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研究生: 劉侑儒
Liu, You-Ju
論文名稱: 以模糊能力集合擴展規劃定義旅遊企業價值主張發展策略
Defining Value Proposition Development Strategies for Creating the Travel Firm Based on Fuzzy Competence Set Expansion Programming
指導教授: 黃啟祐
Huang, Chi-Yo
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 150
中文關鍵詞: 電子商務價值主張藍海策略多目標決策分析法模糊能力集合擴展
英文關鍵詞: Electronic-commerce, Value proposition, Blue ocean strategy, MODM (Multiple Objects Decision Making), Fuzzy competence set expansion
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DIE.007.2018.E01
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:335下載:0
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  • 傳統的旅遊業者正在被新型態的旅遊電商所衝擊,消費者旅遊的模式已經逐漸朝向旅遊電商的方向。就價值主張而言,旅遊電商針對消費者提供更便利的購物方式、更多元的產品內容。此篇研究以不同目標來發展新的價值主張策略:建設在地體驗。然而公司提供的價值對顧客來說不一定都是有價值的,在提供新的服務也要花費額外成本,如果沒有任何貢獻,這對經理人來說會是很大的問題。 然而,少有學者探討相關議題,更遑論如何導入藍海戰略、創新價值。因此,本研究擬訂定研究架構,導入藍海策略,擴展企業價值主張,以達理想值 (Aspired Value)。為針對目標,本篇研究導入價值主張設計與Kim和Mauborgne倡議之藍海策略,定義企業價值主張發展策略。首先,本研究將回顧文獻,訂定企業價值之組成要素,並針對前述要素,訂定對應之能耐,並邀集專家,確認能耐 (competence),並評估標的公司現階段之能耐水準與理想值之差距,為能耐缺口。為跨越標的公司之每一能耐與缺口,達到完善水準 (Aspired Level),本研究以利潤最大與最大服務滿意度為目標,導入模糊能力集合擴展模式,以模糊多目標決策分析(Fuzzy Multiple Objective Decision Making,FMODM)規劃求解,可得利潤最大以及最大服務滿意度的擴展能力集合之路徑圖。本研究將以旅遊電子商務公司之策略能力集合擴展為例,實證本規劃模式之可行性,分析結果亦可以作為電商公司擴展價值主張,邁向藍海之策略。而最後的研究結果決策方案擴張順序依序最先為第一階段發展行銷相關能力,接著發展行程及產品的品質以及旅遊資訊相關的能力,最後階段發展創新的行程及產品的能力。

    Traditional travel agency is been changed by e-travel business. Consumption pattern of travel industry are already turned to e-travel pattern. In terms of Value Proposition, e-travel business provide more convenience and more various product and service to customer. This thesis use different objects to develop a new value proposition strategy which is to establish a value of new local experience. However, the value which the company provide are not always valuable to customer. Especially, when company want to provide new service, simultaneously they have many cost. If the company performance can’t achieve the expecting profit, it’s an extremely big problem. Nevertheless, little or no researchers explored the topic, let alone the introduction of blue ocean strategy and value innovation. Therefore, the research work aims to define an analytic framework then introduce blue ocean strategy and expand business value proposition for aspired level. In order to achieve the goal, this article introduces two strategy tools “Alex Osterwalder’s value proposition design” and “Kim and Mauborgne’s blue ocean strategy”, to identify the business value proposition expansion strategy. First, the study reviews the literature and identifies the comprising value elements of the business value proposition. After, the competence set expansion process will be derived based on the value proposition. Following that, the study invites experts to identify the gaps between the firm’s current competence level to the aspire competence level which calls competence gaps. In order to cross all competence gaps of the firm to the aspire level, the study uses the maximum satisfaction and maximum profit as research goal. Then, we will introduce competence set expansion method which base on the fuzzy multiple objective decision making (FMOFM). According to the result being derived by these method, we can obtain the maximum profit and service quality and competence expansion route map. Further to close the competence gaps of business. The optimal solutions can make the optimal necessary budget. An empirical study based on e-travel business, a competence set expansion of the strategy capability, as well as be used to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed analytic framework. The analytic results can also act as the e-commerce firm value proposition expansion to blue ocean strategy. The result of the expansion route is: Fist stage, develop the competence about marketing. Second stage, develop the competence of the itinerary/product quality and the travel information. At last stage, the competence of creating new itinerary or product.

    摘要 i Abstract ii Table of Contents iv List of Figures vi List of Table vii Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Research Background 1 1.2 Motivations 3 1.3 Research Purposes 5 1.4 Research Scope and Structure 6 1.5 Research Limitations 6 1.6 Thesis Structure 7 Chapter 2 Literature Review 9 2.1 Sharing Economy 9 2.2 Value Proposition 15 2.3 Blue Ocean Strategy 17 2.4 Competence 24 2.5 Competence Set 28 2.6 Competence Set Expansion 32 Chapter 3 Methodology 35 3.1 Principal Component Analysis (PCA) 35 3.2 Fuzzy Competence Set Expansion 38 3.3 Decision Making Trial And Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) 47 3.4 DEMATEL based Network Process (DNP) Technique 51 Chapter 4 Empirical Study 55 4.1 Background of Smart Tourism 55 4.2 Company Competence Searching 57 4.3 Competence Selection by Customer Value 65 4.4 Influence Relation With Each Competence 79 4.5 Competence Sets Expansion 82 Chapter 5 Discussion 89 5.1 Managerial Implications 90 5.2 Contribution of the Methodology 94 5.3 Suggestion for Future Work 96 Chapter 6 Conclusion 97 Reference 101 Appendix A: The Competence of Tourism E-Commerce Selection Questionnaire Analyze 117 Appendix B: Modify Delphi Method Experts Questionnaire of the Tourism E-Commerce Customer Value Analyze 123 Appendix C: Customer Value Relationship Analyze 133 Appendix D: Relationship Between the Competence of Tourism E-Commerce and Customer Value Questionnaire 137 Appendix E: Questionnaire of the Selected Competence of Tourism E-Commerce Relationship 143 Appendix F: Questionnaire of the Competence Set of Tourism E-Commerce Expansion A 147 Appendix G: Questionnaire of the Competence Set of Tourism E-Commerce Expansion B 149

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