研究生: |
陳宜翔 Chen, I-Hsiang |
論文名稱: |
彈翻床運動介入對於大專一般組競技體操選手前空翻表現及下肢力量之影響 The Effect of Trampoline Training on the Second Division of Collegiate Artistic Gymnastics Front somersault Performance and Lower limbs strength. |
指導教授: | 俞智贏 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
運動競技學系 Department of Athletic Performance |
論文出版年: | 2017 |
畢業學年度: | 105 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 65 |
中文關鍵詞: | 彈翻床 、團身前空翻 、下肢力量 |
英文關鍵詞: | Trampoline, Front somersault, Lower limbs strength |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202202579 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:250 下載:7 |
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背景:隨著競技體操技術的不斷創新,動作難度從1985年的D難度,發展到至今的I難度,空翻轉體也由1080度發展到1440度、空翻兩週發展到空翻三週。這些動作的發展都可顯示,目前競技體操在國際都偏向於實施更高難度的動作,已取得更高的起評分。而空翻動作的提升,相對所許需要的下肢能力也會越來越嚴苛。研究指出,彈翻床運動的介入,可提升下肢的垂直跳能力,對於下肢的爆發力也有提升的趨勢。目的:探討十二週彈翻床運動介入對於大專一般組競技體操選手原地團身前空翻、屈膝蹲踞跳 (SJ) 及直膝蹲踞跳 (CMJ) 之高度與下肢力量之影響。方法:15名大專一般組競技體操選手 (7男8女),經隨機配對後分成實驗組 (n=8, TGG) 及控制組 (n=7, CG)。實驗組除進行彈翻床運動,再加上競技體操訓練,而控制組僅進行競技體操訓練。所有受試者在訓練前後進行原地團身前空翻、SJ及CMJ之測驗。結果:十二週彈翻床運動介入後,實驗組分別在原地團身前空翻、SJ及CMJ之高度皆有顯著差異,而CMJ之下肢力量亦有顯著差異。而控制組及兩組 (實驗組與控制組) 訓練後比較之各項檢測數據皆未達顯著差異。兩組在各項檢測之進步率 (實驗組vs控制組):(一) 原地團身前空翻之高度 (25.3% vs 9.3%)、(二) 原地團身前空翻之下肢力量 (16.9% vs 6.7%)、(三) SJ之高度 (9.3% vs 5.6%)、(四) SJ之下肢力量 (11.2% vs 4.9%)、(五) CMJ之高度 (13.8% vs 2.7%)、(六) CMJ之下肢力量 (19.2% vs 1.5%),顯示了實驗組之所有檢測在訓練後進步幅度皆高於控制組。結論:十二週彈翻床運動介入,在高度 (原地團身前空翻、SJ、CMJ) 及下肢力量 (CMJ) 皆達顯著差異;控制組及組間皆無顯著差異;雖然兩組在進步率上皆有提升,但實驗組均高於控制組。總體來看,加入彈翻床運動之組別,會有較佳的訓練效益。
Background: With the continuous innovation of artistic gymnastics technology, the difficult value has developed of D value to I value from 1985 until now. The somersault stretch rotation developed from 1080 degree to 1440 degree. And the double somersault developed of triple somersault. The development of these somersaults have be showed, if gymnasts want to get the higher Difficult Score at present in International trends who must be having higher difficult value. The lower limb capacity required for higher level somersault is more difficult. Studies have indicates, trampoline training could improve vertical jump of lower limb, and also the power performance. Purpose: The study aimed to determine the effects of twelve weeks of trampoline training on the performance of front somersault and lower limbs strength and the height of Squat Jump (SJ) and Counter Movement Jump (CMJ). Methods: Fifteen the Second Division of Collegiate Artistic Gymnastics (7 men and 8 women) were average to assign to Trampoline training plus artistic Gymnastics Training Group (n=8, TGG) and artistic gymnastics Control Group (n=7, CG). Before and after training, subjects performed front somersault, SJ, CMJ. Results: After twelve weeks training, the height of front somersault, SJ and CMJ, and also lower limbs strength of CMJ were significantly improved in TGG. Height and lower limbs strength of all the detections were no significantly in CG. There are no significant variations in data retrieved from the two methods. The rate of progress between the two groups in the detections (TGG vs CG): (1) The height of front somersault (25.3% vs 9.3%), (2) Lower limbs strength of front somersault (16.9% vs 6.7%), (3) The height of SJ (9.3% vs 5.6%), (4) Lower limbs strength of SJ (11.2% vs 4.9%), (5) The height of CMJ (13.8% vs 2.7%), (6) Lower limbs strength of CMJ (19.2% vs 1.5%). Conclusion: In this research, the height of front somersault after twelve weeks training, SJ and CMJ, and also lower limbs strength of CMJ were significantly improved in TGG; There are no significant variations in data retrieved from the two methods and CG; Although the two groups were improved in the rate of progress, but TGG were higher than CG. Overall, the group which has trampoline training will have better training benefits.
Keywords: Trampoline, Front somersault, Lower limbs strength
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