研究生: |
許民錠 Hui, Man-Ting |
論文名稱: |
應用TCCIP資料分析蘭陽溪流域降雨及溫度變化趨勢 Application of TCCIP Data on Precipitation and Temperature Trend Analysis in LangYang River Basin |
指導教授: |
Liaw, Shyue-Cherng |
口試委員: |
Liaw, Shyue-Cherng 翁叔平 Weng, Shu-Ping 詹進發 Jan, Jin-Fa |
口試日期: | 2023/05/26 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
地理學系 Department of Geography |
論文出版年: | 2023 |
畢業學年度: | 111 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 170 |
中文關鍵詞: | 蘭陽溪流域 、降雨量 、氣溫 、趨勢分析 |
英文關鍵詞: | LangYang river basin, Precipitation, Temperature, Trend analysis |
研究方法: | 次級資料分析 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300724 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:208 下載:6 |
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氣候變遷改變全球水文型態,降雨為重要的水資源來源,同時亦可能是關鍵致災因子,而台灣目前面臨水資源短缺以及用水需求增加的困境中,未來亦面對較高的氣候風險。蘭陽溪為宜蘭縣重要的水資源來源,流域內常發生氣候災害,未來氣候亦有所改變,因而需要了解降雨特性方能為水資源管理及災害防治提供重要決策資訊。雖然相關氣候資料之趨勢分析已有大量相關研究,但隨著氣象資料的完善及趨勢分析方法之改進,有望提供更準確之趨勢結果。因此本研究以蘭陽溪流域為研究區域,利用臺灣氣候變遷推估資訊與調適知識平台(Taiwan Climate Change Projection Information and Adaptation Knowledge Platform ,TCCIP)所提供之網格化氣象資料,以傳統的Mann-Kendall檢定及Theil-Sen斜率檢定搭配近年新興的Innovative Trend Analysis(ITA),探討蘭陽溪流域之降雨及氣溫之趨勢變化狀況。
The global hydrological pattern changed because of climate change. Rainfall is an important source of water resources but also can be the trigger of disaster. Taiwan is currently facing the predicament of water shortage and increasing demand for water, and it will also face higher climate risks in the future. LanYang River is an important source of water resources in Yilan, but climate disasters often occur in the basin, and the climate will change in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the characteristics of precipitation to provide important decision-making information for water resource management and disaster prevention. Although there have been a lot of research on trend analysis of relevant climate data, but with the improvement of meteorological data and trend analysis methods, it is expected to provide results more accurately. Therefore, this study takes LanYang River Basin as the research area, using the gridded meteorological data provided by the Taiwan Climate Change Projection Information and Adaptation Knowledge Platform (TCCIP), with the traditional Mann- The Kendall test and Theil-Sen slope test are combined with Innovative Trend Analysis (ITA), which has emerged in recent years, to explore the trends of rainfall and temperature in the LanYang River Basin.
The results show that the precipitation in the LanYang River Basin increased significantly in April, December and spring. In terms of temperature, the average temperature has no significant increase or decrease trend. The Maximum temperature decreases significantly in September, October, December, autumn and on annual scale. The minimum temperature showed a significant increase trend except for April. It indicating that the rainfall, maximum temperature, and minimum temperature in LanYang River Basin have changed but interaction and impact of rainfall, temperature, and related factors still need to be explored. The results can be used by management units or subsequent academic research.
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