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研究生: 張妤萍
Chang, Yu-Ping
論文名稱: 臉書使用與其相關議題之關切、學習與群體感之關係-以有機農耕幸福學習園地為例
The relationship between concern, learning and sense of community in the use of Facebook and related topics-Taking the Organic Farming Happy Learning Garden as an example
指導教授: 王順美
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 環境教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Environmental Education
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 98
中文關鍵詞: 有機農業社群平台臉書群體感網路學習
英文關鍵詞: organic agriculture, community platform, Facebook, group sense, online learning
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202001581
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:513下載:12
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  • 本研究為在一個討論有機農耕的臉書社團-「有機農耕幸福學習園地交流平台」中,藉由研究者所自行設計的問卷來探討成員對「有機農業」的關切程度,以了解社群平台在推展有機農業理念傳達的可能效益。

    The purpose of this research is using a questionnaire designed by the researcher to explore members’ concerns about “organic agriculture” in a Facebook community that discusses organic farming- "Organic Farming Happy Learning Garden Communication Platform" to understand the community platform of promoting the concept of organic agriculture.
    After collecting 213 questionnaires for quantitative analysis, it can be found that this community is composed of people interested in organic agriculture. The questionnaires have a total of five themes, namely organic certification, farming skills, results and experiences, buying and selling agricultural products, and buying and selling agricultural machinery. To investigate participation of members of the society on the website.
    According to statistics, most of the members of the association are men, accounting for about 56%. The age group is between 21 and 50 years old, and they have relatively little experience in organic farming. The motivation of members to join the club is that more than half of them are interested in organic agriculture, and the members’ intention to participate is mainly to obtain knowledge of organic verification, exchange of experience in organic farming, and sharing of organic farming results.
    Members are very concerned about the sharing of the fruits of organic farming and the techniques of organic farming. Respondents feel the sense of group on the community platform. The members who identify with the concept of organic make me feel that I am not lonely and the members have a strong interest in organic. The score is the highest, and the scores for making like-minded people are low. According to the research results, respondents with high participation intentions have higher levels of organic concern, learning, and sense of community. It can be seen that the platform is conducive to learning, and the operation of the platform can be improved in the future.
    According to the research results, in the future, platform managers can encourage other viewers to actively express their opinions, or members with farming experience can participate in live broadcasts or videos to discuss related issues to contribute to community activity and promote silent viewers Participation can also enhance the sense of community among members of the community.

    摘 要 i Abstract iii 目 次 v 圖 次 vii 第一章 緒 論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機 7 第三節 研究問題 9 第四節 研究目的 9 第五節 名詞界定 9 第六節 研究限制 13 第二章 文獻探討 15 第一節 有機農業的價值 15 第二節 有機農業的定義 19 第三節 有機農業的歷史 21 第四節 國內外有機農業發展 23 第五節 全球多元化有機產品標準 25 第六節 社群平台 29 第七節 臉書功能、參與動機與使用狀況 31 第八節 網路下的社群學習 35 第三章 研究方法 41 第一節 研究架構 41 第二節 研究對象與抽樣方法 43 第三節 研究工具 43 第四節 問卷設計過程 47 第五節 資料處理方法 49 第四章 研究結果 51 第一節 研究對象基本資料 51 第二節 加入社團平台動機、扮演角色和使用經驗 57 第三節 社團平台各類主題的參與意圖 61 第四節 受訪者對於社團平台上各項主題的關切程度及角色的影響 65 第五節 社團平台有機農耕學習意圖與收穫 67 第六節 社團平台群體感 69 第七節 相關分析 73 第五章 結論與建議 75 參考文獻 77 附錄 問卷 85

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