研究生: |
邱方昱 Chiou, Fang-Yu |
論文名稱: |
女性消費者閱讀健康食品包裝資訊之卡片分類研究 A Study of Card Sorting for Female Consumers to Read Package Information of Health Food |
指導教授: | 邱銘心 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
圖書資訊學研究所 Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies |
論文出版年: | 2017 |
畢業學年度: | 105 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 124 |
中文關鍵詞: | 健康食品 、女性消費者 、卡片分類法 、資訊組織 |
英文關鍵詞: | Health food, Female consumer, Card sorting, Information organization |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202203406 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:399 下載:5 |
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本研究總共招募十七位35歲至55歲之女性消費者作為受測者,並且以基本資料問卷、卡片分類法、訪談來進行實驗,實驗前從25樣健康食品包裝上,以內容分析法擷取出總共70張卡片項目,卡片分類法採開放式分類法,給予受測者未經分類的70張項目卡片,由受測者將卡片依內容進行分類並且為每一類別命名,並且利用「OptimalSort軟體」進行群集分析之資料處理,以該軟體產生的樹狀結構圖Tree Clustering來呈現分類結果。
The topic of the research is about the female consumers reading the information upward the health food packaging and preferring contents when they are choosing health food. And the research is also identify the information organization of the health food packaging contents for female consumers.
The study subjects was recruited from female consumer in the age range of 35 to 55 in Taiwan. This research adopted basic information survey, card sorting and interviewing after the experiment with card sorting after the content analysis of the information upward the health food packaging. We could get 70 card items from the content of the 25 health foods’ packaging. We adopted open card sorting and let the subjects sort the 70 card items, classify, and name the classifications. The card sorting data was analyzed by 「OptimalSort」 and presented the classification result of tree clustering.
The major results were below:(a)The top five information that the female consumers will notice when reading the health foods’ packaging are “Name of Product”, “Brand”, “Ingredient”, “Food Additives” and “Efficacy”. (b)The main reason let the consumer will read different contents are “Size of the words”, “Colors”, “Amount of Contents”, “Designing Pictures”. (c)”Target Eaters”, “Professtion of the Consumer”, “Personal Habits” and “Health Food Mark” will also effect consumer choose different products. (d)The classification structures results of the card sorting were that the subjects do the sorting to 14 categories:”Price”, “Taste”, “Nutritional ingredient and content”, ”Product information and logo”, ”Product special information”, ”Product liability insurance”, ”Consumer dispute”, ”Research and development information”, ”Manufacturer information”, ”Product efficacy”, ”Others”, ”Advertisement and national certification”, ”Disposal information after using”, ”Expiration date, announcements, , use and storage method”.
The classification structures results could be the reference for health food companies when they design food package to be kind and good from the point of consumers and lead consumers to choose the suitable products. Based on the study results, there are three recommendations:(a)Suggest the government should pay more attention of the promoting and education the knowledge of the “Health Food” to the public. In addition, the government could strength and optimize of the health food shopping website and the sellers’ specialized knowledge of the health food shops. (b)Recommend when the health food companies design the packaging of the health food should consider of that the contents is easy and comfortable or not for consumers to read.。This study hopes that future research can not only expand the range of the subjects and analyzing contents but also add detailed health food choosing history and the packaging design.
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