研究生: |
林美珠 |
論文名稱: |
整合式遊戲治療訓練模式之發展與訓練成效之研究:以遊戲治療新手為例 The Development and the Therapeutic Effect of the Integrated Play Therapy Training course: A Case Study of the Play Therapy Trainees |
指導教授: |
Tsai, Shung-Liang |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
論文出版年: | 2010 |
畢業學年度: | 98 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 334 |
中文關鍵詞: | 整合式遊戲治療 、遊戲治療新手 、遊戲治療自我效能 、整合式遊戲治療訓練模式 |
英文關鍵詞: | integrated play therapy, play therapy trainee, play therapy self-efficacy, the integrated play therapy training course |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:475 下載:57 |
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本研究所提出的整合式遊戲治療訓練模式,包括六天的工作坊以及十六週的團體督導。每位參與本研究的遊戲治療新手在完成工作坊的訓練後,需要進行:(1)實際與一位兒童進行整合式遊戲治療觀點的遊戲單元,並在徵得家長及兒童的同意下錄影;(2)於遊戲單元結束後需撰寫遊戲單元記錄,並接受研究者之團體督導;(3)每個月訪談兒童的家長一次;(4) 在完成整個訓練方案前、工作坊後、訓練方案進行後,均需填寫整合式遊戲治療自我效能自評表。另外,研究者在訓練方案實施前、工作坊後、以及整個訓練方案完成後,分別對遊戲治療新手進行訪談。
Two stages had been taken in the execution of this research.
Stage 1: The purpose of the research was to develop the integrated play therapy training course and the handouts for the practical guide in the therapeutic training.
Stage 2: The purpose of the research was to apply in practice the integrated play therapy training course, as well as the handouts, in carrying out the session of the integrated play therapy trainees. On the one hand, it was to examine, by means of the session, the feasibility and practicality of the integrated play therapy and thus certify the treatment effects of the integrated play therapy for children. On the other hand, it was to review the findings of both the integrated play therapy trainees and the individual researcher in the process of the supervision group and their application of the play therapy. Therefore an overall review and modification can be made in respect of the original view of the integrated play therapy and the practical guide/handouts, so as to make them more practical and acceptable.
Four integrated play therapy trainees were involved in this research. None of them had any previous experience in the learning and operating of the integrated play therapy. However, three of them had had courses in play therapy and might have acquired some experience in non-integrated play therapy. All of them were graduate school students for more than three years in psychiatric counseling.
The integrated play therapy training course as presented in this research includes a six-day workshop with sixteen-weeks of group supervision. After completing the workshop, all four of the integrated play therapy trainees had to carry out the following items:
1. To go through integrated play sessions with a child and, with the permission of the parent and the child, to video tape them and document their permission;
2. To keep a written record after completion of a play session, and to accept the group supervision of the researcher;
3. To have monthly interviews with the parents;
4. To complete a self-efficacy checklist of the effects of the integrated play therapy before, during, and after the training course, especially at the end of the six-day workshop.
In addition, the researcher individually arranged interviews with each of the play therapy trainees before, during, and after the training course, especially at the end of the six-day workshop.
The research adopted the format of the aptitude research phenomenology, analysis, and composition of the information data. To make sure that it wss in accordance with their own intentions, each participant in the research was requested to collate and revise in terms of their own personal descriptions and genealogy diagrams. All of the data were then brought through the process of transformation forming an integrated meaningful play session of statements, concept category, and present narration of the essence of the experiences. At the end the personal views of the researcher were added, and thus a discussion and an analysis in comparison with the theories were incorporated in the writing of the research report.
The essential findings of the research are as follows;
1. The integrated play therapy training course was capable of assisting play therapy trainees to improve their efficiency in the play therapy profession for children; it also reconstructs the object relations pattern of the therapy trainees themselves. However, when the trainees finished the training course, most therapy trainees fail to complete all five stages as suggested in the integrated play therapy.
2. The play sessions of integrated play therapy were capable of assisting children to improve their disturbing behavior and were capable of making their psychological growth in the play session in correspondence with all the suggested growth targets.
3. The children accepted the integrated play therapy and the trainees interviewed the children’s significant others. As a result these significant others changed their own attitudes and their ways of parenting; at the same time, the research indicated that even when no changes happen with regard to the significant others, the benefits of the integrated play therapy for the children were still valid.
4. Those in charge of the group supervision under the integrated play therapy training course were capable of becoming both the selfobject for the play therapy trainees, and assist them to become better selfobject for the children.
5. The contents of the therapeutic stages as originally presented in relation to the integrated play therapy had to be revised, and the five revised stages were:
(1) the stage of building up relationships
(2) the stage of ambivalent symbiosis
(3) the stage of therapeutic symbiosis
(4) the stage of differentiation
(5) the stage of individuation
The conclusion and the written documentation of this research had also been discussed in view of the application, development and research recommendations of the integrated play therapy training course.
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