研究生: |
王詩棋 Wang, Shih-Chi |
論文名稱: |
探討問題導向學習對於管理學院學生學習經驗之影響 — 以《新創事業評估分析》為例 Impact of Problem-based Learning on Student Learning Experience in Management Education: A Case Study of ” New Venture Evaluation and Analysis” |
指導教授: |
Shih, Jen-Ying |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
全球經營與策略研究所 Graduate Institute of Global Business and Strategy |
論文出版年: | 2020 |
畢業學年度: | 108 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 88 |
中文關鍵詞: | 問題導向教學方法 、新創事業評估課程 、個人深度訪談 |
英文關鍵詞: | PBL, New Business Evaluation Course, In-Depth Interview |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202001376 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:306 下載:0 |
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查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報 |
從一出生我們每天都在面對新的知識、新的科技、新的世界,在這知識經濟的時代裡,「學習」是我們從小到大都在進行的事情。過去我們在學校接受的教育,往往都是老師透過傳統講述式的教學方法傳遞知識,讓我們學會什麼,而忽視了我們思考的環節,在接受知識的過程中少了反思與釐清,多半是囫圇吞棗的吸收知識;考試時,透過海量題目的訓練,讓我們看到題目就知道該怎麼進行下一步,並反射寫出答案。但這樣的學習方式,在進入職場後,面對各式各樣的問題時,常讓我們 措手不及,因為過去的我們,接受了將近 20 年的填鴨式教育,只教會我們學術理 論知識,而忽略了思考與應用知識理論去解決問題的能力。
教育的目的在於培養學生解決問題的能力,而 PBL(Problem-Based Learning) 問題導向教學有別於傳統講述式的教學方法,以問題引導促使學生思考,學習者自己尋找解答並透過團體討論解決問題,訓練學習者思考與主動學習之能力,有助於未來職場面對問題時能夠迎刃而解。
本研究以國立臺灣師範大學管理學院修習《管理專題研討》課程的碩士畢業生與在校學生為研究對象,探究 PBL 施行於「新創事業評估課程」老師的教學狀況與學生的學習反應,透過個人深度訪談方式,瞭解學生對於 PBL 的看法。而本研究發現到學生對於 PBL 教學方法的接受度是高的,在知識的學習、培養人格和做事能力上,以及對於學涯與未來職涯的影響,受訪者給予的回饋都是正向的。但本研究僅以兩屆學生為研究對象,蒐集到的資料可能較為局限。未來在同樣的教學架構下,可對於不同年齡層、族群、學科背景的學生進行追蹤研究。
We have been facing new knowledge, new technology, and new world every day since we were born. In this era of knowledge economy, "learning" is what we have been doing since childhood. In the past, the education we received in schools was often based on teachers. They passed knowledge through traditional teaching methods, letting us know what to learn, and neglecting our thinking links. In the process of receiving knowledge, there was less reflection and clarification, and most of the knowledge was swallowed without understanding. In the exam, through the training of large number of questions, we can see the question and know how to proceed, and write the answer in reflection. But this kind of learning method often caught us off guard when faced with various problems after entering the workplace. Because in the past, we received nearly 20 years of cramming education, which only taught us academic theoretical knowledge and ignored the ability of thinking and applying knowledge theory to solve problems.
The purpose of education is to train the students' ability to solve the problems. PBL (Problem-Based Learning) is different from traditional teaching methods. It uses problem-based guidance to encourage students to think, learners find answers themselves and solve problems through group discussions. Training learners to think and learn actively will help them solve problems in the future.
The research used graduates and students of the National Taiwan Normal University School of Management who have taken the "Seminar in Management" as the research object. It explores the teaching status of teachers and students' learning responses of the PBL implemented in the "New Business Evaluation Course". In-depth interviews to understand students' views on PBL, including knowledge learning, ability to cultivate, influence on academic and career, and preference for PBL. This study found that students' acceptance of PBL teaching methods is high. The feedback given by respondents is positive in terms of knowledge learning, personality cultivation and ability to do things, as well as the impact on academic and future careers. However, this study only took two- term students as the research object, and the data collected may be more limited. In the future, under the same teaching structure, students of different age groups, ethnic groups, and academic backgrounds can be tracked.
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