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研究生: 張睿
Chang, Jui
論文名稱: 中華民國空軍作戰聯隊隊徽及戰機塗裝設計創作研究
Research on the Design and Creation of the R.O.C. Air Force Combat Team Emblems and Tail Painting
指導教授: 廖偉民
Liao, Wei-Ming
口試委員: 王建堯
Wang, Chien Yao
Chou, Syan-Bin
Liao, Wei-Ming
口試日期: 2022/07/04
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系設計創作碩士在職專班
Department of Design_Continuing Education Master's Program of Creative Practice in Design
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 105
中文關鍵詞: 徽章標誌符號學塗裝
英文關鍵詞: emblems, logo, symbolism, tail painting
研究方法: 文件分析法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200932
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:385下載:14
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  • 空軍單位的徽章(emblems)又稱為隊徽,主要的功能就像企業的標誌,用來識別單位、代表單位的形象,可謂一個單位的精神象徵,通常蘊含了任務特性、單位文化等抽象概念,以具體符號展現。空軍建軍至今歷經數次組織變革,沿用至今的隊徽設計應當重新審視及優化,以符合現代化部隊與未來的趨勢,而在戰機塗裝的部分亦是如此。在部隊中可以發現有關隊徽建制的文史資料並不齊全;戰機的塗裝也依各作戰聯隊特性所設計,儘管武器相同,各塗裝間亦無橫向關聯,故希望能夠透過本研究探尋突破現況的可能性。從過去文獻資料可以瞭解到我國空軍隊徽開始較有系統的發展與美國空軍有著緊密的關聯性,甚至出現隊徽外型相近的情況。本研究透過問卷調查結果及半結構式訪談,發現現役空軍軍人對於作戰聯隊隊徽,呈現出模稜兩可的認知以及喜好程度偏向普通的態度;而針對重新設計隊徽的建議,則希望加入駐地特色。另外在戰機塗裝設計元素偏好,則傾向以老鷹作為代表圖案。依據研究分析結果,針對中華民國空軍的作戰聯隊,一聯隊至七聯隊與松山基地指揮部及其直屬的單位,共計48枚隊徽進行重新設計。在隊徽的外型輪廓上以二種形狀區分層級;色彩的配置則依據各作戰聯隊駐地城市意象,轉化為對應的八種色彩搭配模式;在隊徽中所使用的圖像設計方面,則結合單位的主力戰機或任務特性,採用圖像符號(pictogram)的設計手法,以簡化、快速、清晰為設計導向,呈現能夠象徵單位特色的造型,作為本研究隊徽的設計重點,進而建立一套完整的設計流程。最後在完成隊徽設計後,以老鷹造型轉化為各作戰聯隊的番號縮寫,並將其納入尾翼的塗裝創作設計當中。希冀藉由本創作研究的結果,提供國軍部隊未來若需更新單位徽章或重新規劃彩繪戰機尾翼塗裝時,能有具體的作法及流程可依循及參考,讓新的徽章展現符合時代與官兵期待。

    Air Force unit insignia (emblems), also known as team insignia, are like corporate logos, used to identify units and represent the image of the unit, and can be considered the spiritual symbol of a unit, usually containing abstract concepts such as mission characteristics, unit culture, etc., presented in concrete symbols. The Air Force has undergone several organizational changes since its founding, and the design of the team emblem that has been in use since then should be re-examined and optimized to meet the modernization of the force and the future trend, and the same applies to the part of the fighter aircraft painting. It is hoped that this study will explore the possibility of breaking through the current situation. From the past literature, it can be understood that the development of our Air Force insignia began to be more systematic and closely related to that of the U.S. Air Force, and there is even a similar appearance of the insignia. Through the results of the questionnaire survey and semi-structured interviews, this study found that the current Air Force personnel showed ambiguous perceptions and a middle-of-the-road attitude toward the combat team insignia, while the suggestion of redesigning the insignia was to add the characteristics of the stationed. In addition, the design element preference of the fighter aircraft is to use the eagle as the representative pattern. Based on the results of the research and analysis, a total of 48 emblems were redesigned for the R.O.C. Air Force's combat wings, the 1st to 7th wings, and the Songshan Base Command and its subordinate units. The colors were transformed into eight color schemes according to the urban imagery of each combat wing. The design of the images used in the emblems was combined with the main aircraft or mission characteristics of the units, and the pictogram design was used to present a simplified, quick, and clear design. The design of the team emblem for this study was based on the simplicity, speed, and clarity of the design, and a complete design process was established. After completing the design of the team insignia, the eagle image was transformed into the abbreviation of each combat unit's number and incorporated into the design of the tail fin painting. It is hoped that the results of this creative research will provide the National Army units with specific methods and processes to follow and refer to when they need to update their unit insignia or redesign the tail fins of fighter planes in the future, so that the new insignia will meet the expectations of the times and the soldiers.

    謝誌 I 摘要 II ABSTRACT III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 XI 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 3 第三節 研究流程、範疇與限制 4 第四節 相關論文分析 6 第貳章 文獻探討 9 第一節 徽章的歷史探討 10 第二節 符號學與徽章 11 第三節 色彩心理學 14 第四節 我國空軍軍史與徽章的發展 18 一、空軍軍史 18 二、空軍隊徽設計分析 19 三、美國空軍隊徽設計分析 30 四、空軍塗裝的發展 35 第參章 研究方法與分析 40 第一節 問卷抽樣與施測 40 第二節 問卷設計 41 一、問卷內容 41 第三節 半結構性訪談法 43 一、訪談對象抽樣方式 43 二、訪談實施方式與大綱 43 第四節 研究分析 44 一、問卷施測結果分析 44 二、訪談資料分析與彙整建議 47 第肆章 創作理念與內容 48 第一節 創作流程 48 第二節 本研究創作內容說明 50 一、作戰聯隊編制分析 50 二、外觀造型選定 50 三、圖像元素設計 51 四、輔助圖像設計: 59 五、字型選定 60 六、整體架構設計 61 七、色彩搭配與實際製作 61 八、本研究創作作品完成圖 66 九、各作戰聯隊塗裝設計創作 74 第伍章 結論與建議 89 第一節 結論 90 第二節 建議 91 參考文獻 93 附錄一 97 附錄二 99

    Likert, R. (1932). A Technique for the Measurement of Attitudes. Archives of Psychology, 140, 1–55.
    「Guide to Air Force Heraldry。」(2013)。Air Force Historical Research Agency。https://www.afhra.af.mil
    World Air Forces directory 2022(2022)。FlightGlobal。https://www.flightglobal.com/
