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研究生: 丁原揚
Ding, Yuan-Yang
論文名稱: 消費者創新性與創新認知屬性影響塑膠鈔票使用意願之研究
The Effects of Consumer Innovativeness and Attribute of Innovation to Adoption Intention ─ A Case of Polymer Banknote
指導教授: 劉立行
Liu, Li-Hsing
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 圖文傳播學系
Department of Graphic Arts and Communications
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 76
中文關鍵詞: 消費者創新性創新認知屬性塑膠鈔票
英文關鍵詞: Consumer Innovativeness, Attribute of Innovation, Polymer Banknote
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202203919
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:321下載:45
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  • 根據各國的使用經驗,塑膠鈔票在防偽特性上有非常高的優勢,可以大幅降低偽鈔的數量。在使用壽命上,塑膠鈔票是紙鈔的 2.5 倍。現在全世界各國相當重視環保相關議題,而塑膠鈔票的產品生命週期長,有助於降低鈔票在製造過程所造成的污染。紙鈔已經不是目前唯一的支付方式,這代表了塑膠鈔票的發展又往前邁進了一步。本研究透過問卷調查法,共回收 339 份有效問卷,經統計分析後所得出的結論,給予政府鈔票發行單位、鈔票印製單位以及後續研究者相關的建議。這次研究的重要發現敘述如下:

    一、『消費者創新性』對於塑膠鈔票的使用意願有正面的影響,消費者創新性越 高的民眾,對於塑膠鈔票的使用意願越高。

    二、『創新認知屬性』對於塑膠鈔票的使用意願有正面的影響。其中『相對優勢』 與『複雜性』對於塑膠鈔票的使用意願的預測能力最高。

    三、民眾對於塑膠鈔票的認識程度越高,其使用意願越高。而有塑膠鈔票使用經 驗的民眾,對於塑膠鈔票的使用意願越高。

    Polymer banknote features extremely high advantage towards anti-counterfeiting characteristic. According to the use experience from various countries, polymer banknote is capable of significantly reducing the quantity of counterfeit banknote. In the aspect of lifespan, polymer banknote is 2.5 times longer as compared to paper banknote. The use of polymer banknote is closely associated with the environmental protection issue of energy saving and carbon reduction and has attracted much of the attention of the governments all over the world. Polymer banknote is much more durable than its paper counterpart, and could help to mitigate the pollution caused by the production process of printing banknotes. This unveiled a new era of the use of banknotes where paper money is not the only choice and polymer banknote has gained its position as a form of legal tender. This research has retrieved 339 valid questionnaires via the questionnaire survey, where the conclusions obtained after statistical analysis are provided as relevant suggestions to governmental banknote issuing division, banknote printing division as well as for follow-up researchers. Significant findings for this research are described as follows:

    I. “Consumer Innovativeness” has a positive influence towards the adoption intention for polymer banknote; people with higher consumer innovativeness will have higher adoption intention towards polymer banknote.

    II. “Attributes of Innovations” has a positive influence towards the adoption intention for polymer banknote. Amongst these, “relative advantage” and “complexity” feature the highest predictive ability towards the adoption intention for polymer banknote.

    III. The higher the people’s knowledge towards polymer banknote, the higher the adoption intention will be. Where as the adoption intention for polymer banknote will be higher for people with use experience of polymer banknote.

    摘要 ..................................................................................................................................................... i Abstract .............................................................................................................................................. ii 目次 .....................................................................................................................................................iii 圖目錄 .................................................................................................................................................. v 表目錄 .................................................................................................................................................. vi 第一章 緒論............................................................................................................................................1 第一節 研究背景與動機........................................................................................................................1 第二節 名詞解釋...................................................................................................................................5 第三節 研究目的與問題........................................................................................................................6 第四節 研究範圍與限制........................................................................................................................7 第五節 研究流程...................................................................................................................................8 第二章 文獻探討.....................................................................................................................................9 第一節 塑膠鈔票發展概況.....................................................................................................................9 第二節 消費者創新性特質相關研究 ................................................................................................... 13 第三節 創新認知相關研究...................................................................................................................21 第四節 文獻探討小結..........................................................................................................................28 第三章 研究設計...................................................................................................................................29 第一節 研究架構與假設 .................................................................................................................... 29 第二節 研究變數定義與衡量...............................................................................................................31 第三節 問卷設計與抽樣設計...............................................................................................................34 第四節 資料分析方法..........................................................................................................................37 第四章 研究結果與討論........................................................................................................................40 第一節 信度與效度分析 .................................................................................................................... 40 第二節 受訪者背景資料描述性統計 .................................................................................................. 46 第三節 塑膠鈔票的使用經驗與認識程度.............................................................................................50 第四節 受訪者背景假設驗證...............................................................................................................51 第五節 自變項與依變項的相關性分析.................................................................................................52 第六節 消費者創新性與創新認知屬性的影響程度...............................................................................54 第七節 消費者創新性與創新認知屬性假設驗證..................................................................................56 第五章 研究結論與建議........................................................................................................................57 第一節 研究結論 ............................................................................................................................... 57 第二節 研究建議 ............................................................................................................................... 64 參考文獻 ............................................................................................................................................. 67 附錄一 『消費者創新性與創新認知屬性影響塑膠鈔票使用意願之研究』問卷 .................................... 72


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