簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 黃楗翔
Huang, Chien-Hsiang
論文名稱: 運動績優生與一般生適應情形之比較研究
To study the adaptation of those between the athletic well-performed students and general students with comparative method
指導教授: 張少熙
Chang, Shao-Hsi
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2003
畢業學年度: 91
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 208
中文關鍵詞: 運動績優生學業適應運動訓練生涯規劃
英文關鍵詞: Athletic well-performed PE students, adaptation to academic wor, physical training, life plan
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:307下載:58
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  • 摘 要

    The purpose of this study was mainly to understand the difference between the well-performed students and general students for their adaptation to academic work at the Physical Education Department of National Tainan Teacher’s College. The study sample was all of the students who attended the class of the Physical Education Department of National Tainan Teacher’s College, which took questionnaire method with descriptive statistics, single-factor variation analysis, factor analysis and typical relation etc, statistic methods to proceed with information analysis and discussion. The results indicated:
    The findings based on the results of this study were as follow:
    1. On the aspect of adaptation to academic work between the athletic well-performed students and general students:
    1) There was significant difference on the adaptation to academic work.
    2) There was significant difference on factors that caused bad adaptation to academic work.
    3) There was no significant difference on condition resulted in their bad adaptation to academic work.
    4) There was significant difference on search for help regarding the problems on adaptation to academic work.
    2. On the aspect of adaptation to physical training between the athletic well-performed students and general students:
    1) There was significant difference on the adaptation to physical training.
    2) There was significant difference on factors that caused bad adaptation to physical training.
    3) There was no significant difference on condition resulted in their bad adaptation to physical training.
    4) There was no significant difference on search for help regarding the problems on adaptation to physical training.
    3. There was no significant difference between the athletic well-performed students and general students for their prospect on life plan.
    4. The adaptation of academic work and physical training, as well as the life plan of the students at the Physical Education Department of National Tainan Teacher’s College had typical relation existed.
    The conclusion and suggestion were made according to the above study for future reference of the instructors and students of the Physical Education Department as well as the counseling center of National Tainan Teacher’s College.

    目 次 第壹章 緒論....................1 第一節 研究背景..................1 第二節 研究目的與範圍...............3 第三節 研究問題與假設...............4 第四節 研究重要性.................5 第五節 研究限制..................6 第六節 名詞操作性定義...............6 第貳章 文獻探討.................. 8 第一節 運動績優學生升學輔導辦法及相關問題.....8 第二節 適應的理論基礎...............13 第三節 大學生適應問題之相關研究..........21 第四節 運動績優生的學校適應............26 第五節 求助的基本理論...............34 第六節 生涯規劃的相關研究與理論..........38 第參章 研究方法與設計..............45 第一節 研究架構..................46 第二節 研究對象..................47 第三節 研究工具..................48 第四節 實施程序與步驟...............60 第五節 資料處理..................62 第肆章 結果分析與討論..............63 第一節 量表的信、效度考驗.............63 第二節 基本資料統計分析..............70 第三節 運動績優生與一般生適應情形之差異性考驗...78 第四節 運動績優生與一般生適應情形之典型相關分析..124 第伍章 結論與建議................138 第一節 結論................ ..138 第二節 建議....................141 引用文獻 中文部份:.....................145 英文部份:.....................153 附 錄 一、55-88年中等以上學校運動成績優良學生升學輔導辦法......................159 二、運動績優生與一般生適應情況之問卷.......188 三、專家效度名單..................193 四、學業適應情形問卷信度考驗.............196 五、運動訓練適應情形問卷信度考驗...........197 六、生涯規劃情形問卷信度考驗.............198 七、國立台南師範學院體育系課程表...........199 表 次 表2-1 運績生升學輔導辦法旨意及精神分析表.....9 表2-2 適應涵義一覽表 ..............14 表2-3 大學生生活適應問題相關研究一覽表 .....21 表3-2 體育系八十八至九十一學年度入學學生人數總表 .....................47 表3 -3-1學業適應情形問卷說明 ...........52 表3 -3-2運動訓練適應情形問卷說明 .........55 表3 -3-3生涯規劃問卷說明 .............58 表3 -4 體育系學生抽樣人數一覽表 .........60 表4 -1-1運動績優生與一般生學業適應情形變項名稱之信、 效度考驗.................. 64 表4 -1-2運動績優生與一般生運動訓練適應情形變項名稱之 信、效度考驗................66 表4 -1-3運動績優生與一般生生涯規劃情形變項名稱之信、 效度考驗 ................ .68 表4 -2 體育系運動績優生與一般生基本資料統計 ...70 表 4 -3-1入學方式與學業適應變異數分析表........79 表 4 -3- 2 課後自習時間與學業適應變異數分析表 ......85 表 4 -3 -3 修習學分數與學業適應變異數分析表 .......88 表 4 -3 -4 學科不及格數與學業適應變異數分析表 ......91 表 4 -3 -5 入學方式與運動訓練適應變異數分析表 ......95 表 4 -3 -6 運動訓練每週平均天數與運動訓練適應變異數分析表 .....................100 表 4 -3 -7 運動每天平均次數與運動訓練適應變異數分析表...103 表 4 -3 -8 運動訓練時間與運動訓練適應變異數分析表....107 表 4 -3 -9 術科不及格數與運動訓練適應變異數分析表....110 表 4-3-10 參加校隊數與運動訓練適應變異數分析表.....113 表 4-3-11 入學方式與生涯規劃變異數分析表........116 表 4-3-12 性別與生涯規劃變異數分析表..........118 表 4-3-13 年齡與生涯規劃變異數分析表..........120 表 4-3-14 就讀年級與生涯規劃變異數分析表........122 表 4 -4 -1 學業適應部份KMO球形檢定表.........124 表 4 -4 -2 學業適應部份結構負荷表...........125 表 4 -4 -3 學業適應情形因素歸納表...........126 表 4 -4 -4 運動訓練部份KMO球形檢定表.........127 表 4 -4 -5 運動訓練部份結構負荷表...........128 表 4 -4 -6 運動訓練適應情形因素歸納表..........129 表 4 -4 -7 生涯規劃部份KMO球形檢定表.........130 表 4 -4 -8 生涯規劃部份結構負荷表...........131 表 4 -4 -9 生涯規劃情形因素歸納表...........132 表 4-4-10 特徵值與典型相關係數表...........132 表 4-4-11 典型相關係數顯著性檢定表...........133 表 4-4-12 (生涯規劃部份)測驗變數與典型變數之相關表....133 表 4-4-13 (學業適應、運動訓練適應部份)測驗變數與典型變數之 相關表...................134 圖 次 圖3-1 研究架構.................46 圖3-4 研究步驟圖................61 圖4-4-1 學業適應因素陡坡圖.............. 125 圖4-4-2 運動訓練適應陡坡圖.............127 圖4-4-3 生涯規劃陡坡圖...............130 圖4-4-4 典型相關徑路圖..............135

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