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研究生: 許淑玫
Hsu, Shu-Mei
論文名稱: 國民小學教師教學倫理守則建構之研究
The Study of Constructing the Code of Ethics of Teaching for Elementary School Teachers
指導教授: 黃政傑
Hwang, Jeng-Jye
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 392
中文關鍵詞: 倫理決定教學倫理教學倫理守則教學倫理議題
英文關鍵詞: ethical decision making, the ethics of teaching, the code of the ethics of teaching, the issue of the ethics of teaching
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:363下載:89
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  • 教學是一項道德的行動,教學倫理在教育實務現場中,架構了教學的核心,教師在師生互動過程中,有必要覺察到教學行為的倫理層面,並道德地從事教學。

    Teaching is an action of morality. The ethics of teaching is the core of the teaching frame in the scene of education practice. Teachers need to be aware of the ethical aspects of their behaviors while teaching and teach morally.
    During recent years, the conflicts between teachers and students became more frequent and the events of hurting students physically as well as psychologically also happened frequently. These phenomena revealed that teachers were lacking in the cognition and practice of the ethics of teaching. This study aimed at constructing a code for elementary school teachers to apply the ethics of teaching to practice, hoping it might help and provide guidance for them.
    Based on the aim, this study intended to reach five goals: first, to discuss the ethical issues and dilemmas with which elementary school teachers are confronted in the teaching scene; secondly, to understand the process of ethical decision making when teachers are confronted with ethical issues or dilemmas; thirdly, to construct an ethical code for teachers to follow while teaching; fourthly, to discuss the practical feasibility of the code from the practitioners’ viewpoints; fifthly, to offer conclusions and recommendations to practitioners, educational institutes or professional organizations for their reference. To achieve these five goals, this study collected data by means of the interview method, Delphi technique and focus group interview.
    According to the research outcome, this study came to the following conclusions:
    1.The issues of the ethics of teaching which teachers were commonly confronted with included improper punishment, equal treatment, privacy, grading, setting a good example, safe environment, knowledge instructing, honesty, benefit conflict, education neutrality, and the right of receiving instruction. Among these, the right of privacy was often being ignored.
    2.The probable factors of dilemmas of the ethics of teaching were derived from the significant third persons beyond the relationship of teachers and students, and the ambiguousness of teachers’ duty and service scope.
    3.The procedure of teachers’ ethical decision making contained two forms: one was intuitional decision making; the other was non-intuitional decision making which included problem confirmation, deciding and then acting, reflecting and evaluating, and action modifying.
    4.The nine principles teachers adopted while making ethical decision were fairness, patience, equal treatment, consequences of behaviors, the goodness of human nature, harmlessness, kindness, love, immediate prevention and caring.
    5.The major factors which influenced teachers’ ethical decision making were parents’ different way of nurturing, reproduction of the previous experience of being a young student, the inspirations from readings, the responses of students, the shock of how easily students mimic teachers’ behaviors, the supports and advice from colleagues, the pressure of being an inexperienced new teacher, the conceptions of parents, the teaching experiences, the impact from important events, empathy of being a parent, and the status of marriage.
    6.The construction process of the code of the ethics of teaching was, first, based on documents of ethical issues of teaching plus the practical exercises which formed the initial questionnaire of the code; then through the process of Delphi technique and focus group interview; finally, finishing the construction of the ethical code.
    7.The content of the ethical code in this study had three parts: preface, regulations and illustrations. There are fifteen regulations which had six dimensions including punishment and due process, equal treatment, relationship of teachers and students, respecting students’ privacy, students’ right of receiving instruction and the democratic process inside classrooms.
    8.Teachers had positive and active identification toward the code of the ethics of teaching. The following six functions of the code gave the reason: restricting and reminding, modifying teaching behaviors, judging the teaching, resolving the dilemmas of the ethics of teaching, discovering and correcting the unintentional mistakes, creating the relationship of caring between teachers and students.
    9.The viewpoints and opinions of teachers toward the application and practice of the ethical code included four categories: cognition reinforcement, practical exercising, professional community restriction and teacher education.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究問題與名詞釋義 6 第三節 研究方法與架構 8 第四節 研究範圍與限制 9 第二章 文獻探討 11 第一節 相關的倫理學理論 11 第二節 倫理決定 37 第三節 教學倫理的意涵與重要議題 52 第四節 教師專業倫理守則中的教學倫理 69 第五節 教師教學倫理的相關研究 94 第三章 研究設計與實施 109 第一節 研究者的背景與角色 109 第二節 研究步驟 110 第三節 研究歷程 112 第四節 資料處理 126 第五節 研究信度與效度 127 第六節 研究倫理 129 第四章 研究結果分析與討論 131 第一節 國小教師面臨的教學倫理議題與倫理困境 131 第二節 國小教師教學倫理決定 155 第三節 國小教師教學倫理守則建構過程及其內涵 185 第四節 國小教師教學倫理守則之可行性 260 第五章 結論與建議 283 第一節 結論 283 第二節 建議 288 第六章 研究省思 295 第一節 研究方法論的省思 295 第二節 研究內容的省思 298 第三節 研究者的自我省思 299 參考文獻 303 中文部份 303 英文部份 307 附錄 313 附錄一:中華民國教育人員信條 313 附錄二:全國教師自律公約 314 附錄三:台北市教師自律公約 315 附錄四:國立台灣大學教師倫理守則 316 附錄五:全美教育協會教師專業倫理守則 318 附錄六:美國北卡萊羅納州教師倫理守則 319 附錄七:美國明尼蘇達州教師倫理守則 320 附錄八:美國南達科他州教師專業倫理守則 321 附錄九:美國賓夕法尼亞州教師專業實踐與行為守則 322 附錄十:美國全國理科教師協會倫理守則 324 附錄十一:英國教師工會專業倫理守則 325 附錄十二:英國教師教學總會教師專業守則 327 附錄十三:英國維多利亞教學學會專業實務守則 328 附錄十四:加拿大英屬哥倫比亞省教師聯盟專業倫理守則 331 附錄十五:教師教學倫理議題第一階段訪談大綱 332 附錄十六:教師教學倫理議題第二階段訪談大綱 333 附錄十七:教師教學倫理決定訪談大綱 334 附錄十八:國民小學教師教學倫理守則第一次調查問卷 335 附錄十九:德懷術諮詢委員同意函 345 附錄二十:國民小學教師教學倫理守則第二次調查問卷 346 附錄二十一:國民小學教師教學倫理守則第三次調查問卷 363 附錄二十二:教師教學倫理工作坊案例討論資料 382 附錄二十三:初步的教師教學倫理守則 386 附錄二十四:教師教學倫理守則實踐檢核表 388 附錄二十五:教師教學倫理工作坊第二次課程討論議題 389 附錄二十六:研究者現場筆記格式 390 附錄二十七:同儕編碼記錄表 391 附錄二十八:教師應用「教學倫理守則實踐檢核表」記錄範例 392 表 次 表2-1:國內教師專業倫理守則中教學倫理部份之撰寫方式分析表 73 表2-2:國內教師專業倫理守則教學倫理層面相關原則與議題分析表 76 表2-3:國內教師專業倫理守則教學層面的倫理議題分佈次數統計表 80 表2-4:國外教師專業倫理守則中教學倫理之撰寫方式分析表 86 表2-5:國外專業倫理守則較被關注的教學倫理守則及其相關原則與議題 88 表2-6:國外專業倫理守則中其他有關的教學倫理守則及其相關原則與議題 91 表2-7:國內外教學倫理守則異同比較表 92 表2-8:與教師教學生活中倫理衝突與倫理抉擇有關之研究 105 表2-9:與教師專業倫理內涵建構及倫理守則探討有關之研究 106 表2-10:與教師專業倫理向度或教學倫理議題之了解有關的研究 106 表3-1:第一階段教學倫理議題訪談受訪者基本背景資料及訪談時間表 115 表3-2:第二階段教學倫理議題訪談受訪者基本背景資料及訪談時間表 116 表3-3:教師教學倫理決定受訪者基本背景資料及訪談時間表 117 表3-4:德懷術諮詢委員基本資料表 120 表3-5:德懷術三次問卷的實施進度 122 表3-6:校長座談與教師教學倫理工作坊場次時間表 124 表3-7:校長實務座談成員基本資料表 124 表3-8:南彰化教師教學倫理工作坊參與成員基本資料 124 表3-9:北彰化教師教學倫理工作坊參與成員基本資料 125 表4-1:教學倫理議題及相關倫理困境分析表 150 表4-2:受訪者倫理決定步驟綜合比較表 180 表4-3:受訪者倫理決定原則比較表 182 表4-4:影響受訪者倫理決定因素綜合比較表 184 表4-5:國民小學教師教學倫理守則第一次德懷術問卷調查結果統計 188 表4-6:第一次問卷修訂的守則 196 表4-7:國民小學教師教學倫理守則第二次德懷術問卷調查結果統計 204 表4-8:教師教學倫理守則第一次與第二次德懷術問卷調查結果比較表 210 表4-9:第二次問卷修訂的守則 214 表4-10:分析第二次問卷調查結果所刪除之守則 221 表4-11:國民小學教師教學倫理守則第三次德懷術問卷調查結果統計 224 表4-12:教師教學倫理守則第二次與第三次德懷術問卷調查結果比較表 228 表4-13:第三次問卷修訂的守則 232 表4-14:教師教學倫理守則三次德懷術問卷調查結果統計比較表 235 表4-15:初步教師教學倫理守則之修正與刪除意見彙整表 238 表4-16:正式守則所屬向度之變化 250 表4-17:正式教學倫理守則涉及之倫理議題及依據之倫理原則 253 表4-18:本研究教師教學倫理守則與全國教師自律公約架構異同分析表 258 圖 次 圖1-1:研究架構圖 9 圖2-1:倫理辨明模式 38 圖2-2:倫理導向之決策制定方法 49 圖2-3:倫理決定歷程四層次循環圖 50 圖2-4:以教師為核心的教學倫理架構所含括之對象關係圖 67 圖2-5:國內教育專業倫理守則中教學倫理之向度與議題 74 圖3-1:研究步驟圖 111 圖4-1:學生受教權、公平對待以及利益衝突三個議題交織關聯圖 149 圖4-2:甲老師教學倫理議題衍生及倫理決定步驟圖 156 圖4-3:乙主任倫理決定步驟圖 163 圖4-4:丙主任倫理決定步驟圖 171 圖4-5:丁老師倫理決定步驟圖 176 圖4-6:守則之間相互包含示意圖 243 圖4-7:本研究建構教師教學倫理守則之研究過程圖 261 圖4-8:教師對應用與實踐教學倫理守則之看法圖示 281

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