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研究生: 柯雅珍
Ya-chen Ko
論文名稱: 英語音韻處理能力對台灣國中生英文單字量的影響
The Role of Phonological Processing Abilities in the Taiwanese Seventh Graders' English Vocabulary Size
指導教授: 劉宇挺
Liu, Yeu-Ting
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 148
中文關鍵詞: 英語音韻處理能力單字量
英文關鍵詞: phonological processing abilities, vocabulary size
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:424下載:53
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  • 由於教育部課程綱要規定國中畢業生英文單字量(應用字彙1200字)與高中英文指定科目考試單字量(7390字)差異懸殊,因此,本實驗希望藉由探討國中生英文單字量與英語音韻處理能力的關係,期能提供現職國中英文教師提升國中生英文單字量的方法,以減少國中畢業生銜接高中英文龐大單字量的壓力。
    本教學研究由兩大部分組成。第一部分為測量學生的英文單字量,第二部分為測量學生的英語音韻處理能力。音韻處理能力又可分為三個能力:聲韻覺識能力、聲韻記憶能力、語音轉錄在字彙存取上的能力。因此,本實驗共包含四個測驗: 英語單字量測驗、聲韻覺識測驗、聲韻記憶測驗以及唸名速度測驗。除了單字量測驗是全班一起施測,聲韻覺識測驗、聲韻記憶測驗以及唸名速度測驗皆為一對一的個別測驗。共有五十五位來自同一國中的七年級生參與本研究。

    The English vocabulary gap between junior high and senior high education stage is huge, so students in Taiwan often find it challenging to expand their vocabulary from 1,200 words to 7,390 words. Since a vast body of research has demonstrated a positive link between vocabulary learning and phonological processing abilities, the present study intends to shed some light on the role of phonological processing abilities in the Taiwanese seventh graders’ vocabulary size.
    Specifically, phonological processing abilities consists of three subcomponents—phonological awareness, phonological short-term memory, and phonological recoding in lexical access. The current study aims to investigate 1) the correlation between the three subcomponents of phonological processing abilities and vocabulary size, 2) the relative contribution of the three subcomponents of phonological processing abilities to vocabulary size, and 3) the difference between students with high phonological processing abilities and those with low phonological processing abilities in terms of their vocabulary size. The participants were fifty-five seventh graders from two classes in the same junior high school. All participants took a battery of assessments: 1000-Word Level Test, Phonological Awareness Skills Test, Children’s Test of Nonword Repetition, and rapid letter naming and rapid object naming in Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing.
    The results of two-tailed Pearson correlation showed that all of the three subcomponents of phonological processing abilities were significantly correlated with vocabulary size at the 1000-word level. The regression analysis revealed that phonological awareness and phonological short-term memory had significant predictive power in vocabulary size, while phonological recoding in lexical access did not. In addition, the results of independent sample T-test indicated that learners with high phonological awareness and phonological short-term memory differed significantly from those with low phonological awareness and phonological short-term memory in terms of their vocabulary size. In contrast, learners with high phonological recoding in lexical access did not differ significantly from those with low phonological recoding in lexical access in terms of vocabulary size.
    Based on the present findings, phonological processing abilities, phonological awareness and phonological short-term memory in particular, played a very important role for Taiwanese junior high school students in attaining their vocabulary size.

    中文摘要 i ABSTRACT ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv TABLE OF CONTENTS vi LIST OF TABLES ix LIST OF FIGURES x CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 Background and Motivation 1 Rationale of the Study 9 Purpose of the Study 11 Significance of the Study 13 Organization of the Thesis 14 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 15 Vocabulary Size 15 Vocabulary Knowledge 15 Receptive Vocabulary Size Tests 19 Studies of Vocabulary Size Conducted in L1 and L2 Contexts 22 Phonological Processing Abilities 27 Phonological Awareness (PA) 27 Levels of Phonological Awareness 27 Assessments of Phonological Awareness 29 Relationship between Phonological Awareness and Vocabulary Learning 32 Factors Affecting the Development of Phonological Awareness in Speakers of Other Languages 34 Phonological Short-Term Memory 37 Assessments of Phonological Short-Term Memory 38 Relationship between Phonological Short-Term Memory and Vocabulary Learning 40 Phonological Recoding in Lexical Access 45 Theoretical Models of Phonological Recoding in Lexical Access 46 Assessments of Phonological Recoding in Lexical Access 49 Relationship between Phonological Recoding in Lexical Access and Vocabulary Learning 56 Summary of the Findings in the Existing Research 58 Research Questions 59 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY 61 Participants 61 Research Design and Stimuli 63 Data Analysis 75 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS 76 Correlation between Phonological Processing Abilities and Vocabulary Size 77 Relative Contribution of Phonological Processing Abilities to Vocabulary Size 80 Difference between the High Phonological Processing Abilities Groups and the Low Phonological Processing Abilities Groups in Terms of Vocabulary Size 82 Results of Questionnaire 87 Phonological Awareness and Vocabulary Development 87 Phonological Short-term Memory and Vocabulary Development 90 Phonological Recoding in Lexical Access and Vocabulary Development 91 CHAPTER FIVE DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 93 Summary of the Findings 93 Discussion of the Research Questions 97 Phonological Awareness and Vocabulary Size 97 Phonological Short-Term Memory and Vocabulary Size 98 Phonological Recoding in Lexical Access and Vocabulary Size 101 Difference between Rapid Letter Naming and Rapid Object Naming 103 Difficulty of PA Tasks 104 Phonological Awareness Training: Phonics and K.K. Phonetic Symbols 106 Pedagogical Implications 107 Limitations of the Present Study and Suggestions for Future Research 112 REFERENCES 115 APPENDIXES 133 Appendix A. Consent Form. 133 Appendix B. Language Background Questionnaire. 135 Appendix C. Test-Taker Booklet. 137 Appendix D. 1000-Word Level Test. 141 Appendix E. Phonological Awareness Skills Test (PAST). 142 Appendix F. Children’s Test of Nonword Repetition (CNRep). 147 Appendix G. Rapid Naming Tests in CTOPP. 148

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