研究生: |
何淑玫 Shu-Mei Ho |
論文名稱: |
RTI運用在國小學生閱讀障礙鑑定之研究 The Study of Using RTI in Identifying Students with Reading Disabilities in Elementary Schools |
指導教授: |
Hung, Li-Yu |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
特殊教育學系 Department of Special Education |
論文出版年: | 2014 |
畢業學年度: | 103 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 176 |
中文關鍵詞: | RTI 、RTI分組指標 、閱讀障礙類型 、鑑定 、無教學反應 |
英文關鍵詞: | responsiveness to intervention, response to intervention criteria, classification of reading disabilities, identify, non-responsiveness |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:1118 下載:74 |
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本研究目的為:(1)以閱讀障礙類型之診斷為模擬效標,鑑別「無教學反應」(non-responsiveness,NR)的RTI分組指標為何;(2)比較不同教學反應組別在智力、語文能力、需求特徵之差異。本研究對象為曾接受語文有效補救教學一年的27位新北市某校五年級學生。本研究RTI分組候選指標有三種─成長(growth)、後測水準(level)、及雙重差距(dual discrepancy)。本研究以閱讀障礙類型之診斷作為RTI候選指標之模擬效標,而模擬效標之適切性分別由閱讀障礙學生出現率、閱讀障礙各類型之比例、及診斷是閱讀障礙學生之外部效標(縣市學障鑑定)作為依據。
The purpose of this research is to:identify what the response to intervention (RTI) criteria of non-responsiveness is by utilizing the simulated validity diagnosed within classification of reading disabilities; and comparie the responsived(R) with the non-responsived(NR) groups in intelligence, basic reading skills, and special needs. There are 27 fifth-grade students participanted in this study, who attended a one-year evidenced-based literacy remedial program, in an elementary school in New Taipei City. The classifications of candidate indicators of RTI in this study are discrepant score of pretest and posttest, post-treatment level of performance, and dual discrepancy. The stimulated validity of candidate indicators of RTI in this study came from the classification of reading disabilities, and the relevance of simulated validity depending upon the prevalence of reading disability students, the ratio of types of reading disabilities, and the external validity of diagnoses of reading disability students identified by the city government.
There are three majory findings. First, the optimal RTI classification indicator is the accuracy or fluency of word recognition in norm referenced approach with -1SD cutoff. The advantages of this indicator are high sensitivity (81.3%) and accuracy (77.8%) with low false positive and false negative ratio; more important, this indicator is able to completly detect dyslexia and language learning disabilities, and the flaw of false negative can be modified via follow-up evaluation of identification.
Second, the diagnostic criteria of reading disabilities in this research is -1SD cutoff, the final results are accordance with the prevalence and the ratio of types of reading disabilities within literature reviews. Furthermore, the external validity of diagnoses of reading disability students is good.
Third, there are no significant differences between R and NR groups in intelligence test. Except the accuracy and fluency of word recognition and text, there are no significant differences in reading comprehension, listening comprehension and dictation in the two groups. Furthermore, NR group represent lower performances than R group in the characteristics of “reading influent” and “hard to comprehend abstract symbols or phrases”, whereas there is no significant difference within the two groups in these characteristics of special needs. Additionally, the R group with the characteristic of “difficult to write down a complete and clear sentence” provide a clue to avoid the neglect of the false negative students to be unidentified.
In light of the findings of the RTI operation in reading disabilities identifications, the researcher provid some suggestions for practice in schools and future research.
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