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研究生: 洪瓏真
Hong, Long-Jhen
論文名稱: 商務華語線上發音自主訓練及語音偏誤分析:以印度籍學習者為例
Business Chinese Online Self-instructed Pronunciation Training for Indian Learners: A Case Study of Pronunciation Error Analysis
指導教授: 曾金金
Tseng, Chin-Chin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 華語文教學系
Department of Chinese as a Second Language
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 166
中文關鍵詞: 二語語音習得印度學習者商務華語偏誤分析線上口說檢測平台
英文關鍵詞: Phonetics acquisition, Indian Learners, Business Chinese, Error Analysis, Online Speaking Training Platform
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202100017
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:351下載:32
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  • 在印度漸興的華文熱潮中,華語溝通與翻譯人才需求大增。印度一直以來保持與台灣的互動,且持續著重於商業。尤其是,台灣半導體的產業和印度的軟體產業,有不少經貿活動的往來。許多印度人開始選擇學習中文,以獲得更多的就業機會。因工作需求,學習商務中文的人數逐漸增加,相關教材的編輯開發也有空前的盛況。不過專業中文對於初級學習者來說,有一定的困難;加上課堂之外的時間,無法有教師糾正等情況。故本文希望透過線上自主學習平台,讓初級印度籍學習者學習口說商業華語,同時分析其語音偏誤和觀察其自主學習的能力和進步情形。

    There has been a rise in interest in learning Chinese in India, the demand for Chinese communication and translation skills has greatly increased. India has always maintained interaction with Taiwan and has continued to focus on business. In particular, the semiconductor industry in Taiwan and the software industry in India have a lot of economic and trade activities. Many Indians have begun to learn Chinese in order to obtain more employment opportunities. Due to work requirements, the number of people learning Business Chinese has gradually increased, and the editing of commercial textbooks has also been unprecedented. However, professional Chinese has certain difficulties for beginners; plus the time outside the classroom, teachers cannot correct their errors. Therefore, this article hopes that through the online self-correction platform, Indian beginners can learn spoken business Chinese, and analyze their phonetic errors and observe their self-correction ability and progress.
    This study analyzes the Indian learner’s errors about his consonants, vowels, and tones. We observe a learner who is an Indian and has business background. With the mobile learning digital tool—MyCT, the student is allowed to practice fixed text and observe how the student can improve after practicing for eight months. And compare whether this Indian learner has the errors of the previous research has done, has the common errors, or is it an unique errors.
    The analysis of the research results found that the first part of the questionnaire showed that 72 out of 94 people wanted to learn "pronunciation and tones", which is in line with the researcher's assumption that Indian learners want to enhance their ability with speaking as importance. The second part of the experimental training analysis showed that after eight months of practice, the learner's error rate went down. The trend of error rate presents a tortuous process, confirming the statement of "repetitiveness" in the interlanguage of Adjemian and Lu Jianji, and the U-shaped behavior theory proposed by Kellerman. At the same time, it is also found that the overall errors of this learner are not as many as the common errors shown in the past studies.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 一、印度華語師資結構和教學情況 2 二、小結 5 第二節 研究目的和問題 6 一、研究目的 6 二、研究問題 6 第三節 研究方法 7 一、研究對象 7 二、研究內容 7 三、研究架構與步驟 7 第四節 名詞解釋 8 第二章 文獻探討 15 第一節 語音之對比偏誤研究 15 一、華語、印地語及馬拉雅拉姆語對比之語音系統 15 二、印度學生之語音異同及偏誤難點 28 第二節 多媒體數位學習──華語語音教學 35 一、自主學習(Self-instructed learning) 35 二、印度華語文教育結合多媒體數位教學 36 三、多媒體數位教學之於華語語音教學 38 第三節 中介語理論和對比分析、偏誤分析 40 一、中介語理論 40 二、對比分析和偏誤分析 45 第三章 研究方法 49 第一節 研究對象與參與者 49 第二節 研究工具 52 第三節 研究流程 54 一、中文需求分析 54 二、研究材料 55 三、印度籍受試者華語之發音偏誤分析 59 四、華語、印地語之語音特徵對比分析 59 五、分析結果並評鑑 59 第四章 研究結果分析 61 第一節 中文需求分析結果 61 一、問卷填答者基本資料 61 二、關於中文學習狀況 66 三、需求分析結果之整理 71 第二節 實驗課程結果分析 77 一、實驗課程訓練各課分析 79 二、實驗課程訓練綜觀分析 118 第五章 結論討論與教學建議 131 第一節 發音難點結果討論 131 一、聲母發音偏誤類型 131 二、韻母發音偏誤類型 133 三、聲調偏誤類型 134 四、過去研究與本研究之偏誤現象比較和改善策略 136 第二節 未來研究建議方向 145 參考文獻 147 中文參考文獻 147 英文參考文獻150 附錄 155 附錄一 需求分析問卷(中英文) 155 附錄二 研究參與者知情同意書 161 附錄三 實驗課程第一課21 次偏誤紀錄 165 附錄四 實驗課程第二課21 次偏誤紀錄 166

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