研究生: |
莊佳容 Chuang, Chia-Jung |
論文名稱: |
台韓大學跆拳道菁英選手對打比賽之動作-時間結構分析比較 Time–Motion Analyses of the Elite Taekwondo Student Athletes between Taiwan and Korea |
指導教授: |
Liu, Yeou-Teh |
口試委員: |
Liu, Yeou-Teh 陳秀惠 Chen, Hsiu-Hui 藍于青 Lan, Yu-Ching |
口試日期: | 2023/02/16 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
運動競技學系 Department of Athletic Performance |
論文出版年: | 2025 |
畢業學年度: | 113 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 65 |
中文關鍵詞: | 跆拳道對打 、比賽表現分析 、動作時間結構分析 |
英文關鍵詞: | Taekwondo sparring, Performance analysis of sports, Time-motion analysis |
研究方法: | 比較研究 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202500018 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:129 下載:1 |
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緒論:跆拳道起源於韓國,跆拳道開始發展後至今於許多大型賽事中的奪牌數韓國仍站居第一。台灣選手近年於國際競賽中的表現則有落後的趨勢。因此透過分析韓國與台灣選手在競賽中的動作時間與技術表現以從中得知兩國選手表現的差異。目的:以動作-時間結構分析與攻擊技術內容,探討台韓兩國之間大學男女菁英選手在賽事中專項體能表現是否有差異。方法:記錄2022年韓國與台灣國內全國賽事中前四強選手的比賽表現,以混合設計二因子變異數分析分別檢驗台灣與韓國之間男、女選手在對戰與準備期的總時間、平均時間及次數的總體表現;以獨立樣本t 檢定與曼惠特尼 U 無母數檢定檢驗兩國選手在比賽中停戰期的總時間、平均時間、次數及總攻擊數的差異。再以曼惠特尼U 檢定及弗里曼分析分別檢驗兩國選手在四種停戰內容與十一種攻擊技術次數的表現差異。結果: 台灣與韓國之間男子選手的對戰與準備時間分析的結果皆無顯著差異,次數分析結果顯示韓國的對戰顯著多於準備。女子選手的對戰與準備總時間無顯著差異,平均時間的結果顯示韓國顯著多於台灣,次數的分析結果顯示韓國顯著少於台灣。停戰表現分析的結果,韓國男子選手在總時間、次數,以及四種停戰內容中的近身次數顯著多於台灣男子選手。女子選手之間的停戰結果皆無顯著差異。總攻擊數的結果,兩國男女選手皆無顯著差異。攻擊技術的次數結果,台灣男子選手的旋踢、側踢顯著多於韓國選手,韓國選手的逆腳背旋踢、內掛、後踢顯著多於台灣選手。台灣女子選手的側踢、勾踢顯著多於韓國選手。結論:台灣與韓國之間的男子選手與女子選手表現分析結果有不同的表現趨勢。在兩國之間的表現,選手於對戰與準備的總時間與總攻擊數表現皆相似,但由對戰與準備平均時間與次數、停戰的表現內容,以及攻擊技術使用次數的結果發現兩國選手之間有不同的趨勢,呈現出韓國選手於競賽中技術與專項體能表現的優勢。
Abstract: Taekwondo originated in Korea, and South Korea is still leading the world of Taekwondo from the high rankings through the number of medals won in nternational competitions. In recent years, the performance of Taiwanese Taekwondo athletes in international competitions has gradually fallen behind. Therefore, the technical and time-motion analyses of the Taekwondo competitions between South Korean and Taiwanese athletes may provide insight for Taiwanese training program. Purpose: Using the time-motion analysis and the content of the attacking techniques to examine the activity performance bewtween Taiwan and South Korea in elite Taekwondo Student-Athletes. Method: Record the activity performance of the top four student athletes in each weight class of the 2022 national competitions in Taiwan and South Korea. The competition performance of the top four athletes in national competitions from South Korea and Taiwan in 2022 were recorded and analyzed. The 2 (mode) x 2 (country) mixed design ANOVA was used to examine the total time, average time, and the number of preparation and fighting modes between the two countries for male and female athletes. Independent sample t-test and Mann-Whitney U non-parametric test were used to examine the total time, average time, and the number of the stoppage, as well as the total number of attacks. The Mann-Whitney U test and Friedman analysis were used to examine the differences in four types of stoppage content and eleven types of attack techniques between the two countries. Results: There were no significant differences in the total fighting and preparation time between Taiwan and South Korea for the male athletes. However, the analysis showed that South Korean athletes had significantly higher number of fighting than preparation modes. For female athletes, there were no significant differences in the total fighting and preparation time, but the South Korean athletes had a significantly longer average time and fewer number of fighting modes than Taiwanese female athletes. In terms of stoppage time, South Korean male athletes had significantly more close-range fighting and overall stoppage time than Taiwanese male athletes. However, there were no significant differences in stoppage time between the two countries for the female athletes. There were no significant differences in the total number of attacks between Taiwan and South Korea for the male and female athletes. In terms of attack techniques, Taiwanese had significantly more roundhouse kicks and sidekicks than South Korean male athletes, while South Korean had significantly more spinning reverse roundhouse kicks, inward cresent kicks, and back kicks than the Taiwanese male athletes. Taiwanese had significantly more sidekicks and hook kicks than South Korean female athletes. Conclusions: The performance between Taiwan and South Korea Taekwondo elite athletes showed different trends for both males and females. Although the overall performance of the total time for preparation and fighting modes and total number of attacks were similar for the two countries, there were differences in the average time and frequency of preparation and fighting modes, the content of stoppages performance, and the frequency of attack techniques between the two countries. The results showed that South Korean athletes demonstrated the superiority in terms of technical and specialized conditioning performance in competition compared to Taiwanese athletes.
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