研究生: |
闕宏軒 |
論文名稱: |
從形態與生理證據重新探究密紋波眼蝶複合群的分類問題 Revisit the taxonomic problems of Ypthima multistriata species complex based on morphological and physiological evidence |
指導教授: | 徐堉峰 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
生命科學系 Department of Life Science |
論文出版年: | 2003 |
畢業學年度: | 91 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 80 |
中文關鍵詞: | 密紋波眼蝶 、複合群 、形態測量 、發育 、系統分類 |
英文關鍵詞: | Ypthima multistriata species complex, adult morphology, physiology, systematics |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:485 下載:11 |
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綜合整個研究,所有資料結果均否證Uémura & Koiwaya將王氏波眼蝶處理為密紋波眼蝶之同物異名的看法。至於在分類處理上,我建議將密紋波眼蝶複合群區分為3個分類單元:密紋波眼蝶、白帶波眼蝶與江崎波眼蝶。而有關於江崎波眼蝶內部族群的分化程度,冀望未來能以分子觀點佐證以釐清其中的盲點。
Wing morphology and wing patterns of some satyrine and nymphaline butterflies are often inconstant and largely effected by environmental factors. Therefore, the classification based on these two traits can be very misleading. In the present study, I selected the Ypthima multistriata species-complex, which reaches its highest species diversity in Taiwan, to address three questions: (1) if variations of wing morphology correspond with some environmental factors; (2) what are the systematic positions of the Ypthima samples from Bei-heng and Nan-ya? and (3) what are the possible phylogenetic patterns of this species-complex in Taiwan? I applied morphological, physiological and ecological methods to investigate these questions based on all the members of the complex in Taiwan. The results of day-degree and morphological characters using ANOVA and principal-components analyses suggest that three internal groups, i.e. Y. multistriata, Y. akragas, and Y. esakii (including the “Bei-heng” form, “Nan-ya” form, Y. wangi and Y. esakii), can be defined within the complex. The analyses based on adult wing and genitalic morphometrics and habitat preferences further suggest that two subgroups, i.e. Y. esakii+Beiheng and Y. wangi+Nanya can be recognized within the Y. esakii group. This grouping is also corroborated by the analyses which estimate the correlations between the eyespot sizes and development temperature. The above results reject the hypothesis that Y. wangi is conspecific with Y. multistriata. However, the inter-relationships of the Y. esaki group can not be inferred based on the present results, and therefore the questions can only be answered using molecular techniques in future studies.
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