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研究生: 李承道
論文名稱: 圖像混搭遊戲-台灣當下次文化現象之繪畫研究
指導教授: 蘇憲法
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 68
中文關鍵詞: 圖像混搭遊戲諧擬寫實主義挪用
英文關鍵詞: Mix Images, Game, Parody, Realism, Appropriation
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:427下載:22
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  • 本研究旨在探討圖像混搭在台灣當代繪畫藝術創作上的應用關係,共分為六章。台灣是筆者所居住的島嶼,在過去的年代經歷了戰爭和種族間的爭奪,數次政權的轉移,經濟的發展加速了島嶼整體的開發程度,人們對於文化在地性的堅持已經鬆綁,任由各種國際間主流及非主流的文化進出,因此,島嶼上的人們能任意穿梭於文化的邊界,文化的融合也意味著原有的文化產生質變,後現代主義仍然當道的年代,圖像的任意挪用跟台灣當代藝術主體的建構有何關聯?



    This study was designed to explore the image mix of contemporary painting in Taiwan, the artistic creation of the application of the relationship is divided into six chapters. Introduction chapter to introduce the study of motivation and purpose of the study and interpretation of the term. Chapter II by the international super-avant-garde and post-modern art mix images to explore the art of the theory of harmonic to be clarified, to be like, misappropriation creative difference in the modus operandi through the post-modern philosophy and classical game theory of evidence cited to support this writer in the contemporary artistic creation should be the attitude of the holder. Chapter III of the arts from painting to the canonical extension of the critical realist painting character, re-analysis of the development of the arts in Taiwan through the Environmental Change and the interpretation of context, to clarify the question of how the times have the right attitude by written response. Chapter IV that created the content, form, and technique, the object described by the work of the symbols with the intention of guiding, but also on the creative process of painting outside in the pre-operation. Institute of the fifth chapter is devoted to studying the author, the series of content, form, technique and overview of creative media such as, according to "King of Games" series of 11 works to explain. The conclusions reached by the sixth chapter, as this study proves theory of practice and review the object.

    摘要..........................i ABSTRACT........................ii 目錄..........................iii 第一章 緒論.....................1 第一節 研究動機與目的................1 第二節 研究範圍...................2 第三節 名詞解釋...................3 第二章 圖像混搭與米克斯繪畫的藝術理論........10 第一節 國際超前衛..................10 第二節 後現代藝術..................12 第三節 挪用.諧擬.擬仿...............16 第四節 遊戲的定義與理論基礎.............19 第三章 再訪繪畫正典.................23 第一節 何為正典...................23 第二節 瓦解正典的慾望................25 第三節 寫實的批判性格................28 第四節 台灣風格的延續................31 第四章 創作內容、形式與技法.............39 第一節 創作背景與條件................39 第二節 作品建構元素、形式、技法...........41 第五章 系列作品"國王遊戲"分析...........45 第六章 結論.....................60 參考書目.......................63 圖錄.........................65

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    25. 維基百科,Pieter Bruegel the Elder
    26. 維基百科,hybrid
    27. 維基百科,國王遊戲
    29. 維基百科,次文化
    30. 日據時代台灣美術
