研究生: |
張秀湘 Chang, Hsiu-Hsiang |
論文名稱: |
服飾類行動購物APP之圖文編排與色彩組合影響產品感知品質之研究 A Study of Layout Design and Color Combination on Apparel Mobile Shopping APP Affecting Product Perceived Quality |
指導教授: |
Yang, Mei-Hsueh |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
圖文傳播學系 Department of Graphic Arts and Communications |
論文出版年: | 2016 |
畢業學年度: | 104 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 131 |
中文關鍵詞: | 圖文編排 、色彩 、行動購物 、APP 、感知品質 |
英文關鍵詞: | layout design, color combination, mobile shopping, APP, perceived quality |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202203971 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:472 下載:90 |
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行動裝置普及帶動行動購物APP商機。消費者於網上購物,無法以試用或觸摸等方式評估產品,此時消費者對產品的品質優劣感知非常重要,也是消費決策依據。雖已有探討網頁設計元素影響消費者心理的研究,但因行動裝置受限螢幕尺寸與網路速度等差異因素,無法預設行動裝置的消費者與過往網購消費者的動機、期望和行為相同。加上鮮少研究探討消費者使用APP接觸產品的心理感知反應。因此,本研究以服飾類行動購物APP的圖文編排比例及色彩組合視覺設計元素探討消費者對產品的感知品質(perceived quality)之影響。
本研究採實驗法,為2(圖文編排比例:圖75%文25%、圖25%文75%)× 2(色彩組合:藍色背景/黃色文字、黃色背景/藍色文字)2因子組間設計,共4種實驗組合,依變數為感知品質。
The popularity of mobile devices drives mobile shopping APP opportunities. Consumers often acquire adequate product information by physical examination, but the internet shopping does not accommodate physical evaluations like the real stores do. The product quality perception of the first impression is very important to consumers, and also led to their decision making. Because there are many differences between mobile devices and PCs such as the screen size and network speed, it cannot be assumed that mobile devices consumers have the same motivations, expectations and behavior as the internet consumers in spite of many past studies on web design factors affecting consumer psychology. There are few studies to discuss consumers' initial reaction of product of psychological perception via using mobile APP. Therefore, this study discusses the influence factors of how the layout design and color combination on apparel mobile shopping APP affect product perceived quality.
The study adopts two factors between-subjects design: 2(image/text ratio of layout design, the layout is consisted of two areas): 75% image area / 25% text area, 25% image area / 75% text area)× 2(color combination, text color is followed by background color: yellow on blue, blue on yellow), a total of four kinds of experimental combinations. The perceived quality serve as a dependent variable.
The results show that the significant effect is the perceived quality in the image / text ratio of layout design. 75% image area / 25% text area layout is more significant to perceived quality than the other, especially fine workmanship perception. There is no significant effect on perceived quality in the color combination. Besides, image / text ratio of layout design and color combination don't have significant interaction effect on perceived quality.
Furthermore, the study finds that visual experience of APP interface is different from web page. The past results indicate that only image / text ratio of layout design could extend to action on apparel mobile shopping APP interface. Color factor needs further studies.
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