研究生: |
康雅惠 Ya-Hwei Kang |
論文名稱: |
在網路拍賣情境中語言來源國對消費者購買意願之影響-以產品種類、涉入與零售商商譽線索為干擾變數 The Impacts of Country-of-Language from Country-of-Origin Effect on Consumers’ Purchase Intention in Internet Auction - Product Categories, Involvement and Cue for Retailer Reputation as Moderator |
指導教授: |
Wu, I-Huei |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
全球經營與策略研究所 Graduate Institute of Global Business and Strategy |
論文出版年: | 2012 |
畢業學年度: | 100 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 174 |
中文關鍵詞: | 網路拍賣 、來源國效應 、語言來源國效應 、零售商商譽線索 |
英文關鍵詞: | online auction, country-of-origin effect, country-of-language effect, cue for retail reputation |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:314 下載:0 |
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本研究先對受測者進行質性訪談,初步了解其心理,再採取多因子實驗設計法,操控之自變項是語言來源國(日本/韓國/中國) ,依變項是購買意願,並探討產品種類(高科技/高觸動/一般性)、涉入程度(高/低)和商譽線索(高/低)是否會對語言來源國效應產生影響。
Nowadays, online auction has become the new popular aspect of e-commerce. A growing number of retailers have sold products or services through online auction markets, and online auction has been widely discussed by scholars. Subjects of research include the bidding system of eBay and YAHOO!Auction, transaction security, and consumer purchase intention, etc. While from a consumer’s point of view, online auction indeed breaks the physical geographic barrier and makes shopping more convenient, the lack of opportunity to actually see and touch products in advance, however, evokes higher perceived risk and reduces their intention of purchase. Therefore, this study is trying to find the best marketing strategy(s) for online retailers to promote business.
Previous studies show that consumers tend to use external cues such as country-of-origin to infer the quality of products and make shopping decisions. In other words, consumers’ purchase intention is affected by their valuation of the origins of the products. This is called country-of-origin effect (COO). In this article, based on first hand observation of YAHOO!Auction and experiment results, we further concluded that a new external factor, country-of-language from country-of-origin, will affects consumers' online purchase intention as well. We call it the “country-of-language effect”, which occurs when online retailers use foreign languages to name their stores or describe goods. Languages act as a trigger for consumers to associate country image with products and then affect purchase intentions. The better country-of-language image, the higher purchase intention. And it is worth pointing out that if the country-of-language label and product quality does not match (such as Japanese label on products of poor quality), it can be easily discovered in brick and mortar retail store, but not in online shops. Since the impact of country-of-language from country-of-origin effect is more apparent in virtual channel, this study is focused on online auction.
In this study, we first interviewed consumers to learn about their thoughts in general and then designed experiments to explore the country-of-language effect in the context of online auction. Language is the independent variable serving as the country-of-origin cue. The dependent variable is purchase intention. The involvement (low vs. high), product categories (high touch, general, and high tech) and retailer reputation cues (low vs. high) are also discussed as possible moderating effects. The research findings and suggestions to the online auction retailers are:
(i) Country-of-language effect and country-of-origin effect do affect consumers’ online purchase intention. Consumers tend to associate a language with its origin, and country image indeed affects purchase intention. Our study discovers positive correlation between country-of-language effect and purchase intention, and Japan has the highest country-of-language effect, followed by Korea and China respectively. For online retailers, using languages of good country image to name shops or describe goods can enhance purchase intention.
(ii) Product involvement affects the country-of-language images from COO effect. The higher product involvement, the lower country-of-language images from COO effect. Thus, retailers should take product involvement into consideration when designing messages for their products.
(iii) Product category (high touch, general, and high tech) shows little/no effects on country-of-language images from COO effect.
(iv) For high touch products such as clothing, retailer reputation cues can offset the country-of-language images from COO effect. In other words, customers show higher purchase intention for goods with more retailer reputation cues yet poor COO images than for goods with less retailer reputation cues yet good COO images. However, retailer reputation cues show insignificant effects in high tech products, such as USB drives, and general products, such as cakes. Hence, when marketing high touch products, retailers should not rely too heavily on country-of-language effect. Instead, more retailer reputation cues can be used to increase consumer’s purchase intention.
In conclusion, our research proves that “country-of-language effect” does exist in online auction; COO theory can apply to the context of virtual channels. We wish our findings and suggestion can add to the study of online auction and country-of-origin effect, as well as helping online marketers making best strategies to improve overall business performance.
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