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研究生: 鄭津妃
Cheng, Chin-Fei
論文名稱: 星途奇航~育有自閉症孩子之輕症自閉症者的父職實踐與自我調適
Stardom trek: The fathering practice and self-adjustment of the adults with mild autism who fathered a child with autism
指導教授: 張正芬
Chang, Cheng-Fen
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 特殊教育學系
Department of Special Education
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 164
中文關鍵詞: 輕症自閉症父職實踐自我調適
英文關鍵詞: mild autism, fathering practice, self-adjustment
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:295下載:57
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  • 本研究以詮釋現象學的方法揭開育有自閉症孩子之輕症自閉症者的父職實踐,以及當爸爸歷程中的自我調適。研究對象為王子與騎士,透過7-8次深度訪談以及各2次與其太太訪談,進行現象的還原。

    This study revealed the fathering practice and self-adjustment of the adults with mild autism who fathered a child with autism in method of phenomenological interpretation. It conducted phenomena reduction through 7-8 times in-depth interviews with the subjects of the Prince and Knight, and with their wives each twice.
    The results revealed: Prince was an alienated breadwinner in the army, so his fatherhood could not be called in. After leaving the army he was in "all-inclusive" care for child's life caregiver and discipline maker. He asked Min Jun through "harder it grows", "hit the iron into steel", "reading hardly lay the foundation" of faith with the high standards, training child as well as the military, so Min Jun generated the fear sequela to his father. Since the child’s the third grade Prince changed the upbringing right with his wife to be a spectator and facilitator. He was also trying to play a child's friends, buddies and white face, such as multiple roles. Prince didn’t lax requirements for achievement performance due to child’s diagnosis with autism and his fathering behaviors included: didactic annoying chatters, over man-style comfort, bonus incentive strategy, requires urgent and could not help but want to participate. He loved the child but couldn’t make sure about child’s feelings. Prince’s diagnosis of autism was no substantial impact for his fathering practice.
    Prince’s fatherhood preparation came from the social norms and values of upbringing, traditional education native families, and the training effect for many years in the army. He took original rearing into deep frustration. Under his epiphany and reflection for the fact of Min Jun’s diagnosis with autism and the leadership and demonstration of his wife, under strong effect two factors that his traditional method of high pressure gradually faded away. He also watched to learn parenting books and injected a lot of knowledge and ability about thinking from the point of view of the child's world. Only the weak capacity of the social interaction characteristics still significantly affected the quality of his fathering practices.
    Prince’s changing upbringing motives included: it was different with children and with forces, there was no end of the day with children, and the children’s growing could not be repeated. His fathering practice had a great leap forward that thinking could be transferred from the child's position. In order to love the child, Prince launched adaptation actions and the biggest change was the perception adjustment and elastic thinking. But his cognition could not lead the behavioral adjustment, from "know" to "confident" and then into actionable SOP process, it was still a very long way to Prince.
    Before Zheng Xiang 9-year-old Knight’s working focus was in China, he was also alienated breadwinner and not to mention the practice of fatherhood. To Zheng Xiang’s the fourth grade, Knight was recalled back Taiwan by his wife. He became a by-parenting and a child protector who set off to the school of communication, and also claimed to be autistic predecessors or master. He expected child to endure hardship, to find out a way out of his life, to do his own and other people's idol, and to hold up the house. Parenting behaviors included: situational simulation, real analysis, early experience; abuse education and error trial; his own experiences provided; by telling stories to imagine situations and to think aloud; occasionally talking from child's motivation; and different parenting styles taking depending on the characteristics. Knight used tough love parenting strength so Zheng Xiang respected and was scared to him.
    Original knight’s rearing inherited the original family treated style unconsciously. His wife asked him to get along with Zheng Xiang but did not support the view of his upbringing, it led him to a dilemma. His distressing with child the same kind of suffered to child triggered the power and urgency of fathering behavior, but the fanatical pursuit of photography made him unable to wholeheartedly practice of fatherhood only point to give. He felt the oppression and restriction of social norms on autism and that he taught Zheng Xiang to learn to survive within the boundaries of the society was the issue of his upbringing.
    Since the child into junior, Knight had reduced spanking but increased the preaching and added more simulation exercises to expect more appropriate behavior of child. He made efforts on a set of behaviors that could be barely tolerated within social norms but not yet be linked with adjusted cognition. His fathering was still evolving.
    Both fathers were willing to make a contribution on fatherhood but showed strong powerless and lacked knowledge and skills to assume fathering. They were not good at communication and coordination between husband and wife. The way they behaved was not recognized by wives and not conformed to the expectations of children. Even they had mastered social response and adjustment in the workplace but couldn’t transfer those to family, or even thought that family management was more difficult than work. Social skills were the biggest challenge and adjustment.

    第一章 緒論 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究焦點 5 第三節 名詞釋義 6 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 輕症自閉者特質在成長經歷的影響 9 第二節 輕症自閉症成人的父職實踐 23 第三節 輕症自閉者的我調適 34 第三章 研究方法 第一節 我(研究者)的定位與準備 41 第二節 研究參與者 44 第三節 研究場域的進入 52 第四節 研究方法 56 第五節 資料蒐集與處理 61 第六節 我對研究信賴度所做的努力 63 第四章 研究結果:王子 第一節 父職的醞釀期~王子的成長境遇與調適 65 第二節 王子的父職實踐 79 第三節 父職實踐的變化與調適 91 第五章 研究結果:騎士 第一節 父職醞釀期與父職前期 101 第二節 騎士的父職實踐 115 第三節 父職實踐的變化與調適 130 第六章 研究討論與建議 第一節 討論 137 第二節 結論與建議 143 參考文獻 148 附錄 159 表 次 表一 父職實踐的意涵 25 表二 父職實踐的決定因素 27 表三 敏俊的能力現況 48 表四 征翔的能力現況 51 表五 訪談大綱 59 表六 資料已蒐集的時間與次數 61 表七 王子的父職實踐分析 89 表八 騎士的父職實踐分析 129 圖 次 圖一 負責任父職影響因素之概念模型 28 圖二 研究架構 59 圖三 王子父職實踐的自我調適 99 圖四 騎士父職實踐的自我調適 136

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