研究生: |
陳建偉 |
論文名稱: |
高三學生液體界面現象迷思概念之研究 A Study of Misconceptions of Liquid Interface Phenomenon of the 12th Graders |
指導教授: | 李田英 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
科學教育研究所 Graduate Institute of Science Education |
論文出版年: | 2009 |
畢業學年度: | 97 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 120 |
中文關鍵詞: | 迷思概念 、液體界面現象 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:238 下載:11 |
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The study explored the misconceptions and the sources of liquid interface phenomenon of the 12th graders. Forty 12th graders from the Taoyuan County were selected. Researcher self-designed a 14 items open-questionnaire and interview were adopted. The questionnaire had been reviewed by eight experts. Research findings were as follows 1) misuse of concepts: for examples i) the confusions between surface tension and buoyant force; ii) unclear concepts between cohesive force and water pressure; iii) misunderstanding between atmospheric pressure and capillarity phenomenon; iv) unclear concepts between wetting and buoyant force; 2) missing linkage among concepts: for example, the unclear concept of “energy”; 3) misunderstanding of definitions: such as i) the surface tension existed only when the object was on water; i) for special fluid there would have surface tension no need placing any object on it; iii) fluid with a high density would be condensed into a ball-shaped beads; iv) a solid had no surface tension; 4) language caused misconceptions: for example, in Chinese the “cohesive force” will be decoded as the inward force; 5) intuitive thinking: such as some students believed that the higher the temperature, the greater the surface tension; 6) affected by daily experience, such as no acknowledgement on how mercury becoming water film, hence students believed that all of the mercury condensed into ball-shaped beads; 7) the influences from textbooks, a first contact with related concept will affecting the building of on-going concept. The study suggested that teacher should pay more attention toward the following: 1) emphasizing on science concepts’ differences and principles; 2) the phenomenon of liquid interface are always related to lots of energy concepts, teacher should clarify their relationships; 3) teacher should help students understand the Chinese scientific terms with the aid of charts; 4) textbook should explain concepts relationship clearly and completely.
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