簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 王瀛晧
Wang, Ying-hao
論文名稱: 從地名的演變看中部地區開發族群的互動
Ethnic Groups Interaction of Central Taiwan during Development Period: A Sociolinguistic Study of Place Names
指導教授: 曹逢甫
Tsao, Feng-Fu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 110
中文關鍵詞: 地名命名規則語言結構
英文關鍵詞: place names, naming patterns, linguistic structures
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:408下載:38
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  • 地名,是一群人在某一塊土地上生活過的痕跡,包含了歷史、地理以及語言三種要素。一如人名代表了命名者所附與被命名者的意義,地名也顯示了這塊土地對於當地居民的意義。然而在歷史、地理與語言的交互作用之下,如今呈現在我們眼前的地名泰半已無法從表面的字義瞭解當初命名的意義。以臺灣為例,歷經最早的原住民、海權時代西、荷兩國的佔領、明清以降漢人的移墾、馬關條約後日本的統治、到二次大戰後光復迄今,如此複雜的住民變化使得臺灣地名在解讀上有許多的困難。針對這個現象,有學者認為漢語地名的演化方式不外乎(a)漢字譯音而後簡化縮短;(b)譯意;(c)完全更換;(d)保留土著族統稱(洪敏麟,1980);另有學者提出地質學中化石的概念,認為可經由開發的時間先後,來推論地名所歷經的演變(陳正祥,1959)。大體而言,現有的地名研究多半是橫斷面的將地名加以分類,再就各個類別探索當中的演化。
     本研究採用化石層的概念,認為現今的地名是由各個開發的族群先後以各自的文化堆疊而成,而當中所採用的語言規則各有不同,提供的是一個縱剖面的角度。將每一個時期的住民視為一「層」,而每一「層」均有其不同的地名命名語言規則,按著時間軸的順序累加演變成為現今的地名。由於地名相對於人名有著
     本研究以中部地區為主要研究範圍,包含現在的台中、彰化、南投縣市以及部分苗栗與雲林地區。現今台灣的社會以閩南族群為多數,然而透過地名演變規則的回溯,我們發現除了閩南族群之外,原住民,尤其是南島平埔族,以及客家族群都曾在中部地區的開發上扮演重要的角色,並且有過密切的互動。近年來有不少地方開始重新使用當地的舊地名,例如台中縣清水的港區藝術中心有個「牛罵頭文化園區」,彰化中學畢業生的紀念書包上寫著「半線風情」,希望透過舊地名的還原,在台灣中部地區的開發史中留給這些族群一個位置,也讓不同的語言文化,豐富我們的視野。

    There are three components of place names: history, geography, and language. Place names have to be expressed through language, so language shall play an important role in studying place names. However, for lack of systematic research, most literatures on place names of Taiwan are still first-hand field work data.
    There were different ethnic groups inhabited in Taiwan in the past centuries, including aboriginal Austronesia people, the Spanish and the Dutch, Han Chinese, and the Japanese. Each one of them had their own naming patterns of place names according to their linguistic structures, and so as time went by, they kept accumulating just like fossilized layers. Like personal names, place names were given certain meanings in the first place. Nevertheless, place names, comparing with personal names, tend to be more descriptive and objective, lasting longer and are relatively stable (Li, 1998). As referents, place names reflect significantly the language and culture of the inhabitants, so different linguistic rules and practices of different ethnic groups can be seen in place names’ morphology and naming patterns.
    The present study then focuses on the place names of central Taiwan, expecting to construct a clearer and more complete view of development of central Taiwan through applying linguistic analysis to place names.
    In the study we find that actually the Pingpu and Hakka people did play important roles in the development of central Taiwan, although nowadays Hoklo people are the dominant group of central Taiwan. In fact they had quite close interactions with each other. Recently some areas of central Taiwan start to restore their old place names. Through these restorations, we hope that these ethnic groups can be remembered in the development history, and our horizons can be broadened by their languages and cultures.

    Table of Contents Chapter I: Motivation __________________________________________________1 Chapter II: Literature Reviews ___________________________________________4 Chapter III: Methodology ______________________________________________13 Chapter IV: Findings and Discussions ____________________________________ 17 1. Ethnic Groups Involved in the Development of Central Taiwan ___________ 17 1.1 Austronesia People ___________________________________________ 17 1.1.1 Pazah ________________________________________________18 1.1.2 Babuza _______________________________________________24 1.1.3 Taokas _______________________________________________ 25 1.1.4 Papora _______________________________________________ 28 1.1.5 Hoanya _______________________________________________29 1.1.6 Atayal ________________________________________________32 1.2 Foreigners ___________________________________________________33 1.3 Han People __________________________________________________ 34 2. The Development of Central Taiwan _________________________________ 38 2.1 Progress of Development _______________________________________ 38 2.1.1 Dutch Occupation ______________________________________ 38 2.1.2 Ming Zheng ___________________________________________ 39 2.1.3 Ching Dynasty _________________________________________ 40 2.1.4 Japanese Colonization ___________________________________ 44 2.1.5 Republic of China ______________________________________ 46 2.2 The Ways of Development _______________________________________ 47 2.2.1 Cultivation ______________________________________________47 Organization ________________________________________48 Defense and Steles ___________________________________50 Measurement of Area and Tax Collecting Bureau ___________52 Irrigation __________________________________________ 53 Implements and Storehouse ____________________________56 Workshop ____________________________________________57 2.2.2 Trade __________________________________________________ 58 3. Ethnic Groups Interactions __________________________________________ 61 3.1 Dutch vs. Austronesian Plain Groups ______________________________ 61 3.2 Han People vs. Austronesian Plain Groups __________________________ 62 3.3 Han People vs. Atayal __________________________________________ 65 3.4 Among Han Ethnic Groups ______________________________________ 66 3.5 Han People vs. Japanese ________________________________________ 71 3.6 Japanese vs. Austronesian People _________________________________ 73 4. Language Ecology from the Perspective of Place Names ___________________74 4.1 Linguistic Structures and Naming Patterns __________________________ 74 4.1.1 The Dutch _______________________________________________74 4.1.2 Austronesian ____________________________________________ 75 4.1.3 Han Chinese _____________________________________________77 4.1.4 Japanese ________________________________________________87 4.2 Transliteration Problems of Place Names ___________________________ 88 4.3 Official Changes on Place Names _________________________________ 94 4.3.1 Ching Dynasty ___________________________________________94 4.3.2 Japanese Colonization _____________________________________ 96 4.3.3 Republic of China ________________________________________ 98 Chapter V: Conclusions and Suggestions ___________________________________ 100 Chapter VI: Limitations and Further Research Suggestions _____________________ 102 References ___________________________________________________________ 103 Appendixes ___________________________________________________________110 Tables Table I Hometown of Taiwan Immigrants __________________________________35 Table II Administrative System of Taiwan during the Ching Dynasty _____________41 Table III The Trend of Armed Fighting in Taiwan during the Ching Dynasty (space) _68 Table IV The Trend of Armed Fighting in Taiwan during the Ching Dynasty (type) _ 70 Maps Map 1 The Administrative Map of Taiwan ___________________________________14 Map 2 The Old Map of Central Taiwan during the Ching Dynasty _________________15 Map 3 The Old Map of Central Taiwan during the Ching Dynasty (Pazah) __________19 Map 4 The Old Map of Central Taiwan during the Ching Dynasty (Babuza) _________25 Map 5 The Old Map of Central Taiwan during the Ching Dynasty (Taokas) _________ 26 Map 6 The Old Map of Central Taiwan during the Ching Dynasty (Papora) _________ 29 Map 7 The Old Map of Central Taiwan during the Ching Dynasty (Hoanya) ________ 31 Map 8 The Bao Map of Central Taiwan in Ching Dynasty (清代台灣堡圖, Da-ya) ___ 89

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