研究生: |
黃楷茹 Huang, Kai-Ju |
論文名稱: |
學校本位才能發展方案之建構與實踐 The Construction and Implementation of a School-based Talent Development Program |
指導教授: |
Chen, Mei-Fang |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
特殊教育學系 Department of Special Education |
論文出版年: | 2018 |
畢業學年度: | 106 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 422 |
中文關鍵詞: | 學校本位 、才能發展 、才能檔案 、資優資源班 、教師專業發展 |
英文關鍵詞: | school-based, talent development, talent profiles, gifted resource room, teacher professional development |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/DIS.NTNU.DSE.024.2018.F02 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:378 下載:50 |
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一、 學校環境對學生才能發展的支持現況
二、 學校本位才能發展的課程規劃與實踐
三、 學校本位才能發展課程的實施成效
四、 資優資源班教師的專業成長
In gifted education, the talent development paradigm emphasizes on the development of capabilities and the diversity of talents. Transforming potential to talents is the constant process of accumulation and transformation as the students interact with the contexts of the environment. The systematic support from the environment is the essence of facilitating the talent development. This action research was carried out for constructing and implementing a school-based talent development program in an elementary school by using a gifted resource room as a platform and the teachers of the gifted resource room as the main actors. Specifically, the current support from the elementary school context for the talent development was first analyzed. Based on the analysis, the enrichment curricula for the talent development were constructed and implemented. The effectiveness of the enrichment curriculum was examined as well. The study further explored the practices and reflection of the teachers of the gifted resource rooms for professional development. The participants in the study included the teachers in the gifted resource rooms, the general education teachers, the selected 31 students from teachers’ recommendations, the observation members, and the external advising consultants. Documentation analysis, observations, interviews, and reflective journals were employed in this study. The major findings were:
1.Current support offered from the school environment for the talent development
(1)With properly selection and reorganization of school data, students talent profiles were thus established. The profiles interpreted by the teachers of the gifted resource room and the general education teachers could be the tools to recognize students’ potential and capabilities.
(2)The general education teachers considered mental abilities (intellectual ability, creativity, and social ability, etc.) as the main dimensions of student potential, and talents as capabilities that were seen performed and recognized in a certain dimension. The teachers believed that there were diversified reasons for the talent development. Life experiences provide the nutrients for development. The key to develop talents are affective factors which require students’ devotions and gradual accumulation in daily lives.
2.The construction and implementation of a school-based talent development enrichment curriculum
(1)In this study, the enrichment curriculum of the school-based talent development program were constructed in the school environment. The curriculum was refined through the curriculum of the gifted resource room. The enrichment curriculum was developed regarding capability transformation as the main goal, project-based learning as the process, and authentic products as the outcome. The prototypes of the curriculum was constructed.
(2)The participant teachers continued to reflect and adjust to gradually complete the contents of the prototype curriculum, and developed 5 types of scaffolds to guide students which included exemplar analysis, thinking strategies, procedures for actions, organizational constructs and metacognition.
3.The effectiveness of the implementation of a school-based talent development enrichment curriculum
(1)For the demonstration of students’ targeted capabilities, through performance assessments conducted before and after the curriculum and the product assessment in each of the three stages, it was discovered that the students continued to develop in the targeted capabilities, and the gaps in capabilities among students were shortened.
(2)For the manifestations of students’ talent development, in general, three foci can be found in different stages. The initial stage was the changes in learning and thinking habits, the second stage was the leap in capabilities, and the third was the goal-orientated actions, thinking enjoyment, self-challenges and pursuits of excellence. The talent development of individuals evolved based on students’ potential and needs, which has shown the different paths and manifestations.
(3) The organizations and implementations of the enrichment curriculum served as stimulus for the interactions of the innate factors for the talent development, and to provide power for continuous development.
4.Professional development of gifted resources teachers
Many challenges were faced by the teachers of the gifted resource room as they took actions. Through dialectics and reflections on the process, the professional development of teachers can be seen in the three aspects:
(1)From teachers of gifted resource rooms to be advocators of gifted education
(2)From teachers of gifted children to be facilitators of guiding talent development
(3)From managing gifted resource rooms to be part of support systems for the talent development in schools.
Finally, the study provides practical and future research suggestions for student talent profiles, curriculum for talent developments and program constructions.
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