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研究生: 張佑瑋
Chang, Yu-Wei
論文名稱: 硫辛酸影響小鼠腦微膠細胞株BV-2對寡聚態乙型類澱粉樣蛋白吞噬作用之研究
Effect of α-lipoic acid on phagocytosis of oligomeric beta-amyloid1-42 into BV-2 mouse microglia cells
指導教授: 沈賜川
Shen, Szu-Chuan
Wu, Swi-Bea
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人類發展與家庭學系
Department of Human Development and Family Studies
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 116
中文關鍵詞: 微膠細胞寡聚態類澱粉樣蛋白硫辛酸
英文關鍵詞: microglia, oAβ1-42, α-lipoic acid
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:163下載:0
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  • 本研究探討維生素B群、硫辛酸與牛磺酸等對小鼠腦微膠細胞株(microglia) BV-2吞噬及清除寡聚態類澱粉樣蛋白(oligomeric beta-amyloid, oAβ1-42)之影響,評估這些營養素是否能藉由降低過多的oAβ1-42堆積以延緩阿茲海默氏症之進展。
    實驗首先建立體外小鼠微膠細胞株BV-2攝入oAβ1-42之細胞模式。將Aβ1-42粉末溶於F12 medium中24小時進行聚集反應以製備oAβ1-42。穿透式電子顯微鏡(transmission electron microscopy, TEM)型態觀察顯示所製備的oAβ1-42為聚集型球狀構造;以分析型超高速離心機(analytical ultracentrifugation, AUC)進行沉降係數分析,結果顯示製備的oAβ1-42分子量大多介於100-300 kDa之間。在細胞實驗方面,MTT分析結果發現,在0.1 mM的樣品濃度下測試樣品thiamin、riboflavin、nicotinamide、pyridoxine、cobalamin、folic acid、taurine、α-lipoic acid (ALA)對BV-2細胞皆無明顯之毒性產生。接著,以此樣品濃度處理經1 μM螢光分子標定的oAβ1-42 (FAM-oAβ1-42) 共培養24小時之小鼠微膠細胞株BV-2以進行攝入試驗,結果發現,在所有樣品中以ALA對BV-2細胞具有最佳的促進攝入FAM-oAβ1-42之效果。進一步以real-time PCR對microglia細胞表面上與oAβ吞噬作用相關之接受器(receptor),包括scavenger receptor A1 (SR-A1)、scavenger receptor B1 (SR-B1)、CD36、receptor for advanced glycation end-products (RAGE)之基因表現進行分析。結果發現,與 oAβ1-42共同培養的BV-2細胞其CD36基因表現會隨著ALA處理濃度增加而升高,然而其他接受器則無;再則,以ALA處理未與oAβ1-42共同培養的BV-2細胞時也觀察到其CD36基因的表現有上升之情形。免疫細胞染色法(immunocytochemistry, ICC)結果顯示,無論是否與oAβ1-42共同培養,ALA的處理均會增加BV-2細胞CD36接受器之表現量,但添加CD36接受器阻斷劑(CD36抗體)則會顯著地減少ALA提升BV-2細胞對FAM-oAβ1-42之攝入能力。ICC分析結果亦發現,ALA處理會增加BV-2細胞中CD36的轉錄因子PPAR-γ (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ)之轉位作用(translocation)。Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)分析發現,ALA處理會增加BV-2細胞對15-deoxy-△12,14- prostaglandin J2的產生。Real-time PCR以及western blotting分析結果發現,經ALA處理的BV-2細胞其COX-2基因與蛋白質之表現均有明顯增加之趨勢。根據上述結果,我們推測ALA可能是透過COX-2/15-deoxy-△12,14-prostaglandin J2/PPAR-γ/CD36路徑,提升BV-2細胞膜上CD36接受器之表現、增加其對oAβ1-42進行辨識,進而促進對oAβ1-42之吞噬作用。

    The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of vitamin B complex (including thiamin, riboflavin, nicotinamide, pyridoxine, cobalamin, folic acid), vitamin-like α-lipoic acid (ALA), and taurine on enhancing phagocytosis of oAβ1-42 in BV-2 mouse microglia cells.
    An in vitro model was established to investigate phagocytosis of oAβ1-42 in BV-2 mouse microglia cells. The image of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) indicated that the morphology of prepared oAβ1-42 was spherical particles. In addition, the data from analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC) showed that Aβ1-42 assembled by themselves to form oligomers with molecular size of 100-300 kDa principally. The MTT test revealed non-cytotoxicity of all tested compounds at concentration up to 100 μM on BV-2 cells. The BV-2 microglia cells were incubated with 1 μM 5(6)-carboxyfluorescein-labeled oAβ1-42 (FAM-oAβ1-42) for 24 h followed by flow cytometer analysis to assess the in vitro phagocytosis ability of oAβ1-42. The results showed that ALA exhibits the highest enhancing effect on phagocytosis of FAM-oAβ1-42 in BV-2 mouse microglia cells among all tested samples. Furthermore, the mRNA expressions of oAβ1-42 phagocytosis-related receptors of microglia were analyzed by real-time PCR for elucidating the phagocytosis mechanisms, and the results indicated that ALA significantly increases the mRNA expression of CD36 receptor in BV-2 cells. However, no significant difference was observed for other tested receptors, including scavenger receptor A1, scavenger receptor B1, and the receptor for advanced glycation end-products (RAGE). Interestingly, when treated with ALA alone, CD36 mRNA expression also increased in BV-2 cells even though without oAβ1-42 stimulation. The immunocytochemistry (ICC) analysis showed that ALA significantly elevated CD36 protein expression in BV-2 cells whether with or without oAβ1-42 treatment. Moreover, the results from flow cytometry analysis indicated CD36 receptor blocking antibody, the CD36 receptor inhibitor, significantly attenuated ALA-promoted phagocytosis of FAM-oAβ1-42 in BV-2 cells. The ICC analysis revealed that ALA caused translocation of PPAR-γ, which was known to regulate expression of CD36 mRNA, in BV-2 cells obviously. The real-time PCR and western blotting also revealed that ALA elevated both mRNA and protein expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), a key enzyme that involved in the synthesis process of 15-deoxy-△12,14- prostaglandin J2, in BV-2 mouse micrgolia cells. Conclusively, we postulated that ALA enhances oAβ1-42 phagocytosis via up-regulation of COX-2/15-deoxy-△12,14-prostaglandin J2/PPAR-γ/CD36 pathway in BV-2 cells.

    第一章 前言 1 第二章 文獻回顧 3 1.阿茲海默氏症 3 1.1阿茲海默氏症之病因 3 1.1.1類澱粉樣蛋白假說 3類澱粉樣蛋白產生之機制 3類澱粉樣蛋白清除之機制 5類澱粉樣蛋白造成神經元死亡之機制 6類澱粉樣蛋白的聚集與造成阿茲海默氏症之關鍵形態 15總結amyloid cascade hypothesis 15 1.1.2 Tau假說 19 1.1.3 膽鹼性假說 19 1.1.4 其他假說 20 1.2 與阿茲海默氏症相關之危險因子 24 1.3 阿茲海默氏症之診斷 25 1.4 阿茲海默氏症之治療 29 2. 微膠細胞 31 2.1 Microglia在AD進展中所扮演的角色 32 2.1.1 Microglia可清除腦部累積的Aβ 32 Microglia透過phagocytosis的過程攝入Aβ 32 Microglia釋放Aβ降解酵素分解腦部累積的Aβ 32 2.1.2 調控Microglia的功能與AD之進展 33 3. 實驗用樣品之介紹 35 3.1維生素B群 35 3.1.1 Thiamin 35 3.1.2 Riboflavin 36 3.1.3 Nicotinamide 36 3.1.4 Pyridoxine 36 3.1.5 Folic acid 37 3.1.6 Cobalamin 37 3.2 α-lipoic acid 38 3.3 Taurine 38 4. COX-2/15-deoxy-△12,14-prostaglandinJ2/PPAR-γ/CD36路徑介紹 40 第三章 研究動機與目的及實驗架構 45 第四章 實驗材料與方法 47 1.實驗材料來源 47 2.實驗溶液配製 50 2.1 細胞培養液(medium) 50 2.2 Phosphate-buffer saline (PBS) 50 2.3 MTT stock 50 2.4 oligomeric Aβ1-42和fibrillary Aβ1-42之製備 50 2.5 實驗樣品配置 51 2.6 Primer溶液之配製 51 3.實驗方法 52 3.1 細胞培養 52 3.2 細胞繼代 52 3.3 細胞凍管儲存 52 3.4 細胞凍管解凍 52 3.5 細胞處理 53 3.6 NO產生量之偵測 53 3.7 oligomeric Aβ1-42聚集型態之鑑定 53 3.8 MTT分析法 54 3.9 oAβ1-42攝入分析及定量 55 3.10 Real-time PCR 55 3.11 西方墨點法 58 3.12 免疫細胞染色法 59 3.13 15-deoxy-△12,14- prostaglandin J2 ELIZA 59 4.統計分析 60 第五章 結果 61 1. BV-2細胞型態觀察及其經LPS刺激後發炎因子分析 61 2. Oligomeric Aβ1-42聚集型態之鑑定 61 3. 維生素B群、α-lipoic acid、Taurine對小鼠微膠細胞株BV-2細胞毒性之探討 62 4. BV-2細胞攝取oAβ1-42模式之建立 63 5. 評估樣品調控BV-2細胞攝入oAβ1-42之能力 64 6. α-lipoic acid增加BV-2細胞攝入oAβ1-42 65 7. α-lipoic acid(ALA)可能透過增加CD36的表現而非SR-A1、SR-B1、RAGE來增加對oAβ1-42的攝取 65 8. α-lipoic acid (ALA)促使BV-2細胞之PPAR-γ轉位作用 66 9. α-lipoic acid (ALA)可能透過COX-2/15-deoxy-△12,14-PGJ2進而造成PPAR-γ轉位作用 67 第六章 討論 83 1. BV-2細胞型態及其性狀之鑑定 83 2. Oligomeric Aβ1-42聚集型態之鑑定 83 3.維生素B群、α-lipoic acid、Taurine在小鼠微膠細胞株BV-2中的測試濃度 84 4. BV-2細胞攝取oAβ1-42模式之建立 84 5.樣品調控BV-2細胞攝入oAβ1-42之能力評估 85 6. α-lipoic acid透過CD36增加BV-2細胞對oAβ1-42的吞噬作用 87 7. ALA增加CD36之表現可能是透過COX-2 / 15-deoxy-△12,14-PGJ2 / PPAR-γ而達到 89 8. ALA提升BV-2細胞攝入oAβ1-42之假說 90 第七章 結論 93 第八章 參考文獻 94

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