研究生: |
林世瑛 Lin Shih-Ying |
論文名稱: |
就業服務員及督導員對身心障礙者社區化就業服務意見之探討 Community-Based Employment Service:Viewpoints from Employment Specialists and Supervisors |
指導教授: |
Wang, Tian-Miao |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
特殊教育學系 Department of Special Education |
論文出版年: | 2000 |
畢業學年度: | 88 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 188 |
中文關鍵詞: | 身心障礙者 、社區化就業服務 、就業服務員 、就業服務督導員 |
英文關鍵詞: | person with disability, community-based employment service, employment specialist, employment supervisor |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:718 下載:104 |
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查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報 |
摘 要
(一) 在機構就業服務實施中,督導角色的發揮、工作人員對就業服務的認識、就業服務方式、機構在職訓練與主管的參與及支持等條件,似乎影響就服員的專業成長和工作士氣,甚至影響提供支持的時間與品質。
(二) 個案就業輔導實施的困難包括:1.個案能力低,需要持續支持;2.與家長和雇主的溝通不易;3.個案及家長的社會支持網絡薄弱;4.工作機會有限;5.機構間合作共識有待加強;6.資源整合不易,加重就服員需扮演的專業角色。
(三) 行政制度與執行方面的問題包括:1.就服員缺乏對相關法規與行政程序的了解;2.服務量的壓力;3.就服員的工作沒有保障;4.人員培訓缺乏整體規劃;5.專業協助未獲充分運用。
二、 受訪者提出改進身心障礙者社區化就業服務的意見包括:1.增加機構工作人員對社區化就業服務的認識;2.選任具備實務經驗的督導;3.建立專業支援網;4.結合資源,以強化個案及家長的社會支持網絡;5.透過宣導,喚起大眾對身心障礙者就業的重視;6.以學分制的方式提供進修管道;7.服務量的規定應具有彈性等。
The purposes of this study were to understand the practical and administrative difficulties of community-based employment services. The method of Interview was used while conducting this research. The informants of this study came from seven institutes, which provided community-based employment services for person with disability. Ten employment specialists (ES) and seven of their supervisors (ESS) were interviewed .
This results of this study were as followed:
1.The work morale and the improvement of professional capability for ES, as well as the quality of their service are influenced by (1) ESS' responsibility and ability to supervise their ES, (2)Staffs' understanding and support of the employment service, (3) The ways of the employment service, (3) The in-service training in the institution, and (4) The support from the administrators.
2. The difficulties to process employment service include: (1) The clients can not really reach the really independent situation, so they need continual supports; (2) It is difficult to communicate with parents and employers; (3) The social support web is not well-connected for the clients and their families; (4) The work opportunities are limited; (5) The cooperation and concession among the institutions need to be facilitated; (6) It is not easy to integrate resources so the ES' professional role has to be enhanced and expanded.
3. The difficulties to really develop the roles of administrative systems include: (1) The ES and ESS do not realize the administrative regulations and procedures; (2) ES' heavy work loading result in stress; (3) A good welfare system for the ES does not existed; (4) There is no certified professional education of ES and ESS; (5) ES do not appropriately look for the assistance from other professionals.
The suggestions to improve the community-based employment service are: (1) To enrich staff's understanding for the community-based employment service; (2) To employ ESS with practical experiences; (3) To establish a professional support web; (4)To integrate resources in order to well-connected clients and their families' social support web; (5) To advocate the importance for person with disability to work in our community; (6) To provide certified training courses with academic credits; (7) To have flexible case loading.
一、 中文部份
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