研究生: |
陳玉玲 Chen Yu Ling |
論文名稱: |
國際化學奧林匹亞競賽(IChO)歷屆實作試題三大層級的界定與詮釋之的研究 |
指導教授: |
Fang, Tai-Shan |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
化學系 Department of Chemistry |
論文出版年: | 2003 |
畢業學年度: | 91 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 151 |
中文關鍵詞: | 國際化學奧林匹亞 、科學過程技能 、實作評量 |
英文關鍵詞: | IChO, Science process skills, proformance assement |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:282 下載:0 |
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1. 根據化學的專業領域將實作試題分為無機定性分析實驗、有機定性分析實驗、定量分析實驗、有機及無機化合物的合成及其他實驗此五類,其中以定量分析實驗所佔比例最高,為37%、無機定性分析實驗為22%、有機及無機化合物的合成為16%、其他實驗為14%、有機定性實驗佔11.11%。
2. 根據實作試題的限制程度、結構度等將試題分為定義清楚、定義模糊以及沒有定義三種類型。定義清楚類型試題佔83%、定義模糊類型試題佔8.5%、沒有定義類型試題佔8.5%。
3. 實作試題評量的內容以基本科學過技能為主,統整科學過技能15%。
1. 實驗組與控制組學生的統整科學過程技能未達到顯著差異(p<.05)。
2. 實驗組與控制組學生的實驗成績達到顯著差異(p<.05)。
3. 實驗組學生的實驗成績與統整科學過程技能的相關度大於控制組學生的實驗成績與統整科學過程技能的相關度。
4. 實驗組學生的實驗成績與統整科學過程技能的相關度大於上學期普化實驗學期成績與統整科學過程技能的相關度。
5. 實驗組學生的實驗成績與下操作型定義及確認變因的相關度大於控制組學生的實驗成績與下操作型定義及確認變因的相關度。
6. 實驗組學生的實驗成績與設計實驗、數據及圖型解釋及確認可驗證的假說低於控制組學生的實驗成績與設計實驗、數據及圖型解釋及確認可驗證的假說的相關度。
This research is divided into two parts. Firstly, the relationship between science process skills and types of practice tasks in 24th~34th International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO) practice tasks was explored. The results are as follows:
1. Base on the chemical system, practice tasks were divided into five types of experiments: inorganic qualitative analysis, organic qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis, synthesis of organic and inorganic compound and other else experiment. The percentage of quantitative analysis in total tasks is the highest 37%; inorganic qualitative analysis comes the next, 22%; synthesis of organic and inorganic compound is to 16%; other else experiments, 14%; and then, organic qualitative analysis, 11.11%.
2. Base on the degree of limitation and structure of practice tasks was divided into three types: clear definition, misty definition and no definition. There are nineteen practice tasks with clear definition (about 83%), two questions with misty definition (about 8.5%), two questions with no definition about (8.5%). in 24th~34th IChO
3. The basic science process skills take the mainly part in 24th~34th IChO practice tasks, but the integrated process skills only take 15%.
Secondly, research from two kind of practice types: How the practice task with clear definition and task with no definition influences the student’s achievement in performance? What is relation between student’s achievement in practice task and the integrated process skills? There are thirty-eight students who took general chemical laboratory course divided into two groups: A and B. A is the experimental group, using the examination with no definition type. B is the controlling group, using the examination with clear definition. In comparison of the score of two groups ‘ practice task with that of the integrated process skills, the results are as follows:
1. In the integrated process skills, there are no obvious differences between experimental group and controlling group. (p<.05)
2. The score of experimental group and that of controlling group is quite different each other. (p<.05).
3. The score of experimental group is more related than that of controlling group in integrated process skill.
4. The score of experimental group is more related than that of last semester’s performance of general chemical laboratory in integrated process skill.
5. The score of experimental group is more related than that of controlling group in the operational definition and the identifying variables.
6. The score of experimental group is less related than that of controlling group in experimental design、data and graph interpretation and identifying testable hypotheses.
According to the results of this work, we suggest that the country who organizes the IChO can set one practice task of compound synthesis type which can be employed to assess a student’s operational skill in experiment and another one of no definition type which can assess a student’s integrated process skill in experiment in the future. This kind of combination of practice tasks should be used with hope that the students we selected have not only highly professional knowledge in chemistry but also the ability to solve the problems in daily life. May these students do some thing outstanding in chemistry for future career.
一. 中文部份:
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