簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 張嘉芸
Chia-Yun Chang
論文名稱: 阿達瑪轉換/毛細管電泳法適用之奈米流量進樣器的開發與研究
Development of a nano-controlled sample injection device for use in Hadamard transform/capillary electrophoresis (HT/CE)
指導教授: 林震煌
Lin, Cheng-Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 化學系
Department of Chemistry
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 87
中文關鍵詞: 阿達瑪轉換-毛細管電泳法維他命B2
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:192下載:2
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  • 本研究設計一個新的奈米流量(nano-controlled)進樣器,並成功結合阿達瑪轉換法(Hadamard transform)與毛細管電泳法(capillary electrophoresis)。其中,首次利用壓克力Tee型連接頭將進樣器及毛細管電泳裝置連結。
      實驗過程為將10 μL的注射針置於注射式幫浦(syringe pump)上,再NI(National Instruments)PCI-6221程式控制注射式幫浦內部之步進馬達(stepping motor)轉動步數,進一步控制進樣體積。當設定步進馬達轉動步數為750~20000步(進樣體積為1.3 nL~49.4 nL)的範圍時,具有良好的線性關係(R2 =0.9927)。本研究以核黃素(又稱維他命B2)作為分析物,並以藍光雷射(波長473 nm, 100 mW)作為激發光源。當分析物推入壓克力Tee且經電泳分離後,通過偵測窗時,由雷射激發且放出螢光,最後以光電倍增管(PMT)作偵測。在相同的進樣條件下,以阿達瑪127、255次序列分別進行實驗,訊號雜訊比可得到5.3及7.9倍的改良效果,與理論值(5.6與8)相當符合。最後,本實驗嘗試以阿達瑪127次序列進樣與毛細管線上濃縮技術進行結合,結果顯示其S/N比增加5.2倍,與理論值相當接近。

    A novel nano-controlled sample injection device for use in Hadamard transform/capillary electrophoresis (HT/CE) was successfully developed. Instead of commercial Tee products, an acrylic-Tee connector was well designed and made in-house. Three pieces of capillaries (used for sample solution and buffer solutions, respectively) can be tightly connected together with very low dead-volume. The sample solution was placed in a syringe injector (size, 10 µL) and was pushed out by a stepping motor which was controlled by a personal computer through a NI (National Instruments) PCI-6221 device. The volume of sample injection can be well controlled and calculated based on the steps (750- ~ 20,000-steps) of the stepping motor, corresponding to the injected volume of 1.3 nL ~ 49.4 nL. A riboflavin solution and a blue diode laser (wavelength, 473 nm; 100 mW) were selected as a model compound and the light source, respectively. Compared with a conventional single injection method, the S/N ratios were substantially improved after inverse Hadamard transformation of the encoded chromatogram. Under optimized conditions, when Hadamard matrices of 127 and 255 were used, the S/N ratios of the signals for riboflavin (concentration level, 0.03 ppm) were substantially improved to 5.3- and 7.9-fold, respectively, and those improvements are in good agreement with those obtained by theory (5.6- and 8.0-fold).

    中文摘要 Ⅰ 英文摘要 Ⅱ 目錄 Ⅲ 圖目錄 Ⅴ 表目錄 Ⅵ 第一章、緒論 1 1-1 研究目的 1 1-2 分析物簡介 3 1-2-1 維他命B2 3 1-2-2 孔雀石綠染料 6 第二章、分析方法與原理 8 2-1 毛細管電泳層析法之分離模式 8 2-1-1 毛細管區帶電泳(CZE) 9 2-1-2 微胞電動層析法(MEKC) 12 2-2 毛細管線上濃縮技術 16 2-2-1 毛細管電泳線上堆積法(stacking) 18 2-3 阿達瑪矩陣原理 20 2-3-1 矩陣起源 21 2-3-2 阿達瑪轉換法 22 2-3-3 LabVIEW 操作程式 29 2-3-4 阿達瑪轉換提高S/N值的理論值 31 2-4 阿達瑪矩陣轉換在毛細管電泳上的應用 34 第三章、實驗 35 3-1 壓克力Tee型連接頭的製作 35 3-2 進樣裝置 37 3-2-1 機械式進樣 37 3-2-2 氣動式進樣 39 3-3 實驗儀器裝置 42 3-3-1 自組式毛細管電泳/雷射誘導螢光分析儀(CE- LIF) 42 3-3-2 自組式毛細管電泳/拉曼分析儀(CE- Raman) 44 3-4 儀器及週邊設備列表 46 3-5 使用藥品列表 50 3-6 氣動式進樣-毛細管電泳/拉曼分析儀之實驗條件 51 3-6-1 氣動式進樣之條件 51 3-6-2 毛細管區帶電泳(CZE)電泳條件的確立與配製 51 3-7 機械式進樣-毛細管電泳/雷射誘導螢光儀之實驗條件 52 3-7-1 毛細管區帶電泳(CZE)電泳條件的確立與配製 52 3-7-2 線上濃縮技術CZE-stacking條件的確立與配製 53 第四章、結果與討論 54 4-1 市售三向連接頭與壓克力Tee型連接頭之比較 54 4-2 氣動式進樣-毛細管電泳/拉曼分析儀 56 4-2-1 氣動式進樣-毛細管電泳/拉曼分析儀之電泳圖探討 56 4-2-2 壓力式進樣的穩定度 61 4-3 機械式進樣-毛細管電泳/雷射誘導螢光分析儀 64 4-3-1 緩衝溶液的選擇 64 4-3-2 步進馬達之穩定度 66 4-3-3 機械進樣之穩定度 68 4-3-4 以阿達瑪序列進樣及轉換結果與理論值比較 72 4-3-5 以阿達瑪序列進樣搭配CZE-stacking 76 第五章、結論 83 參考文獻 84

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