研究生: |
黃孝璋 Huang, Hsiao-Chang |
論文名稱: |
規律運動中遊戲化行為模式之研究 Examining a Model of Gamification Behavior in the Regular Exercise Context |
指導教授: |
Li, Ching |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
運動休閒與餐旅管理研究所 Graduate Institute of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management |
論文出版年: | 2018 |
畢業學年度: | 106 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 202 |
中文關鍵詞: | 遊戲設計元素 、Fogg行為模式 、自我決定論 、心因性需求 、人格特質 |
英文關鍵詞: | game design elements, Fogg’s behavior model, self-determination theory, psychogenic needs, personality traits |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/DIS.NTNU.GSLHM.004.2018.A05 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:508 下載:0 |
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遊戲化議題已從實際現象轉變為研究領域的顯學,但目前多數遊戲化研究並非建立於理論基礎,且缺乏以量化資料進行實際驗證,導致遊戲化應有的理論架構和內涵,仍有待系統性的說明。故本研究之目的在於依據文獻解析遊戲化之核心概念,釐清遊戲設計實際產生激勵或驅動個體改變行為的實際原因,結合Fogg行為理論、自我決定論和心因性需求等觀點,並以規律運動作為研究情境,透過問卷調查後採用偏最小平方法進行結構方程模式的分析,藉以建構出一個遊戲化行為模式,作為闡述和預測遊戲機制對於個體內在心理因素 (如需求、動機、能力和行為意圖等) 之激勵作用,同時以人格特質作為外在影響因素,進一步檢視個體特質之差異對整體模式的影響。研究結果顯示遊戲機制扮演觸媒角色,是激勵個體動機和能力的關鍵,遊戲化過程中遊戲機制經由滿足個體的需求藉以強化動機,進而提升其從事遊戲化的行為意圖,並且透過遊戲機制偏好能有效地預測行為意圖。此外,本模式中僅少數假設路徑受到人格特質的差異而影響其關聯性之強度,各組別的模式仍舊具有良好的穩定性和推論性。本研究以心理學觀點作為解釋遊戲化行為的理論支持,縮短遊戲化於理論和實務上差距,更提供了未來各領域進行遊戲化策略時,有效吸引個體參與的做法。
Variation in the use the term and concepts of gamification has drawn the attention of academics. However, lack of theoretical foundations and empirical researches were the common issues in gamification. The purpose of this study is to discuss the essential concepts of gamification by utilizing literature analysis; moreover, the study combined Fogg’s behavior model, self-determination theory and psychogenic needs to discuss how gamification affects individuals in regular exercise. After the research data were collected from the survey, partial least squares structural equation modeling was selected as the approach to examine the model of gamification behavior, and to analyses hypothesized relationships among preference of game mechanics, fulfilled needs, motivation, perceived ability and behavior intention. To realize how individuals’ personality traits influence their behavior, the study examined models of gamification behavior among different groups of personality by PLS multi-group analysis. As a consequence, empirical findings indicate that game mechanics are triggers to motivate individuals’ motivation and perceived ability. In the process of gamification, individuals’ motivation were supported by fulfilling needs, and then to enhance behavior intention of engaging in regular exercise. In addition, there were only two significant differences found in hypothesized relationships among three groups of personality. It reflected that this study not only illustrates a theoretical model to predict how gamification motivates individuals, but also provides directions for future academics research.
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