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研究生: 莊茂山
Chuang, Mao-San
論文名稱: 太極拳運動與健康相關生活品質之研究
Research of Tai Chi Exercise and Health-Related Quality of Life
指導教授: 張育愷
Chang, Yu-Kai
口試委員: 東方介德
Dong Fang, Jieh-der
Liu, Chung-Chu
Chang, Yu-Kai
口試日期: 2022/07/20
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育與運動科學系運動科學碩士在職專班
Continuing Education Master's Program of Sports Science
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 47
中文關鍵詞: 太極拳運動健康相關生活品質心理生理社交環境
英文關鍵詞: Tai Chi, health-related quality of life, psychological, physiological, social relationship, environment
研究方法: 準實驗設計法橫斷性研究
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201015
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:443下載:35
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  • 本研究目的為探討太極拳運動對健康相關生活品質之差異。其方法是採立意抽樣方式,針對20歲以上之參與太極拳運動者,進行台灣簡明版世界衛生組織生活品質問卷 (WHOQOL-BREF) (簡稱:世衛生活品質問卷) 之資料收集,共收集363份問卷,有效數量為352份,有效率達96.9%。經SPSS for windows 25版之統計軟體分析顯示:一、不同性別對於世衛生活品質問卷之整體分數與各個構面均無顯著差異,意即無論是男生或女生經過太極拳訓練後,其效果相當。二、不同年齡之世衛生活品質問卷之心理構面上,顯示70歲以上之個體顯著優於50歲以下之個體,而61-70歲之個體顯著優於50歲以下、51-60歲之個體。但在世衛生活品質問卷之生活品質、生理、社會關係、環境等構面與整體分數均無顯著差異。三、不同教育水準對於世衛生活品質問卷之整體分數與各個構面均無顯著差異,意即無論是國小、國中、高中、大學、碩士、博士經過太極拳訓練後,其效果相當。四、不同太極拳年資之世衛生活品質問卷的整體分數與所有構面上,太極拳年資較高者,其效益多優於年資較低者。五、每週進行太極拳次數越多者,在世衛生活品質問卷之整體分數與所有構面上,其分數均優於次數較低者。每次進行太極拳時數1小時以上者,在世衛生活品質問卷之整體分數與心理、生理、社會關係構面上,其分數均優於1小時以下者。此研究結果希望能提供有關單位推動太極拳運動以及後續研究之參考,並建議社會大眾可多多從事太極拳運動以提升健康相關生活品質。

    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Tai Chi exercise on health-related quality of life. The method is to use the purposive sampling method to collect the data of the world health organization quality of life-Taiwan version questionnaire (WHOQOL-BREF) for those over 20 years old who participate in Tai Chi exercises. A total of 363 questionnaires were collected, and the number of valid questionnaires was 352, with an effective rate of 96.9%. The SPSS for windows version 25 statistical software analysis showed (a) there is no significant difference in the overall and each domain of WHOQOL-BREF between different genders, which means that both boys and girls have the same effects following Tai Chi training; (b) the is significant difference in psychological domain of WHOQOL-BREF between different ages, post hoc comparison shows whose over 70 years old are significantly better than under 50 years old, and between 61-70 years old are significantly better than under 50 years old and 51-60 years old; (c) there is no significant difference in the overall and each domain of WHOQOL-BREF between different education levels, which means that whether it is elementary school, middle school, high school, university, master, or doctor who have the same effects following Tai Chi training; (d) there is significant difference in the overall and each domain of WHOQOL-BREF between different Tai Chi seniority, post hoc comparison shows whose have higher seniority are significantly better than lower seniority; (e) there is significant difference in the overall and each domain of WHOQOL-BREF between different of the number of Tai Chi per week, post hoc comparison shows whose have more times per week are significantly better than less times per week. Besides, those who practice Tai Chi for more than 1 hour each time have better than those less than 1 hour each time of the WHOQOL-BREF overall and psychological, physiological, and social relationship domains. The results of this study hope to provide a reference for relevant units to promote Tai Chi exercise and follow-up research, and suggest that the individual can engage in Tai Chi exercise to improve health-related quality of life.

    第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 前言 1 第二節 研究背景與動機 3 第三節 研究目的 4 第四節 研究問題 5 第貳章 文獻探討 6 第一節 太極拳運動 6 第二節 健康相關生活品質 8 第三節 太極拳運動與健康相關生活品質 10 第參章 研究方法 17 第一節 實驗參與者 17 第二節 研究設計 17 第三節 研究工具 17 第四節 研究流程 18 第五節 統計分析 18 第肆章 結果 19 第一節 參與者背景變項 19 第二節 性別對太極拳從事程度與世衛生活品質問卷之差異 19 第三節 年齡對世衛生活品質問卷之差異 20 第四節 教育水準對世衛生活品質問卷之差異 21 第五節 太極拳年資對世衛生活品質問卷之差異 23 第六節 每週進行太極拳之次數對世衛生活品質問卷之差異 26 第七節 每次進行太極拳之時數對世衛生活品質問卷之差異 28 第伍章 討論 31 第一節 性別對生活品質之差異 33 第二節 年齡對生活品質之差異 33 第三節 教育水準對生活品質之差異 35 第四節 太極拳年資 (拳齡) 對生活品質之差異 35 第五節 太極拳頻率對生活品質之差異 36 第六節 研究限制 37 第陸章 結論與建議 38 參考文獻 39 附錄 47

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