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研究生: 余瑞瑩
Anne Jui-Ying Yu
論文名稱: 中文否定詞「沒有」的言談功能
Discourse Functions of Negative Meiyou in Taiwan Mandarin
指導教授: 畢永峨
Biq, Yung-O
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2004
畢業學年度: 92
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 133
中文關鍵詞: 否定詞言談標記語法化主觀性單一性
英文關鍵詞: negative, discourse markers, grammaticalization, subjectivity, unidirectionality
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:464下載:42
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  • 摘 要
    沒有的言談功能分別以局部(local)及全面(global)的言談層面討論。沒有在這兩個層次中分別擔任的功能主要分為六大類:(1)否定(negation)、(2)緩和(mitigation)、(3)規避(evasion) (局部言談層次)、(4)修正(revision)、(5)話輪轉換(turn-taking)以及(6)話題轉換(topic-shift) (全面言談層次)。否定功能用以否定前一語句的表層或隱含意義,緩和功能用以減輕隱含於前句中的讚揚或詢問者對於答案的期望,或是減緩即將出現的語句(通常帶有要求)的力量強度(force)。規避功能針對上一句的問題給予回答,然而之後連接的回答內容卻與問題無關,顯示說話者對於問題無法給予明確答案。修正功能分為兩類,一類是說者對本身之前的談話內容自我修正,另一類是說者對其他說話者的談話內容加以修飾。話輪轉換功能用以幫助說者保有或贏得發言權;話題轉換功能用以區隔緊接的談話內容與前段內容。文中亦進一步將沒有的言談功能重新歸類為五大類,將規避功能視為修正功能的一種。此五大類功能顯示沒有跳脫原本純粹為結構成分(如名詞、動詞或形容詞)的否定詞用法,而具備言談標記(discourse marker)的功能,表達前後語段的關聯。沒有的言談功能仍存有否定的語意,但此語意為隱含,並表達說話者的主觀態度。此隱含及主觀的否定語意須從文中推測。沒有言談功能的產生可以以Traugott對語意發展所提出的理論架構解釋。

    This thesis investigates the various uses of the Chinese negative meiyou in spoken discourse. Through the approach of Conversation Analysis (CA), the discourse functions of meiyou, which are usually disregarded in sentence-based studies of negatives, are examined as they occur in different contexts. The spoken data are collected from daily conversation and TV programs. The length of the data is 2.5 hours, and 266 tokens of meiyou are identified. Notions such as grammaticalization, subjectivity and unidirectionality are employed to account for the analysis.
    The functions of meiyou are analyzed at two levels of discourse: local and global. At these two levels, six functions of meiyou are identified: (1) negation, (2) mitigation, (3) evasion (local), (4) revision, (5) turn-taking, and (6) topic-shift (global). The negation use is oriented toward the meaning that is explicitly stated or implicitly suggested in the first-pair-part. The mitigation use is either oriented toward the credit in the speech or the speaker’s expectation for a significant response, which is implied in the prior turn, or oriented toward the force of the upcoming speech. The evasion use is oriented toward the question in the prior turn, and suggests the speaker’s inability of offering an appropriate response. The revision function is for the speaker’s self-correction or rephrase of other interlocutors’ talk. The turn-taking function is for turn management, and the topic-shift function is for the departure of the upcoming speech from the prior talk. These six functions are further reduced into five sub-types, with the evasion function re-categorized as a type of revision. These five functions suggest that meiyou has gone beyond being a constituent negator and manifests various discourse uses in which negation is implicit and subjective, which are accounted for by Traugott’s framework.

    Table of Contents Chinese abtract............................................i English abstract..........................................ii Acknowledgements.........................................iii List of Abbreviations......................................v Transcription Notations...................................vi List of Tables............................................ix List of Figures............................................x Chapter One: Introduction 1.1 Motivation and aims....................................1 1.2 Methodology............................................3 1.2.1 Data collection......................................3 1.2.2 Transcription conventions............................3 1.3 Organization of this thesis............................4 Chapter Two: Literature Review 2.0 Introduction...............................................6 2.1 Relevant studies in negation/negatives.................6 2.1.1 Studies of negation in Mandarin Chinese..............7 2.1.2 Studies of negation in other languages..............11 2.1.3 Interim summary.....................................14 2.2 Related studies in discourse markers..................15 2.2.1 Schiffrin (1987)....................................15 2.2.2 Fraser (1990).......................................19 2.2.3 Schourup (1999).....................................21 2.2.4 Traugott (1995b)....................................23 2.2.5 Interim summary.....................................24 2.3 Related studies of the discourse functions of negatives.................................................25 2.3.1 Chang (1997)........................................26 2.3.2 Cheshire (1999).....................................27 2.3.3 Interim summary.....................................29 2.4 Theoretical framework.................................30 2.4.1 Metaphorical mapping process and semantic change....................................................32 2.4.2 Metonymy in semantic change.........................33 2.4.3 Traugott’s (1988, 1989) framework..................34 2.4.4 Subjectivity and subjectification...................36 2.4.5 Unidirectionality...................................38 2.4.6 Interim summary.....................................39 2.5 The influence of Taiwanese on Taiwan Mandarin.........40 2.6 Studies of the lexical meaning of meiyou..............40 2.7 Summary...............................................44 Chapter Three: Discourse Function of Meiyou 3.0 Introduction..........................................46 3.1 Meiyou at the local level of talk.....................46 3.1.1 Negation marking....................................48 3.1.2 Mitigation marking..................................52 3.1.3 Evasion marking.....................................65 3.1.4 Interim summary.....................................71 3.2 Meiyou at the global level of talk....................72 3.2.1 Revision marking....................................73 3.2.2 Turn-taking marking.................................84 3.2.3 Topic-shift marking.................................90 3.2.4 Interim summary....................................108 3.3 General discussion...................................110 3.3.1 The comparison among the discourse functions of meiyou...................................................110 The functions of meiyiou at the local level of talk.....................................................110 The functions of meiyou at the global level of talk.....................................................114 The comparison between the local and the global uses of meiyou....................................116 Distribution of the discourse functions of meiyou...................................................118 Interim summary..................................120 3.3.2 The functions of meiyou accounted for in terms of Traugott's framework.....................................120 3.4 Summary..............................................123 Chapter Four: Conclusion 4.1 General findings.....................................127 4.2 Implications of the study............................131 4.3 Suggestions for further research.....................132

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