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研究生: 謝忠廷
Hsieh, Chung-Ting
論文名稱: 新冠肺炎疫情下臺北市運動產業現況之探究
The Study of Sport Industry in Taipei City during the COVID-19 Pandemic
指導教授: 陳美燕
Chen, Mei-Yen
口試委員: 董益吾
Tung, I-Wu
Chang-Hsu Chen
Chen, Mei-Yen
口試日期: 2022/06/11
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 運動休閒與餐旅管理研究所運動休閒與餐旅管理碩士在職專班
Graduate Institute of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management_Continuing Education Master's Program of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 43
中文關鍵詞: 疫情影響運動場館紓困振興
英文關鍵詞: Covid-19 impact, Sports facility, Relief and economic stimulus
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201356
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:409下載:39
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  • 新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 在2019 年底爆發,隔年逐漸擴散到全球大部分地區與國家。世界衛生組織於2020年3月正式宣布COVID-19進入全球大流行,至今疫情仍在蔓延中。新冠肺炎疫情影響大多產業甚鉅,體育運動也不例外。受疫情影響全球不只體育運動賽事停辦或延後舉辦,也連帶影響到整個運動產業。
    本研究問卷調查時間為2021年8月3日至2021年9月3日,目的在瞭解新冠肺炎疫情下臺北市運動產業的現況,透過臺北市體育局、臺北市體育用品同業公會、運動中心與場館群組,以滾雪球方式進行線上問卷調查。本研究共回收532份問卷,扣除無效問卷後,402份為有效問卷,完整回答之有效問卷為299份,並以IBM SPSS 23.0中文版進行資料處理與分析。

    The new crown pneumonia (COVID-19) broke out at the end of 2019 and gradually spread to most regions and countries in the world the following year. The World Health Organization officially declared COVID-19 a global pandemic in March 2020, and the outbreak is still spreading to this day. The new crown pneumonia epidemic has greatly affected most industries, and sports are no exception. Affected by the epidemic, not only sports events around the world have been suspended or postponed, but also the entire sports industry.
    Taiwan's Central Epidemic Epidemic Command Center announced on May 19 that it has raised the Taiwan-wide epidemic alert to level three. In order to comply with the policy against gathering in confined spaces, sports venues, fitness clubs and other venues are not allowed to open for business. Until the epidemic alert level was lowered to the second level on July 27, Taipei City, which is dominated by sports service industries, was deeply affected by the epidemic alert.
    The purpose of this research is to understand the current situation of the sports industry in Taipei City under the new crown pneumonia epidemic. Through the Taipei Sports Bureau, Taipei Sporting Goods Association, sports centers and stadium group, an online questionnaire survey was conducted in a snowball manner. A total of 532 questionnaires were collected in this study. After deducting invalid questionnaires, 402 were valid questionnaires, and 299 valid questionnaires were answered completely.
    Data processing and analysis were carried out with IBM SPSS 23.0 Chinese version.The research results show that most of the products produced by the sports industry in Taipei are sold locally; the sports venue facilities, sports apparel retail services, sporting goods, and equipment wholesale services are the top three in the sports industry in Taipei; more than 95% of enterprises are affected by the new crown. The impact of the pneumonia epidemic has led to a decline in turnover; the interviewed companies have applied for relief plans such as remuneration plans and loan interest subsidy plans to subsidize the affected employees.
    This research suggests that, in addition to the relief plan, after the lockdown is gradually lifted and the epidemic situation has not yet stabilized, a revitalization plan should be proposed based on the characteristics of different industries. Watching live events, engaging in sports in any qualified sports venues, etc., encourage everyone to move. In addition, the five-fold coupon for the revitalization of the sports industry is encouraged, and the public can use it to purchase equipment, equipment or sports goods.

    謝辭 i 中文摘要 iii 英文摘要 v 目次 vii 表次 ix 圖次 x 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 3 第三節 研究問題 3 第四節 名詞釋義 3 第貳章 文獻探討 5 第一節 運動產業之相關研究 5 第二節 新冠肺炎疫情對產業的影響 7 第三節 臺北市運動產業概況 9 第四節 臺北市運動產業紓困振興政策 10 第參章 研究方法 12 第一節 研究架構 15 第二節 研究流程 15 第三節 研究對象 16 第四節 研究工具 17 第肆章 結果與討論 18 第一節 新冠肺炎疫情下企業投入臺北市運動產業基本現況分析 18 第二節 2020年新冠肺炎疫情對企業營運影響差異分析 26 第三節 2020年政府機關推出紓困振興方案企業申請狀況情形 28 第四節 新冠肺炎疫情的影響外對企業影響營運環境分析 30 第伍章 結論與建議 32 第一節 結論 32 第二節 建議 33 參考文獻 34 附錄 37

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