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研究生: 潘齡方
論文名稱: 高中職身心障礙學生之教師支持系統現況與需求研究
指導教授: 杞昭安
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 特殊教育學系
Department of Special Education
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 134
中文關鍵詞: 高中職教師身心障礙學生融合教育支持系統
英文關鍵詞: the senior high school and vocational high school teachers, students with disabilities, inclusive education, the support system
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:366下載:28
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  • 本研究旨在探討台灣地區高中職身心障礙學生之教師對支持系統之提供現況滿意程度、需求程度及兩者之間的差異情形。研究方法採問卷調查法,以自編之「高中職身心障礙學生之教師支持系統調查問卷」為研究工具,進而比較不同背景變項的高中職教師問卷結果之差異。

    The purpose of the study mainly researches the current satisfactory extent and requirement extent from the support system and the discrepancies in between from the teachers teaching students with disabilities in the senior high school and vocational high schools teachers. Its method of research adopts questionnaires and makes use the tools of self-edited “Support System Questionnaires for teachers teaching students with disabilities in the senior high schools and vocational high schools” so as to compare the discrepancies the results of the questionnaires from the senior high schools and vocational high schools teacher with different backgrounds varieties.
    There are 360 effective samples recollected in total. The rate of effective questionnaires is 77.92%. The information obtained is dealt with methods of statistics such as an average, standard deviation, t-test and one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), etc. The result of the study is as follow:
    (1) The overall list of the status satisfactory level and the status satisfactory level in each dimension to the support system from the senior high schools and vocational high schools teachers are close to “Satisfaction” level. According to the status satisfactory level of each dimension, their sequence is “The organization and operation from Special Education Development Division”, “The support services from the householders,” The support from the school administration”, “Support from teaching”, and “The support services from the professional and the providing of the professional knowledge and techniques”.
    (2) The requirement level of the support system from the senior high schools and vocational high schools teachers is “Demanding” on the whole or in the individual dimension. According to the requirement level of each dimension, the sequence is: “The support from teaching, “The support from school administration, “The support services from the professional and the providing from professional knowledge and techniques”, “The support services from the householders” and “The organization and operation from the Special Education Development Division”.
    (3) After analyzing the discrepancies between the status satisfactory level and requirement level of the support system, it is found that although the status satisfactory level trends to be close to satisfaction, on obvious discrepancies between the requirement level and the status satisfactory level obtained still exist, which indicates the requirements of the support system from the senior high schools and vocational high schools teachers are higher than the status of the current support system provided.
    Basing on the varieties of the teacher’s different backgrounds, those who work at the public schools, serve the post of a section chief, at the schools equipped with classes for disabilities, and the teachers in direct jurisdiction cities have higher satisfactory level to the current status of the support system. And those teachers who are special education teachers and work at the public schools, the vocational high schools, and schools equipped with classes for disabilities have higher requirements to the support system.
    According to the result of the study, the researchers have made their suggestions to be referred to the administration of education, the administration of a school and the future research.

    目 次 謝詞...................................................................... I 論文摘要................................................................ III 目次...................................................................... IX 圖次...................................................................... XI 表次...................................................................... XII 第一章 緒論......................................................... 1 第一節 研究緣起............................................... 1 第二節 研究目的............................................... 6 第三節 待答問題............................................... 7 第四節 名詞釋義............................................... 8 第二章 文獻探討.................................................. 11 第一節 融合教育中的支持系統........................... 11 第二節 教師的支持服務..................................... 32 第三章 研究方法.................................................. 39 第一節 研究架構............................................... 39 第二節 研究對象............................................... 40 第三節 研究工具............................................... 44 第四節 研究步驟............................................... 53 第五節 資料處理............................................... 55 第四章 結果與討論............................................... 57 第一節 高中職身心障礙學生之教師對支持系統現況滿意程度之分析與討論........................ 57 第二節 高中職身心障礙學生之教師對支持系統需求程度之分析與討論.............................. 63 第三節 高中職身心障礙學生之教師對支持系統現況滿意程度與需求程度之差異分析.......... 69 第四節 不同背景變項的高中職身心障礙學生之教師對支持系統現況滿意程度之分析與討論 73 第五節 不同背景變項的高中職身心障礙學生之教師對支持系統需求程度之分析與討論....... 89 第五章 結論與建議............................................... 105 第一節 結論...................................................... 105 第二節 建議...................................................... 109 參考書目................................................................ 113 附錄...................................................................... 125 附錄一 專家學者名單........................................ 125 附錄二 預試問卷............................................... 126 附錄三 正式問卷............................................... 131 圖 次 圖3-1 研究架構圖................................................ 39 圖3-2 研究流程圖................................................ 54 表 次 表2-1 特殊教育法與「支持服務」相關條文摘要.......... 14 表2-2 國內支持系統之相關研究彙整表.................... 26 表2-3 支持系統的層面........................................... 29 表2-4 普通班教師支持服務需求相關研究................. 35 表3-1 預試學校及樣本數........................................ 40 表3-2 正式施測校數和樣本數................................. 42 表3-3 正式施測問卷填答者背景變項之人數分配與百分比............................................................ 43 表3-4 高中職身心障礙學生之教師對支持系統現況滿意程度量表項目分析摘要表.......................... 47 表3-5 高中職身心障礙學生之教師對支持系統現況需求程度量表項目分析摘要表.......................... 48 表3-6 支持系統現況預試問卷信度之分析結果.......... 50 表3-7 支持系統需求預試問卷信度之分析結果.......... 51 表3-8 預試問卷與正式問卷題號之對照.................... 52 表4-1 高中職身心障礙學生之教師支持系統現況滿意程度各題平均數與標準差.............................. 58 表4-2 支持系統的現況滿意程度各向度之平均數與標準差............................................................ 61 表4-3 高中職身心障礙學生之教師支持系統需求程度各題平均數與標準差..................................... 63 表4-4 支持系統的需求程度各向度之平均數與標準差............................................................... 66 表4-5 高中職身心障礙學生之教師對支持系統現況滿意程度與需求程度差異t考驗分析摘要表........ 70 表4-6 不同性別的高中職身心障礙學生之教師對支持系統現況滿意程度之t考驗分析摘要表........... 74 表4-7 不同學校性質的高中職身心障礙學生之教師對支持系統現況滿意程度之t考驗分析摘要表.... 75 表4-8 不同任教部別的高中職身心障礙學生之教師對支持系統現況滿意程度之t考驗分析摘要表.... 76 表4-9 不同現任職務的高中職身心障礙學生之教師在現況滿意程度與各因素之ANOVA分析摘要表. 77 表4-10 不同學校是否設有身心障礙班級的高中職身心障礙學生之教師對支持系統現況滿意程度之t考驗分析摘要表..................................... 78 表4-11 不同特殊教育專業背景的高中職身心障礙學生之教師在現況滿意程度與各因素之ANOVA分析摘要表................................................ 79 表4-12 不同教導身心障礙學生經驗的高中職身心障礙學生之教師對支持現況滿意程度之t考驗分析摘要表.................................................... 81 表4-13 不同學校班級數的高中職身心障礙學生之教師在現況滿意程度與各因素之ANOVA分析摘要表........................................................... 82 表4-14 不同學校所在地的高中職身心障礙學生之教師在現況滿意程度與各因素之ANOVA分析摘要表........................................................... 84 表4-15 不同性別的高中職身心障礙學生之教師對支持系統需求程度之t考驗分析摘要表............. 90 表4-16 不同學校性質的高中職身心障礙學生之教師對支持系統需求程度之t考驗分析摘要表...... 91 表4-17 不同任教部別的高中職身心障礙學生之教師對支持系統需求程度之t考驗分析摘要表...... 92 表4-18 不同現任職務的教師在需求程度與各因素之ANOVA分析摘要表..................................... 93 表4-19 不同學校是否設有身心障礙班級的高中職身心障礙學生之教師對支持系統需求程度之t考驗分析摘要表............................................. 94 表4-20 不同特殊教育專業背景的高中職身心障礙學生之教師在需求程度與各因素之ANOVA分析摘要表….................................................... 95 表4-21 不同教導身心障礙學生經驗的高中職教師對支持系統需求程度之t考驗分析摘要表........ 97 表4-22 不同學校班級數的高中職身心障礙學生之教師在需求程度與各因素之ANOVA分析摘要表.............................................................. 97 表4-23 不同學校所在地的高中職身心障礙學生之教師在需求程度與各因素之ANOVA分析摘要表............................................................ 99

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