研究生: |
賴敏慧 |
論文名稱: |
國中童軍利社會行為之研究 |
指導教授: | 沈六 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
公民教育與活動領導學系 Department of Civic Education and Leadership |
論文出版年: | 2003 |
畢業學年度: | 91 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 258 |
中文關鍵詞: | 童軍 、利社會行為 、合群 、關懷 、幫助 |
英文關鍵詞: | Scout, Prosocial behavior, Sociable, Concern, Helpness |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:496 下載:37 |
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the prosocial behavior of Scouts in junior high schools; to analyse the differences of prosocial behavior between the Scouts and non-Scouts; to study variables of population difference, family influences on Scouts, and personal factors affecting the prosocial behavior of Scouts; to understand the joint predictable effect of sex differences, family influences and personal factors on the prosocial behavior of Scouts; to investigate the factors found in scouting activities which influence the prosocial behavior of Scouts; and finally, to analyse the suggestions and perspective of Scouts relating to the scouting activities held in junior high schools.
This study is carried out by means of surveys, but first of all, a review of the literature is presented to understand the meaning of prosocial behavior and its related theories. The surveys consist of two questionnaires: “The Questionnaire of Prosocial Behavior of Junior High School Students” and “The Questionnaire of the Prosocial Behavior of High School Scouts”. Both were given to 1822 Scouts and 2055 non-scouts, all in all, 3937 students, in 140 junior high schools in 22 counties and cities of Taiwan.
After the surveys were completed according to the original study plan, by checking out the study hypotheses one by one, the following results are presented as the conclusions of this study:
1. The prosocial behavior of both high school Scouts and non-Scouts are above average on the measuring scale, with these differences between the groups:
(1) The prosocial behavior of Scouts is above average.
(2) The prosocial behavior of non-Scouts is above average.
(3) The prosocial behavior of Scouts is better than that of non-Scouts.
2. There is a difference between the prosocial behavior variables of population.
(1) The prosocial behavior of girl Scouts is better than that of boy Scouts.
(2) The helping behavior of Scouts in northern Taiwan is better than that of Scouts from the central area of Taiwan.
3. There is a difference in prosocial behavior of Scouts according to the different influencing factors in the family.
(1) There is no significant difference in the prosocial behavior of Scouts considered in the order of birth.
(2) There is no significant difference in the prosocial behavior of Scouts according to the religious belief of their families.
(3) The prosocial behavior of Scouts from families of the middle and higher economic level is better than that of Scouts from families of the lower middle and below economic level.
(4) There is no significant difference in the prosocial behavior of Scouts judged by the size of the family.
4. There is a difference in the prosocial behavior of Scouts according to the influence of their personal factors.
(1) The prosocial behavior of Scouts who have had experiences as junior Scouts is better than that of Scouts who did not have such experience.
(2) Those who more actively participate in scouting activities also show better performance in prosocial behavior.
5. The difference in sex, the family’s economic situation, one’s previous experience in scouting and attitude in joining the Scouts jointly give a significant power of predicting the prosocial behavior of Scouts.
6. The following factors influence the prosocial behavior of the Scouts:
(1) Scouting activities do increase the prosocial behavior of the Scouts.
(2) The promises, disciplines and slogans are paradigms for the helping behavior of the Scouts.
(3) Modeling (of activities) by the Scoutmasters are a good example to the Scouts of prosocial behavior.
(4) The “conscience” of the super ego is the inner motivating drive for the prosocial behavior of the Scouts.
(5) The contents and the methods of instruction can elevate the prosocial behavior of the Scouts.
(6) The atmosphere of the scouting activities may stimulate the prosocial behavior and the good will of the Scouts.
7. The Scouts in junior high school have supported and affirmed the value of scouting activities.
According to the conclusions drawn from this study, I would like to offer my suggestions to the following:
1. To educational policy makers:
(1) Pay more attention to promoting the prosocial behavior of the Scouts.
(2) Encourage the establishing of scouting organizations in all school levels, but especially in the elementary schools, and the giving of the necessary financial assistance.
(3) Make up development policies and accounting activities for the whole country in order to give equal opportunities to various areas.
(4) Set up higher standards for the recruiting of scoutmasters and other personnel as well. An interest in scouting and a willingness to serve should be considered top priorities for recruitment.
2. To school authorities:
(1) Encourage all students to actively participate in scouting activities.
(2) Assign the Scouts to serve on all occasions of school celebrations and activities.
(3) Strengthen the regular operations of the scouting corps and respect the expertise and the endeavors of the scoutmasters.
(4) Make good use of the enthusiasm, experience, wisdom and good modeling of the retired scoutmaster in his volunteer work.
(5) Aptitude and personality should be the top priorities for the recruitment of scoutmasters.
(6) In order to help the youth in the community, the school should seek opportunities to cooperate in community activities.
3. To the Scoutmasters:
(1) Become familiar with the communities in your area, in order to find more resources and opportunities for the service of the school Scouts. In this way, they may get more exercise in their love for their community, their hometown and their country as well.
(2) Hold more activities where the Scouts can exercise their prosocial behavior.
(3) Make good use of available teaching material in the multiple teaching methods for the better development of the Scouts’ healthy mind and sense of responsibility. In this way, you may help to promote the prosocial behavior of the Scouts.
(4) Making good use of modeling among the group leaders and Scouts themselves makes for better learning.
(5) Create a warm and harmonious atmosphere to promote a spirit of cooperation.
(6) Promote the ideal of equity and equality between the sexes in the exercise of their leadership and instructions, so as to avoid sex bias.
(7) Give those Scouts who come from economically disadvantaged families more opportunities to serve in order to promote prosocial behavior.
4. To the parents:
(1) Encourage your children to join scouting activities.
(2) Be generous in helping with the scouting equipment at the school and for individual needy Scouts.
(3) Actively participate in Scouting activities of the children and be volunteers.
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李茂興、余伯泉(譯)(民84)。E. Aronson, T. D. Wilson & R. M. Akert著。社會心理學。台北:楊智。
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曾華源、劉曉春(譯)(民89)。R. A. Baron & D. Byrne著。社會心理學。台北:洪葉。
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