研究生: |
戴貝舫 Tai, Pei-Fang |
論文名稱: |
組織創意氛圍對綠色開放式創新之影響─以組織技術調適能力為中介變項 Organizational Creative Climate and Green Open Innovation: The Mediating Role of Organizational Technology Adaptive Capability |
指導教授: |
Chang, Ching-Hsun |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
科技應用與人力資源發展學系 Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development |
論文出版年: | 2020 |
畢業學年度: | 108 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 116 |
中文關鍵詞: | 組織創意氛圍 、組織技術調適能力 、綠色開放式創新 |
英文關鍵詞: | Organizational creative climate, Organizational technology adaptive capability, Green open innovation |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000681 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:244 下載:0 |
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自 Chesbrough 於 2003 年提出開放式創新(Open Innovation)概念, 至今少有研究從綠色觀點探討開放式創新之發展。本研究重新定義綠 色開放式創新並探討其與組織創意氛圍與組織技術調適能力間的關聯 性。
本研究使用問卷對台灣製造業進行隨機抽樣調查,共計回收 187 家製造業公司之有效樣本,透過 SPSS 18.0 與 Amos 18.0 檢驗研究假 說,最後提出研究結論:(1)組織創意氛圍對組織技術調適能力有正向 顯著的影響、(2)組織技術調適能力對綠色開放式創新有正向顯著的影 響、(3)組織創意氛圍在組織技術調適能力的中介影響下,對綠色開放 式創新有正向顯著影響、(4)企業規模大小顯著影響組織創意氛圍、組 織技術調適能力與綠色開放式創新。
本研究透過探討組織創意氛圍、組織技術調適能力與綠色開放式 創新之研究架構,為綠色觀點的開放式創新提出更加新穎之管理意涵 與實務建議,亦提供學術界與實務界參考。
Since Chesbrough proposed the concept of open innovation in 2003, few studies had explored the development of open innovation from green perspective. This study tried to propose a novel construct “green open innovation”. In this study, we explored the positive effect of organizational creative climate on green open innovation via organizational technology adaptive capability.
This study utilized a questionnaire survey to verify the research framework of the Taiwanese manufacturing companies. In total, 187 valid questionnaires were collected from manufacturing companies. This study utilized SPSS (18.0) and AMOS (18.0) to verify hypotheses. Results showed that: (1) Organizational creative climate had positive effect on organizational technology adaptive capability; (2) Organizational technology adaptive capability had positive effect on green open innovation; (3) Organizational technology adaptive capability had mediation effect between organizational creative climate and green open innovation; (4) A significant difference is observed between large enterprises and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in organizational creative climate, organizational technology adaptive capability, and green open innovation.
This study developed a novel managerial framework of these constructs: organizational creative climate, organizational technology adaptive capability, green open innovation. By addressing the constructs, this study presented a novel perspective on green open innovation. We hope the research results are beneficial to companies, researchers, and future research as reference.
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歐萊德國際股份有限公司(民 107 年 12 月)。2017 歐萊德企業社會責任 報 告 書 。 民 109 年 6 月 16 日 , 取 自 : https://www.oright.inc/assets/csr_report/2017_CSR_tw.pdf
大愛感恩科技股份有限公司(民 106 年 8 月 3 日)。紡織專業發揮良能愛 心接力共創永續。民 109 年 6 月 16 日,取自:
http://www.daait.com/index.php/tc/2014-06-05-09-49-09/2014-10-01- 05-21-45/2017-08-31-07-24-37/11501-2017-07-27-03-28-56
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