Special Education |
論文出版年: | 2016 |
畢業學年度: | 104 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 264 |
中文關鍵詞: | 自閉症類群障礙 、藝術才能優異 、青年 、家庭支持 、網絡 |
英文關鍵詞: | autism spectrum disorder, art talent, adolescent, family support, network |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202203780 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:389 下載:41 |
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The main purpose of study is to discuss the process of family system and network support art-talented adolescents with ASD, include their evaluation and feeling for family support; besides, integrating the artistic abilities and cognitive characteristics of ASD with art talents’ developments. These three art-talented adolescents with ASD and their family were selected using purposive sampling with semi-structural interview to collect information and then analyze the development by narrative research “holistic-content”.
The study results showed that the abilities and characteristics of savant artist appeared on art-talented adolescents with ASD, painting and sculpturing in particular; the talents usually be found in their childhood; they have excellence of liner perspective and three-dimensional space perception, prodigious series creations, expressionism or realism; have specific inclination for media and life experiences are the inspiration. Artistic abilities are related to cognitive characteristics for ASD with art talents. To embrace naive, hyper-systemizing, literary ability can drive painting, thinking, creativity and extended practices.
The family support system of ASD with art talents possesses parental subsystem without grandparenting. Only one family has no sibling subsystem. The interaction of ASD with art talents with parental subsystem could become a support system; with sibling subsystem, it could make a positive impact; having meal together would improve the cognition and affective communication of family members. Internal family network of ASD with art talents includes their parents, siblings and relatives. Social network consists of schools, talent enrichment curriculum by the department of special education of NTNU, tutors or day care teachers, private association, church, and friends.
When family support is sufficient but social network, it would not impact the development of art talent for adolescents with ASD. However, schools and talent enrichment curriculum by the department of special education of NTNU are important as the social network that even family support cannot instead and they also strengthen the art talent development for adolescents with ASD. Furthermore, emotional support has no gender difference.
The results demonstrated that the support processes of three families are similar, like “put emphasis on emotional venting and behavior management”, “love and respect”; “comfort and encouragement”, “as an art dealer or assistant”; “traveling or hang out”. They have their own process for each family, as “push forward alterative replacement”, “context and connections support”; as others “general education” “confront label of ASD”; “religion support”, “mother inspired the adolescents’ artistic interest” and “ease up on career”.
On the other hand, there are seven categories of the gradation: the cognition, attitude and action for special talent of parents. They had no plan on art talent for adolescents with ASD in the first place until it became an advantage for pursuing a higher education and eventually ASD with art talents have all the supports from their parents to develop the art careers. The changes of adolescents include through drawing and then brush painting; the growth and decline of art talent and characters with ASD; changes in cognitive from siblings; in relationship from mother and son; the power transfer of mother and daughter; psychological variation of mother; participative variation of father.
To sum up, active elements of talent development for adolescents with ASD are scouted by teachers and mother stands up for it; the passive elements are staying or transferring to another school. There are four potential elements for keeping up momentum of ASD with art talents: the intrinsic ability and preoccupation on art talent in adolescents, family support, enlightened by an abecedarian and social network support.
Three of Adolescents appreciated family for giving and supporting them. Especially mother, one of adolescents said that mother gives more love and encouragement. others said that they do need mother to stay with them.
The study results could be a support for ASD with art talents’ family and social network members to take as a reference and source.
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