簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 洪一賓
Hong, Yi-bin
論文名稱: Iris Murdoch 道德哲學及其在德育上之意涵
Iris Murdoch's Moral Philosophy and Its Implications on Moral Education
指導教授: 林逢祺
Lin, Ferng-Chyi
Lin, Chien-Fu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
論文出版年: 2001
畢業學年度: 89
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 123
中文關鍵詞: 艾瑞絲‧梅鐸道德哲學道德教育藝術自我
英文關鍵詞: Iris Murdoch, moral philosophy, moral education, love, art, good, self
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:397下載:53
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  • 本研究旨在探討Murdoch的道德哲學,並嘗試衍釋其在德育上之意涵。Murdoch道德哲學關注人的內在道德,並確立了善與自我之間的關係,主張善是個體所持續追求的完美境界。

    The aim of the thesis is to search into the moral philosophy of Iris Murdoch and to develop the implication of it on moral education. Murdoch’s moral philosophy focuses on the inner morality, and it establishes firmly the relationship between Good and the self. She claims that Good is the perfection the individuals always pursue.
    The tendency to Good is necessary for each individual. However, why does the individual have to turn towards to Good? How does the individual tend to Good? Theses are the questions Murdoch wants to answer. She connects Good and the individual with love and art, and thus answers those two questions. The Good she claims stands for the ultimate standard of all kinds of value, and it is also the perfection humans pursue. The Good is like the flash of light to brighten us in the difficult position in which the morality has been disordered, and her claims point out the direction and leads us to make efforts for it.
    At the end of the thesis after the discussion on Murdoch’s philosophy, I try to address my comments and develop the moral implication of it, and finally I give some propositions which may be references to support the practice of moral education.

    第一章 緒 論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究方法與步驟 5 第三節 研究範圍、資料與限制 7 第四節 章節架構 9 第二章 Murdoch生平與其思想背景 11 第一節 Murdoch生平簡介 11 第二節 Murdoch思想背景 17 第三章 善與自我 33 第一節 善之概念 33 第二節 自我之主張 41 第四章 愛與藝術---善與自我之連結 49 第一節 愛---個體向善之能量 50 第二節 美與善 62 第三節 藝術與道德 65 第五章 Murdoch道德哲學之評論及其德育意涵 79 第一節 Murdoch道德哲學之評論 79 第二節 Murdoch道德哲學之德育意涵 91 第六章 結論與建議 102 第一節 結 論 102 第二節 建 議 106 附 錄 114 參考文獻 116 英文部分 116 中文部分 122

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    (一) 書評
    Antonaccio, M. & Schweiker, W. eds. (1996). Iris Murdoch and the Search for Human Goodness. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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    Nussbaum, M. C. (1996). Love and Vision: Iris Murdoch on Eros and the Individual. Edited in Antonaccio, M. & Schweiker, W. eds. (1996). Iris Murdoch and the Search for Human Goodness, pp.29-53. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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    Ramanathan, S. (1990). Iris Murdoch: Figures of Good. London: Macmillan Press.
    Schweiker, W. (1996). The Sovereignty of God’s Goodness. Edited in Antonaccio, M. & Schweiker, W. eds. (1996). Iris Murdoch and the Search for Human Goodness, pp.209-235. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Taylor, C. (1996). Iris Murdoch and Moral Philosophy. Edited in Antonaccio, M. & Schweiker, W. eds. (1996). Iris Murdoch and the Search for Human Goodness, pp.3-28. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Todd, R. (1984). Iris Murdoch. New York: Methuen.
    Tucher, Lindsey, ed. (1992). Critical Essays on Iris Murdoch. G. K. Hall.
    (二) 期刊
    Antonaccio, M. & Schweiker, W. (1997). Reviews. Studies in the Novel. Vol.29, No.4: pp.570-572.
    Barrett, D. C. (1994). Feature Book Review. International Philosophy Quarterly, pp.111-114.
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    Blum, L.A. (1986). Iris Murdoch and the Domain of the Moral. Philosophical Studies, Vol.50, pp.343-367.
    Burns, E. (1997). Iris Murdoch and the Nature of Good. Religious Studies, Vol.33, pp.303-313.
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    Turner, J.(1994). Iris Murdoch and the good psychoanalyst. Twentieth Century Literature, vol.40(3), pp.300-318.
    Weldhen, M. (1986). Ethics, Identity and Culture: Some Implications of the Moral Philosophy of Iris Murdoch. Journal of Moral Education, Vol.15, p.p.119-126.
    (三) 論文
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    Isler, A. (1991). The Self in the Moral Philosophy of Iris Murdoch. Ph.D. dissertation, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
    Moeller, Carol J. (1998). Moral attention: Toward a liberationist ethics of everyday life. Ph.D. dissertation. University of Pittsburgh.
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