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研究生: 李懿倫
Vincent Yi-Lun Li
論文名稱: 中文博士論文摘要中連接性成分之使用
The Use of Connectives in Chinese Doctoral Dissertation Abstracts
指導教授: 張妙霞
Chang, Miao-Hsia
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 140
中文關鍵詞: 學術語篇博士論文摘要連接性成分語篇互動標記領域差異中文學術寫作
英文關鍵詞: academic discourse, doctoral dissertation abstract, connective, interactive metadiscourse, disciplinary variation, Chinese academic writing
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:498下載:28
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  • 學術摘要是具有高密度邏輯論證的文類,這些邏輯論證常依靠顯性連接成分連接(Swales 1990)。本文旨在探討中文博士論文摘要中,不同領域作者如何使用顯性連接成分表達論證間的邏輯語意關係,以及學科領域差異如何影響作者使用這些連接性成分。
    本研究共選取九十篇國立大學博士論文摘要作為語料,依領域分成人文、工程、社會科學各三十篇。連接性成分的分類標準依據功能語言學家Halliday (1994),分成詳述(Elaboration)、延伸(Extension)、增強(Enhancement)三大類,僅含括非命題性與指涉語篇內部等具有後設論述功能的連接成分。
    在增強連接成分方面,領域間無差異,顯示增強連接成分是中文學術寫作的必要手段,與學科領域較無關係。增強連接成分有四個次類。時空類(Spatio-temporal)也是學術寫作必要手段,領域間差異不明顯。方式類(Manner)裡則是手段(Means)連接成分使用多於比較(Comparison)連接成分。這是因為學術摘要中,描述研究方法是必要語步(move)(Pho 2008),因此手段連接成分較多。在工程領域摘要中未發現反面比較連接成分(Negative Comparison),這與作者期待正面支持前人研究有關,傾向於找到共通點而非相異點。因果條件類(Causal-conditional)則是工程領域作者使用最多,人文領域作者最少,尤其在條件(Conditional)次類,人文領域作者完全未使用。這是因為工程領域必須清楚陳述實驗條件,實驗條件細節對於結果可靠性影響重大。人文領域作者則是較傾向從綜觀的角度,全盤分析各種可能性,因此較無單獨設定條件的需要。此外,工程領域作者明顯依賴因果條件類連接成分多於增強連接的另三個次類,顯示作者使用的語言資源較為單一,豐富性不高。最後則是方面類(Matter)連接成分,領域間無顯著差異,也是學術寫作必要手段,可以幫助作者清楚陳列討論面向,使讀者易於掌握。

    Connectives in this study are defined as cohesive devices which guide readers through the text and help writers structure the logico-semantic relations among arguments. They belong to interactive metadiscourse (Thompson 2001) and primarily denote non-propositional and text-internal meanings (Hyland 2005).
    With a databank comprising ninety doctoral dissertation abstracts chosen from eight national universities in Taiwan, this study investigates the use of connectives in the humanities, engineering, and social sciences. The coding schema follows Halliday (1994), classifying the connectives into Elaboration, Extension, and Enhancement.
    In the Elaboration category, the humanities writers use connectives significantly more than the engineering and social sciences writers. This reflects the nature of knowledge in the humanities, where writers often deal with highly conceptual and theorized ideas, thus the abstractness of knowledge contents requires writers employ more connectives to explicitly highlight the logico-semantic relations among arguments. Overall speaking, the humanities writers use connectives with a greater variety, whereas the engineering writers exploit connectives with a rather restricted repertoire. This observation confirms Peacock’s (2010) study.
    In terms of Extension, the humanities writers use the Variation significantly more than the engineering writers, especially in the Replacive subcategory. The Replacive connectives (e.g. 反之 ‘instead’) link a counterclaim with the preceding argument, conveying a tone of denial and refusal. They are not preferred by the engineering writers because the scientific conventions encourage writers to seek common grounds with the previous literature (Becher 1994). On the other hand, the humanities writers show contribution to the academic community by indicating the differences between their interpretation and previous knowledge. Therefore, more Replacive connectives were used in the humanities abstracts.
    As for the Enhancement, the disciplinary variations were not significant in statistics, suggesting that the Enhancement connectives are deployed by writers for the requirements of Chinese academic writing, instead of showing the contrast between the nature of knowledge and disciplinary writing.
    In sum, this study supports Swales’s (1990) observation that the use of interactive metadiscourse is a key differentiating feature in the writing of doctoral dissertation abstracts, and disciplinary variations can be unveiled through examining the use of text-oriented connectives in these abstracts.

    摘要 i Abstract iii Acknowledgements iv Table of Contents v List of Tables vii Chapter 1: Introduction 1 1.1 Background and motivation 1 1.2 Objectives of the study 4 1.3 Definition of connectives 8 1.4 Organization of the thesis 9 Chapter 2: Literature Review 10 2.1 Defining connectives 10 2.1.1 Connectives as metadiscourse 10 2.1.2 Connectives in English grammar 13 Quirk et al.’s (1985) conjuncts 14 Biber et al.’s (1999) linking adverbials 17 Celce-Murcia and Larsen-Freeman’s (1999) logical connectors 20 Huddleston and Pullum’s (2002) connective adjuncts 21 Carter and McCarthy’s (2006) linking adjuncts 23 2.1.3 Connectives in Chinese grammar 24 2.2 Connectives and conjunction in discourse 27 2.2.1 Logical semantic relations 28 2.2.2 Halliday’s (1994) taxonomy 30 2.3 Connectives in academic settings: Empirical studies 33 2.3.1 The use of connectives in different genres 35 Research articles and research article abstracts 36 Master’s theses 37 Doctoral dissertations 39 Students’ writing 41 2.3.2 The use of connectives in different disciplines 44 2.3.3 The use of connectives in different languages 45 2.4 Summary 47 Chapter 3: Methodology 49 3.1 Coding scheme 49 3.1.1 Elaboration 50 3.1.2 Extension 52 3.1.3 Enhancement 54 3.2 Data collection 58 3.2.1 Disciplines 58 3.2.2 Doctoral dissertation abstracts 61 3.3 Data treatment and analysis 63 3.3.1 Level of treatment 64 3.3.2 Steps of analysis 65 3.4 Summary 68 Chapter 4: Results and Discussion 70 4.1 General distribution of connectives 70 4.2 Elaboration 73 4.2.1 Quantitative results 73 4.2.2 Qualitative discussion 74 Apposition 75 Clarification 78 4.3 Extension 83 4.3.1 Quantitative results 83 4.3.2 Qualitative discussion 85 Addition 86 Variation 90 4.4 Enhancement 93 4.4.1 Quantitative results 93 4.4.2 Qualitative discussion 96 Spatio-temporal 96 Manner 100 Causal-Conditional 103 Matter 107 4.5 Summary and discussion 109 Chapter 5: Conclusion 119 5.1 Recapitulation of research 119 5.2 Summary of findings 120 5.3 Limitations and recommendations for further research 124 References 127 Appendix 138

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