研究生: |
李佩真 Pei-Chen Li |
論文名稱: |
社會密度、空間密度及親密度對消費者擁擠知覺、消費情緒及消費意願之影響 The Effects of Social Density, Spatial Density, and Intimate on Perceived Crowding, Consumer Emotion, and |
指導教授: |
Sun, Yu-Hua |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
人類發展與家庭學系 Department of Human Development and Family Studies |
論文出版年: | 2006 |
畢業學年度: | 94 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 148 |
中文關鍵詞: | 空間密度 、社會密度 、擁擠知覺 、消費情緒 、消費意願 、結構方程模式 |
英文關鍵詞: | spatial density, social density, perceived crowding, consumer emotion, patronage Intention, structural equation modeling |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:549 下載:62 |
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研究設計使用實驗法,以「空間密度」、「社會密度」與「與共餐者之親密度」為本研究操弄之自變項,實驗採行2×2×3三因子混合設計,分別為空間密度(高空間密度 vs. 低空間密度)、社會密度(高社會密度 vs. 低社會密度)、與共餐者之親密程度(高親密程度 vs. 中親密程度 vs. 低親密程度)等,實驗步驟是先讓受試者閱讀虛擬的故事情境,再利用彩色圖片讓他們模擬當時餐廳內的擁擠程度,接著依當時感受填答問卷,其中「社會密度」及「與共餐者之親密程度」二因子以受試者間方式進行測驗,讓每一位受試者只能接受單一種的「社會密度」、「與共餐者之親密程度」所構成的實驗情境,至於「空間密度」因子則採用受試者內方式進行情境模擬,同一位受試者將以隨機順序接受「低空間密度」及「高空間密度」二種不同的情境模擬。虛擬故事情境依此分為十二個版本,並於版本中隨機排列各個選定的操弄。研究樣本來自294位台灣師範大學大學部之學生,這些資料經過電腦處理之後,使用SPSS 12.0版與AMOS 6.0版軟體進行各項分析。
The purpose of this study is to inquire how the spatial density, social density and the meal person's intimate degree influence consumer's perceived crowding, consumer emotion and patronage Intention. A hypothesized path model using structural equation modeling was proposed to examine the correlation of variables.
This study is an experimental research which aims to investigate the effects of spatial density, social density, and dining situation on perceived crowding. The three effects will be manipulated independently. The study is designed by 2 × 2 × 3 factors, including spatial density (high vs. low), social density (high vs. low), and the meal person's intimate degree (high vs. medium vs. low). A fictitious scenario will be offered to participants to read first, and then colored graphics for illustrating the crowded restaurant will be presented. Next, participants will answer the questionnaires. Each respondent will only be assigned one dining situation comprised of social density and the meal person's intimate degree factors. The spatial density factor will adopt a within-subject way to proceed situation simulation and randomly separate participants into two dining situation group (high spatial density and low spatial density). There are 12 fictitious scenarios and will be sent to respondents randomly. Subjects were 294 students of Nation Taiwan Normal University. Data were analyzed by SPSS12.0 and AMOS 6.0.
The results of path analysis of structural equation modeling using AMOS indicatedthat “spatial density” and “social density” had significant direct effect on “perceived spatial crowding” and “perceived social crowding”. In particular, “perceived spatial crowding” had significant direct effect on “positive consumer emotion” and “negative consumer emotion”; “perceived social crowding” had significant direct effect on “positive consumer emotion”; “positive consumer emotion” and “negative consumer emotion” had significant direct effect on “patronage Intention”. Besides, the Subjects’ tolerance for crowding had moderated effect on the relationship of perceived crowding and consumer emotion. Most hypotheses were confirmed by the result of analysis.Suggestions for further study and limitations were discussed at the endof the study.
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