簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 林雨辰
Yu-chen Lin
論文名稱: 78轉唱片數位優化之探討 -以1926年日蓄唱片《陳三五娘大公》為例
Research on the Digital Optimization of 78-rpm Record : with examples from Taiwanese Opera “Dan San Guo Niu Dai Gong”
指導教授: 黃均人
Huang, Chun Zen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 民族音樂研究所
Graduate Institute of Ethnomusicology
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 105
中文關鍵詞: 蟲膠唱片數位典藏降噪技術傳承
英文關鍵詞: shellac records, digital archives, noise reduction technology, heritage
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:378下載:14
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  • 本篇論文主要以探討78轉唱片的數位化與降噪技術為主,《陳三五娘大公》(一)~(六) (以下簡稱《大公》)為研究範圍,並以《大公》(二)為研究對象。《大公》這批78轉唱片出版時間為1926年10月6日,由日蓄唱片公司發行的第一批在臺錄製歌子戲唱片。因唱片年代久遠加上保存不良等因素,使唱片嚴重耗損;為了重現當年音樂,筆者將藉由現代的科技技術將原始聲音再現。




    This research is about the digitizing and de-noising of 78-rpm record, and with the examples from Taiwanese Opera “Dan San Guo Niu Dai Gong”(1-6). As the first Taiwanese Opera records recorded in Taiwan, these shellac 78-rpm records were published on October 6, 1926, by the Japanese record company “Nipponophone”. Since these records were almost from one century ago and had not been well-preserved, they were in a severe condition. In order to reproduce and trace back the music recorded in that time, I am going to use the modern technology to revive the original sound.

    This article starts with the background of shellac record " Dan San Guo Niu Dai Gong ", and would be divided into 2 sections: The first section would be the historical background of 78-rpm records, the historical meaning of these records, and the discussion about how phonogram came into Taiwan. The second part would be the introduction of the record " Dan San Guo Niu Dai Gong ", based on an overview of the story and musical analysis of Dan San Guo Niu Dai Gong by transcription.

    The sound quality is damaged because these records are not in a good condition. Following the standard procedure of digital archiving in National Taiwan Normal University, which includes carrier cleaning, alignment of reply equipment, digital transfer, monitoring and de-noising with the software SoundBlade and Nuendo, it is able to digitize the shellac records successfully. With the software, the noise can be filtered down gradually and the original sound would be reproduced as much as possible. By the means of illustrations and explanations, this article enables the readers to know more about the process of optimization.

    The study is based on practical experience with standard procedure of digitizing and de-noising, in order to provide a guideline and to show the value and application of digital archiving for researchers in music, technology, and restoration.

    謝  詞 i 中文摘要 ii 英文摘要 iv 凡  例 vi 目  次 viii 圖  例 x 表  例 xii 譜  例 xii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究範圍與架構 5 第三節 研究方法 7   一、資料蒐集: 8   二、人物訪談: 9   三、參與式研究 10 第四節 名詞定義與解釋 11 第二章 《陳三五娘大公》78轉唱片的歷史定位 16 第一節 78轉唱片的歷史背景 16   一、聲音記錄的起源與發展 16   二、留聲機之傳入臺灣 20   三、第一張於臺灣錄製且出版《陳三五娘》的唱片 23 第二節 《陳三五娘大公》唱片 25   一、《陳三五娘》故事 27   二、大公的由來 30   三、演奏演唱者 37   四、唱片採譜與分析 38 第三章 數位化與降噪 45 第一節 數位化流程 45   一、原件清理 45   二、調整唱盤 51   三、類比數位轉換 56   四、成品監聽 58 第二節 降噪 60   一、電腦與軟體設定 60   二、觀察檔案 62   三、DeClicker 66   四、DeCrackle 71   五、帶通濾波器 74   六、Z-Noise 76   七、小結 81 第三節 結語 81 第四章 結論 84 附錄一、聲音記錄史重要年代表 87 附錄二、陳三五娘劇情 90 附錄三、頻譜示意圖 92 參考書目 100 

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