研究生: |
劉育志 Liu, Yu-Chih |
論文名稱: |
我國大學入學制度公平性之能力取向分析 Analyzing Social Justice in Access to University in Taiwan from the Capability Approach |
指導教授: |
Yang, Shen-Keng |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
教育學系 Department of Education |
論文出版年: | 2021 |
畢業學年度: | 109 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 201 |
中文關鍵詞: | 能力取向 、大學入學 、公平 |
英文關鍵詞: | capability approach, university admission, social justice |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202100044 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:373 下載:52 |
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二、弱勢入學:(一)弱勢定義範圍應更為擴大,並且讓不符合現行法定弱勢身分,但受教育之能力確實受到剝奪之個體有陳述的機會;(二)必須察覺「多重弱勢者」其能力受限的程度更為嚴重,分配資源時,應更加細緻地排序;(三)部分大學優先或逕行錄取弱勢生的作法應予修正,可參照美國1978年的Allan Bakke案之後建立的兩階段審查模式;(四)大學校系在建立書審評量尺規時,可將能力、能動性、抱負等概念作為重要的選才構面。
Since the implementation of the College Multiple Entrance Program in Taiwan in 2002, there are still many fairness issues that are worthy of in-depth exploration, in terms of admission opportunities and disadvantaged admissions. The capability approach is more comprehensive than other educational equity theories; however, the study of the capability approach has yet to be fully explored. In the past, domestic research on the capability approach, which discussed educational issues, has not established an analytical framework. Therefore, this research uses hermeneutics methods and documentary research, making in-depth exploration of individual diversity, resource and conversion factors; choice (agency); capability and functioning; and other core concepts of the capability approach; and then establishes an analysis framework to analyze relevant policies, regulations and practices of university admissions in Taiwan on fairness issues.
The research findings are as follows:
1. University admission opportunities: (1) Although there are currently four admission channels including the stars program, personal application, examination and placement, and special admission program, only personal application and special admission program can demonstrate individual uniqueness; (2) Family economic and cultural capital are important resources that affect individual academic performance; individual physical and mental health, parental occupation, the applicants’ senior high school teachers’ qualifications, and the individual's geographical location are also important conversion factors; (3) Even though the admission channels are quite diverse, the socioeconomic status of the family affects the individual's choice; moreover, the Advanced Subjects Test and the General Scholastic Ability Test have their time sequence, and candidates may not make free choices when applying for the Advanced Subjects Test; (4) Only those who meet the equivalent education level and meet the university admission regulations can have the opportunity to enter the university; (5) The selection considers the individual's meritocracy as a condition for university readiness, ignores the process by which the individual achieves the performance, and does not pay attention to the capabilities to succeed after admission to the university; (6) Stratification in higher education; students with lower family socioeconomic status enter universities with expensive tuition and lower quality.
2. Enrollment by the disadvantaged: (1) The definition of disadvantage by economic or cultural disadvantage is slightly narrow, and the definition of disadvantage by identity also ignores individual diversity; (2) Resource subsidies are based on economy, ignoring the different needs of individuals, and failing to pay attention to the importance of individual aspirations; (3) Among the admission channels, only personal applications and special admission program can highlight the special circumstances of disadvantaged students.
In response to the aforementioned issues, this study proposes practical reform measures and follow-up research recommendations as follows:
1. University admission opportunities: (1) Achieving the policy goal of equal educational opportunities should not be presented by quantitative data depicting the enrollment ratio. It is necessary to thoroughly explore the reasons that restrict individuals from achieving the actualization of this policy, and examine key factors, such as resources, conversion factors, and individual aspirations. The quality of the individual’s university should also be included as a measure. (2) Personal applications and special admission program can best demonstrate an individual's heterogeneity and agency, and can also enable students to be evaluated with more meta-information. The university should be given room to expand the number of places, and continue to handle admissions specialization, improving the knowledge of examiners, to prevent personal application selection from becoming a point race. (3) The establishment of personal application document review rubrics should take a more comprehensive consideration of the level of university readiness, instead of selecting candidates based on academic performance or meritocracy. (4) Adjusting the examination schedule so that candidates can genuinely choose according to their own preferences.
2. Disadvantaged admission: (1) The scope of the definition of “disadvantaged” should be expanded, so that individuals who do not meet the current statutory disadvantaged status, but whose capability to receive education is indeed deprived, have the opportunity to make a statement. (2) It is necessary to realize that "multiple disadvantaged persons" are more severely restricted in their capabilities. When allocating resources, they should be sorted more carefully. (3) The practice of some universities preferentially or directly enrolling disadvantaged students should be revised. The two-stage review model established after the Allan Bakke case in the United States in 1978 can be a reference. (4) When establishing document review rubrics, the university department can take concepts such as capability, agency, and aspirations as an important aspect of selection.
For follow-up research, it is recommended to take further interviews to understand the situation of individual students. In addition, this research uses foreign research results to propose a capability list of "university readiness" and "capability to succeed after admission", which in the future can be further constructed into a capability list that fits the situation in Taiwan.
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