研究生: |
葉俞佐 Yu-Tso Yeh |
論文名稱: |
慢性精神障礙者社會支持與活動參與之相關研究 The study of the correlation between social support and activity participation for people with chronic mental illness in Taiwan |
指導教授: |
Wang, Hua-Pei |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
復健諮商研究所 Graduate Institute of Rehabilitation Counseling |
論文出版年: | 2012 |
畢業學年度: | 100 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 146 |
中文關鍵詞: | 慢性精神障礙者 、慢性精神障礙 、社會支持 、國際健康功能與身心障礙分類系統 、活動參與 |
英文關鍵詞: | People with Chronic Mental Illness, Chronic Mental Illness, Social Support, ICF, Activity Participation |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:533 下載:68 |
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世界衛生組織(WHO)賦予「健康」新意函主張衡量健康狀態應時考量應身體功能(Body function and structure)、活動(Activity)及參與(Participation)三大功能,「活動參與」成為重要且客觀之健康衡量指標。在許多實證研究發現藉由主動參與有意義的活動過程,可幫助個人滿足內在需求,增進獨立性和自我效能,因此「活動參與」不僅是ㄧ個健康衡量指標,還可協助患者改善病情,重新建構規律生活,增加社會適應的功用。
本研究採量化方式,選取300位年齡介於18~65 歲的生活於社區之慢性精神障礙者接受結構問卷調查,回收問卷286份,共238份有效樣本進行分析。根據抽樣問卷之統計分析結果,本研究共有六點發現:
五、「情緒性支持」、「評價性支持」、「訊息性支持」、「協助性支持」以及「整體支持」皆和「生活自理」、「與他人相處」、「社會參與」及「活動參與整體」 達負顯著相關,而與「認知」、 「四處走動」無顯著相關。
“Social support” is an important factor in the rehabilitation of people with chronic mental illness and in keeping them healthy. With social support, the extent of disabilities caused by illness is lowered. In addition, social support is known to provide the well-being in the recovery process, and increase patients’ ability to adapt to social life.
In their new definition of health, the World Health Organization (WHO) suggests that body function and structure, and activities and participation be considered in general health assessment of patients as well since “Activity Participation” has become an important and objective part of health assessment in other areas of medicine. This recommendation follows the many empirical studies which have proven that a person gets inner satisfaction and increased independency and self-ability by participating purposely and actively in some activity. Activity Participation, therefore, is not only a health assessment indicator but an important factor in helping patients improve their health status, re-structure their lives and increase their ability to adapt to the wider society.
The purpose of this study is to clarify the correlations between social support and activity participation for people with chronic mental illness. Our working hypothesis is that: the more social support a patient receives, the less difficulty he perceives in activity participation. We hope the findings of this study will be helpful references for rehabilitation, care-center clinicians and Patients' families.
The design of this study was as follows: 300 persons between the ages of 18 and 65, and previously diagnosed with chronic mental illness, were recruited from community rehabilitation centers in Taiwan and each person was provided with a structure-designed questionnaire. The data collected on the 238 questionnaires were then analyzed. The major findings of this study are summarized below:
1.People with chronic mental illness tend to receive more emotional and appraisal support, from rehabilitation agencies than from families.
2.The main difficulty for people with chronic mental illness in engaging in “Activity Participation” is the need to get along with others, deal with life activities and social participation.
3.There are significant variations based on ages, family backgrounds and the diagnos-tic status within people with chronic mental illness who are receiving social support.
4.There are significant differences in how medicinal side-effects affect activity par-ticipation of individuals with chronic mental illness. Patients with different clinical diagnosis status have significantly different perception of social support and re-sources.
5.Those dependent factors, such as self-care, getting along with others, social partici-pation, activities participation, have significant and negative correlation with the emotional support, the appraisal support, the assistant support, whole support. It means the higher score on the emotional support, the appraisal support, the assistant support, whole support, less difficulty on self-care, getting along with others, social participation, and activities participation.
6.Independent factors of family social support, emotional support from rehabilitation agencies can predict the effect of self-care.
7.Independent factors of relatives appraisal support can predict the effect of getting along with others.
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