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研究生: 蔡任圃
論文名稱: 單眼與複眼在蟑螂運動行為上的調控功能
指導教授: 林金盾
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2002
畢業學年度: 90
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 148
中文關鍵詞: 單眼複眼蟑螂運動行為附肢EMG
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:317下載:21
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  • 美洲蟑螂(Periplaneta americana)同時具有單眼與複眼,在「生物經濟原則」的觀點上,其生理角色必定有所不同。本研究利用攝影連續紀錄蟑螂在光區與暗區的時間比率,比較單眼與複眼在光趨向行為(phototaxis)中的生理角色。此外,利用攝影配合電腦影像分析,記錄並測量蟑螂附肢的運動行為與個體的行進速度,探討運動行為的光活動(photokinesis)特性,以比較單眼與複眼在調節運動行為上的生理角色。

    Cockroaches, Periplaneta americana, are equipped with ocelli and compound eyes. According to the principles of biological economy, the physiological role of ocelli and compound eyes should be different. Using computer-based image analysis the present study has compared the functional differences between ocelli and compound eyes by determining the ratio of light-avoiding reaction for phototaxis and by measuring the movement of antennae and legs, the velocity of insect locomotion for photokinesis.
    Results from the phototaxic experiments showed that American cockroach behave with light-avoiding responses and the light-avoiding response is regulated by both ocelli and compound eyes. The effects of simultaneous illumination to ocelli and compound eyes on the light-avoiding response are synergetic. In photokinetic experiments, it is proved that both the movement of antennae and legs, and the velocity of insect locomotion conformed to the photokinetic characteristics. The effects of light-adaptation and cerci-stimulation on the movement of antennae and legs, and the velocity of insect locomotion are in a similar manner, however, the effects of the former is weaker than those of the latter. In addition, the effects of the simultaneous light-adaptation and cerci-stimulation on the swing degree of antennae, the stepping frequency of legs and the velocity of insect locomotion are synergetic.
    Upon the regulation of the movement of antennae and legs, and the EMG recorded from antennae and legs during movement, ocelli and compound eyes perform simultaneously in the role of visual organs, but differently in some parameters. The regulatory effects of visual signals on the movement of antennae and legs depends on the different intensity of illumination. During insects’ escape induced by cerci-stimulation, the strength of legs’ movement(e.g. stepping distance) is regulated by the visual signals from compound eyes, then the other parameters (e.g. stepping velocity of retraction and the mean velocity of insect locomotion) was followed by the effects of stimulating compound eyes. After ceasing cerci-stimulation, the duration of movement of antennae and legs (e.g. swing duration of antennae and ratio of walking phase) is regulated by the visual signals from both ocelli and compound eyes, then the other parameters of movement (e.g. inward swing angular velocity of antennae and the mean velocity of insect locomotion) was followed by the effects of stimulating both ocelli and compound eyes. However, the effects of ocelli-illumination only on the parameters of movement during light-adaptation and light-stimulation are more consistent than those of compound eyes-illumination only.
    In conclusion, results evidence that the regulatory functions of ocelli and compound eyes on the locomotion behavior are different. There are a complex interaction between ocelli and compound eyes with different co-regulation type among parameters. Furthermore, their regulatory effects vary according to the intensity and the timing of visual signals input, the locomotion condition of insect and whether other sensory inputs (e.g. tactile sensation from insect’s face) or not, they showed differently functional regulations.

    中文摘要………………………………………………… i 英文摘要………………………………………………… ii 第一章 緒論…………………………………………… 1 一、視覺與昆蟲的行為……………………………………………………1 二、單眼與複眼的生理角色………………………………………………2 三、昆蟲行為的偵測技術…………………………………………………4 四、美洲蟑螂的逃亡行為…………………………………………………4 五、昆蟲的觸角運動與功能………………………………………………5 六、本論文的研究架構……………………………………………………5 第二章 材料與方法……………………………………… 6 研究材料………………………………………………………………… 6 研究方法………………………………………………………………… 6 壹、蟑螂光趨向行為的特性………………………………………… 6 一、實驗裝置…………………………………………………… 6 二、實驗動物分組……………………………………………… 7 三、實驗記錄…………………………………………………… 7 貳、蟑螂照光適應的光活動特性…………………………………… 7 一、實驗裝置…………………………………………………… 7 二、實驗動物分組……………………………………………… 8 三、測量的參數………………………………………………… 8 參、單眼與複眼在蟑螂光活動行為上的調節作用………………… 9 一、實驗裝置…………………………………………………… 9 二、實驗動物分組……………………………………………… 9 (一)、照光適應……………………………………………. 9 (二)、照光刺激…………………………………………… 10 肆、單眼與複眼對蟑螂附肢(觸角與步足)肌肉活動的調節作用…10 一、實驗裝置……………………………………………………10 二、觸角肌肉活動記錄…………………………………………10 三、步足肌肉活動記錄…………………………………………11 四、EMG圖形分析…………………………………………… 12 第三章 結果………………………………………………13 壹、蟑螂光趨向行為的特性……………………………………………13 一、單眼與複眼在蟑螂負光趨向行為上的調節作用……………13 二、在不同時段單眼與複眼在蟑螂負光趨向行為上的調節作用.13 三、單眼與複眼在蟑螂負光趨向行為中,對逃離光區反應的調節作用…………………………………………………………… 13 四、單眼與複眼對蟑螂負光趨向行為潛伏期的調節作用……… 14 五、在不同時段單眼與複眼對負光趨向行為潛伏期的調節作用.14 貳、蟑螂照光適應的光活動特性……………………………………… 14 一、照光適應對觸角運動的影響………………………………… 15 二、照光適應對步足運動的影響………………………………… 16 三、照光適應對蟑螂行進運動的調節作用……………………… 18 四、照光適應對蟑螂各項參數調節作用的比較………………… 19 參、單眼與複眼在蟑螂光活動行為上的調節作用…………………… 19 一、黏附導光管對運動行為的影響……………………………… 20 二、單眼與複眼照光適應對運動行為的調節作用……………… 20 (一)、觸角運動…………………………………………………20 (二)、步足運動…………………………………………………21 (三)、行進運動…………………………………………………22 (四)、各項參數的比較…………………………………………24 三、逃亡時照光刺激對運動行為的影響………………………… 24 (一)、觸角運動…………………………………………………24 (二)、步足運動…………………………………………………25 (三)、行進運動…………………………………………………26 (四)、各項參數的比較…………………………………………27 四、照光適應與照光刺激對運動行為調控的比較……………… 28 肆、單眼與複眼對附肢(觸角與步足)肌肉活性的調節作用……………30 一、黏附導光管對附肢EMG潛伏期的影響………………………30 二、照光適應對逃亡期間附肢EMG的影響………………………31 (一)、潛伏期……………………………………………………31 (二)、EMG頻率……………………………………………… 32 (三)、EMG振幅……………………………………………… 32 (四)、EMG電活性…………………………………………… 32 (五)、各項參數的比較…………………………………………33 三、逃亡期間照光刺激對附肢EMG的影響………………………33 (一)、EMG頻率……………………………………………… 33 (二)、EMG振幅……………………………………………… 34 (三)、EMG電活性…………………………………………… 34 (四)、各項參數的比較…………………………………………35 四、照光適應與照光刺激對附肢EMG調控的比較………………35 第四章 討論………………………………………………37 壹、昆蟲行為的偵測技術……………………………………………37 貳、單眼與複眼在蟑螂光趨向行為的角色……………………………38 參、單眼與複眼在蟑螂光活動行為的角色……………………………40 一、蟑螂觸角運動的光活動特性…………………………………40 二、蟑螂步足運動與行進速度的光活動特性……………………41 肆、單眼與複眼的差異及其生理功能…………………………………42 一、單眼與複眼在結構上的差異…………………………………42 二、複眼訊息輸入的神經傳遞……………………………………42 三、單眼訊息輸入的神經傳遞……………………………………43 四、單眼與複眼的生理功能………………………………………44 伍、本研究與前人研究結果之比較………………………………46 第五章 結論………………………………………………49 第六章 參考文獻…………………………………………52 第七章 圖表與說明………………………………………62 第八章 附錄……………………………………………. 143 附錄一:個體行進速度校正的式子推導………………………………143 附錄二:「蟑螂照光適應的光活動特性」、「單眼與複眼在蟑螂光活動行為上的調節作用」與「單眼與複眼對附肢(觸角與步足)肌肉活性的調節作用」實驗設計中照光強度實測值………………147

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