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研究生: 陳靜嬋
Jean Chen
論文名稱: 美國委辦學校之研究
A Study of U.S. Charter Schools
指導教授: 楊思偉
Yang, Szu-Wei
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
論文出版年: 2000
畢業學年度: 88
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 329
中文關鍵詞: 委辦學校特許學校公辦民營學校本位管理績效責任家長學校選擇權變通學校學校改革
英文關鍵詞: charter schools, school choice, accountability, school site management, school autonomy, parental choice, alternative school, school reform
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:401下載:14
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  • 本研究之主要目的,在於探討美國委辦學校之基本概念,並瞭解委辦學校實施的現況及其辦學績效與影響,據以提出建議,供美國與我國教育革新之參考。

    This study attempts to expound the basic concepts of U.S. charter schools, the charter schools' development and implementation in U.S., and to explore the impact of charter schools. Based on the research findings, the recommendations are offered as the improvement for education reform in U.S and Taiwan.
    To achieve the above purposes, the research adopted the methods of literature review and interview. Firstly, through literature review, charter schools' concepts, historical development, future prospects, teaching and learning, governance, accountability, problems, etc. were discussed. Secondly, interviewing three California charter schools' administrators and the executive director of California Network of Educational Charters helped to understand the actual situation of charter school movement in California. Finally, the study collected data and conducted analyses of the impact of charter schools on student achievement and on local and state public education systems.
    The analysis of the data revealed the following main findings:
    1. Charter schools, on average, are newly created and considerably smaller than other public schools.
    2. The most common reasons for founding charter schools are to pursue an educational vision or gain autonomy.
    3. Most of charter schools exist some sort of charter council or collection of committees.
    4. Most of charter schools feel they have considerable autonomy, except over student admissions policy.
    5. A higher percentage of charter schools are monitored in school finances, student academic achievement, student attendance and compliance with state or federal regulations.
    6. The superintendent is the one most supports the establishment of charter schools in local school district.
    7. Charter schools' student academic achievements are apparently improved.
    8. Almost half of case-study districts experienced either strong or moderate impact from charter schools.
    9. The issues of resource limitations plague most of charter schools.
    10.Some of charter schools have conflicts with local and state institutions.
    11.To understand the whole effect of charter school movement is still difficult.
    12.California's charter schools converted from existing public schools can choose to reconvert to public schools.
    According to the results, suggestions about the charter school project would be offered for reference of education reform in U.S. and Taiwan:
    1.Suggestions for U.S. charter school project:
    (1)The responsibility of charter schools should be specified in regulations in order to clarify the issues of laws and finance responsibilities.
    (2)State should have an effective monitoring project, and should pay attention to less draconian steps by which a faltering charter school might be warned or healed.
    (3)When the charter agreements involve relative persons' roles, the meeting should be held to clarify the charter agreements.
    (4)Some charter schools should discuss with their districts about the suitability for using state and district's standard examinations in their many at risk students.
    (5)State should increase more of district staffs, and the districts should provide charter schools administrative support.
    (6)An amount for each unit of regular average daily attendance in the charter school should be the same with which in public school.
    (7)Multiple chartering agencies should be allowed.
    (8)The amount of charter schools should not be limited.
    (9)Charter schools' start up funds should be the same with public schools.
    (10)Charter schools should research the improvement of goals and evaluate school effects by themselves for every year or every other years.
    2.Suggestions for Taiwan education reform:
    (1)Concepts in education reform--
    a. The concept of accountability needs attention in school reform .
    b. Students and parents' opinions should get more concerns.
    c. Schools' autonomy should be emphasized.
    (2)Implementation Methods--
    a. Provide multiple school choice opportunities
    b. Provide schools the reform's incentive.
    c. Build up full school choice information system.
    (3)The policies in charter schools--
    a. Revise relative regulations and build relative systems.
    b. Expand charter schools by some ways.
    c. Emphasize school site management and provide administrative support.

    第一章 緒 論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究範圍與名詞界定 5 壹、研究範圍 5 貳、名詞界定 5 第三節 研究方法與步驟 7 壹、研究方法 7 貳、研究步驟 8 第四節 研究架構與限制 10 壹、研究架構 10 貳、研究限制 11 第二章 委辦學校的基本概念 12 第一節 委辦學校的概念與發展歷史 12 壹、委辦學校的概念 12 貳、委辦學校的緣起與發展 14 參、設立委辦學校的正反意見 21 肆、委辦學校運動與其他教育改革運動之差異性 27 第二節 委辦學校的核心概念 31 壹、績效責任的概念與起源 31 貳、家長學校選擇權的緣起與爭議 33 第三節 委辦學校在教育改革中的定位 40 壹、家長學校選擇權的一種形式 42 貳、體制變革的催化劑 44 參、全面教育改革的構成要素 47 肆、可促進個人均等 48 伍、可促進團體的均等 50 第三章 委辦學校的推動 54 第一節 委辦學校的創辦動機與特徵 54 壹、委辦學校的創辦動機 54 貳、委辦學校的基本特徵 56 參、委辦學校與公立學校之差異性 57 第二節 聯邦、州政府與學區的角色 61 壹、聯邦的角色 61 貳、州的角色 63 參、學區的角色 77 第三節 委辦學校的開辦程序 80 壹、委辦學校申請設立之概況 80 貳、委辦學校的發展步驟 81 第四節 委辦學校的教學、管理與評鑑 88 壹、委辦學校的類型 88 貳、委辦學校的教學 95 參、委辦學校的管理與獨立自主性 100 肆、委辦學校的問題與挑戰 107 伍、對委辦學校的監督與績效控制機制 113 第四章 委辦學校個案分析—以加州三所學校為例 122 第一節 加州委辦學校實施現況 122 壹、加州教育背景 123 貳、加州委辦學校實施概況 127 參、加州委辦學校特色 128 第二節 訪談研究之實施與分析 131 壹、三校概況 131 貳、訪談研究之實施 151 參、訪談結果之分析 154 第三節 訪談研究結果分析 182 第五章 委辦學校的成效與影響 188 第一節 委辦學校的績效責任問題 188 壹、委辦學校績效責任的鉅觀議題 189 貳、委辦學校績效責任的微觀議題 198 第二節 委辦學校的辦學績效 204 壹、委辦學校與處境困難學生 204 貳、委辦學校和特殊教育學生 211 參、學生的學業成績 214 肆、密西根州委辦學校成功的案例 218 第三節 委辦學校對學區及公立學校的影響 223 壹、半數學區受到委辦學校的影響 224 貳、大城市學區受到的衝擊較小 230 參、學區的反應 231 肆、促使學區改善的相關因素 238 伍、委辦學校對公立學校與教育制度的影響 242 第六章 結論與建議 246 第一節 結論 246 壹、委辦學校的內涵 246 貳、委辦學校的特色 248 參、委辦學校的問題 253 第二節 建議 256 壹、對美國委辦學校的建議 257 貳、對我國教育改革的啟示 264 參、對後續研究的建議 270 參考書目 272 附 錄 280 附錄一:加利福尼亞州委辦學校法案 280 附錄二:訪談「加州委辦教育聯網公司」之內容精要 297 附錄三:訪談聯網公司題綱 303 附錄四:訪談委辦學校題綱 306 附錄五:受訪三校與聯網公司照片簡介 312

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